Columbus State Community College
Academic Rules and Policies Committee
Meeting Minutes
Thursday September 6, 2012
2:30-4:00 PM
CT 101
Committee MembersName / Division / Program
Ann Palazzo / Arts & Sciences / English
April Magoteaux, Co-chair / Career & Tech / Nursing
Gilberto Serrano / Arts & Sciences / Modern Languages
Jackie Miller / Career & Tech / Nursing
Jeff Gruber / Career & Tech / Aviation Maintenance
Jon Packer / Career & Tech / Justice & Safety
Julie Cronk / Arts & Sciences / Biological Sciences
Kristin Montgomery,Co-Chair / Arts & Sciences / Mathematics
Robyn Lyons Robinson / Arts & Sciences / English
Career & Tech
- Present: Jeff Gruber, Robyn Lyons Robinson, April Magoteaux, Jackie Miller, Kristin
Montgomery, and Jon Packer
- Minutes of Friday August 3, 2012 meeting approved
- Noted a committee member from Career & Tech is still needed
- Discussed new location of Committee Archives under “AAO Committees” on Blackboard
Community. Darrell has kindly moved our items. Kristin will ask Darrell about the
deletion of the old site.
- Repeating Courses Policy Discussion:
- Discussed David Metz’ response and all agreed to delete “dropped” since David indicated it is just slang for “withdraw”
- Kristin will take the revised policy to Co-chair meeting
- 2.0 GPA for graduation discussion:
- April was to bring draft for discussion, but after review of the policies, requested clarification from committee members.
- Policy 5.08 speaks to program of study and general education courses, but students could have other courses not in the plan that lowers the GPA.
- Additionally, it would be nice to have the same exact wording across the college documents on this.
- C&T members indicated less issue with this since these programs often have higher GPA requirements in place, but agreed with establishing a 2.0 as the minimum across the college.
- The College Curriculum Committee emailed April strongly in favor of establishing 2.0 for the college.
- Kristin will ask Darrell about this before we proceed.
- Possible future projects:
- One topic forwarded to us was “extra credit” in general, and “extra credit” for research participation. April wanted to inform the committee of her response on this: (1) Extra credit in general is a curriculum concern and faculty design the curriculum. As such, the Curriculum Committee should review this. We would be happy to process a change once developed. (2) Extra credit in relation to research should be strictly following the IRB approval. It was unclear if faculty were doing this outside of the IRB or not. The ARP committee agreed on the response.
- Next meeting: Thursday October 18, 2012 2:30. Room to be announced.
April Magoteaux, Co-chair