Seventh Meeting of the
Board on Research Data and Information

National Research Council

Meeting of the Board on Research Data and Information

National Academy of Sciences Main Building, Room NAS 120

2101 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC

Preliminary Agenda

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Open Session

08:00 Continental breakfast in meeting room

08:45 A. Welcoming remarks by Board Co-chairs

- Fran Berman and Clifford Lynch

1. Introductions

2. Agenda review

09:00 B. Director’s report

- Paul Uhlir

1. Overview of recent and ongoing projects

2. Status of action items from last meeting

- General discussion

09:15 C. The Board’s ongoing and planned activities at the national level

Session Chair: Clifford Lynch

1. Digital Curation study

- Margaret Hedstrom


2. US Forum on CODATA-WDS Cooperation

- Bonnie Carroll

ACTION: Advise on next steps

9:40 D. International activities of the Board and US CODATA

Session Chair: Bonnie Carroll

1. Data Attribution and Citation Practices and Standards project (with CODATA-ICSTI Task Group)

- Bonnie Carroll

ACTION: For information (next steps discussed in August 30)

2. Workshop on Data Intensive Science, Shanghai, October 24-25

- Subhash Kuvelker and Paul Uhlir

ACTION: For information

3. Project on Commons and Semi-Commons RFAs for USAID

- Paul Uhlir

ACTION: Advise on project participants

4. Global Scientific Data Infrastructure

- Clifford Lynch

ACTION: Prepare for mini-symposium in the afternoon and for potential follow-on activities

10:20 Break

10:45 E. Discussion of external data and information policy initiatives

Session Chair: Clifford Lynch, CNI

1. DOE SciDAC Institute on Scalable Data Management, Analysis, and Visualization

Rob Ross, Argonne National Laboratory

- Discussion

2. CENDI Group, Lisa Weber, NARA

- Discussion

3. International data management and policy issues in Earth observations, Peter Colohan, Office of Science and Technology Policy

- Discussion

11:50 Lunch (in meeting room)

F.  Showcase of a BRDI member’s work

- “A Strategy for Dynamically Adaptive Weather Prediction: Cyberinfrastructure Reacting to the Atmosphere”, Kelvin Droegemeier, University of Oklahoma

12:50 G. Board Sponsor Roundtable “big data” research issues and other interests

Session Chair: Fran Berman, RPI

-  Opening presentation on the federal Big Data initiative, Suzy Iacono, NSF, and George Strawn, NITRD, co-chairs of the Big Data Senior Steering Group (invited)

14:30 Break

15:00 H. Symposium on Global Scientific Data Infrastructure (in the NAS Lecture Room)

Session Chairs: Clifford Lynch and Fran Berman [separate meeting description and agenda]

17:45 Adjourn and reception in Lecture Room alcove

Closed Session

19:00 I. Working Dinner—Primi Piatti Restaurant, 2013 I (eye) Street NW

- Discussion of results of the first day and preparation for the second day

Seventh Meeting of the
Board on Research Data and Information

National Research Council

Meeting of the Board on Research Data and Information
National Academy of Sciences Main Building, Room NAS 120

2101 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC

Preliminary Agenda

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Closed Session

8:00 Continental breakfast in meeting room

8:30 J. Introductory Comments by Board Chairs

-  Fran Berman and Clifford Lynch

8:50 K. Planning of Board Activities

Session Chair: Fran Berman, RPI

- General discussion of Board member proposals

10:10 Break

10:30 L. Planning of Board Activities (continued)

Session Chair: Fran Berman, RPI

- General discussion of each proposal

11:30 M. Discussion of Strategic and Tactical Focus of the Board (continued)

Session chair: Clifford Lynch, CNI

12:20 Lunch in meeting room

Open Session

13:15 N. Review of international CODATA activities and plans

Session Chair: U.S. National Delegate to CODATA, Bonnie Carroll

1. Report on CODATA activities and plans

- Bob Chen, CODATA Secretary General, and Sara Graves, CODATA Executive Committee

a. Revision of CODATA Strategic Plan

b. Plans for CODATA Conference and General Assembly (G.A.) in Taipei, October 2012

c. Nominations for CODATA Executive Committee and Officers

d. Proposed CODATA Constitution changes

e. Other action items from CODATA EC meeting in March

f. CODATA involvement in GEO Data Sharing Task Force/Working Group

g. Review of CODATA by ICSU

h. Other issues

ACTION: Discuss potential activities and agree on any actions for CODATA G.A.

14:45 2. Review of CODATA Task Groups

- Discussion led by Bonnie Carroll

ACTION: Provide guidance to U.S. National Delegate on which Task Groups to support

15:15 O. US CODATA bid to host 2014 international CODATA Conference and Data Summit

-  Discussion led by Bonnie Carroll


15:45 P. Wrap-up by Board Co-Chairs

1. Action items, schedule, and assignments

2. Co-chairs’ closing remarks

16:00 End of meeting