Committee Meeting of Alford Group of Drs Patient Participation Group

Fri 22th February at 1.30pm at Merton Lodge

Attending: Ian Atkinson, Paul Rawson, Chris Rawson, Bob Karley, Len Reeder, Alan Reeves, Sarah Harley, Dr Matthew Freeman.

Apologies:Alan Gurbutt, Pamela Maplethorpe, Sandra Scaman, Sally-Ann Bradley, Pat Mowbray, Maurice Kent, Hazel Bogg.

Welcome and Introductions:

Paul opened the meeting as acting chair introduced Chris and Paul to member who don't know us.

Talk by Dr Matthew Freeman, Merton Lodge Surgery.

Dr Freeman gave a Brief talk on what happens in the surgery. He explained that the view on the PPG was positive. He also explained that the doctors have a meeting at the end of every day to reflect how the surgery ran that day. He then went on to that He personally is happy with the PPG and the contributions we are doing to the surgery, Then the group suggested would he be happy if the doctors signed the constitution as well as the committee members.

Minutes from last meeting:

The minutes of the meeting 25thJanuary 2013 were agreed.

Matters Arising:

  • Face book/Twitter - There is no reason why we can't use face book and twitter to promote the PPG but will have to keep the Data Protection in mind, Will have to discuss matter before there published on face book/twitter.
  • Healthcare Dates - IA got information on dates to visit the health care centre, IA Liaise with Heather for dates in April.
  • BK mention about item 7 (waiting times), instead of having Poor-Excellent have time ranges.

News from the Practice

  • IA mentioned that the survey had been sent off this week, they have had 130 responses so far, the previous survey had 160 responses, Then the group mentioned about how they can get the survey out to more of the public we got some idea's such as: Town clerk, Post office, Bank.
  • IA mentioned about staff that had gone and he had gained: Gemma the Phlebotomist had left but new member joined who is trained in taking blood, INR Contract is due to be renewed and the practice have 3 weeks to complete it, IA also explained what's in the contract.

Any Other Business

  • PR wanted to know about statistics of the number of patience's at the surgery, also about PPG should get statistics such as the complaints and good reports.
  • IA asked the committee if their happy with their names on the website, also there is a section on PPG.
  • IA mentioned about the Prescriptions that the pharmacy collect the repeat prescriptions every morning and afternoon, IA went on to further market their own dispensary which is on doctors premises.
  • IA mentioned that physiotherapy is at the practice every Thursday.
  • The upstairs waiting room was brought up as an issue: There is only one light working, No reading material, The waiting room needs re-organising/re-furbishing.
  • IA mentioned that there is no need for a treasurer unless the committee do fundraising.

Date and time of next meeting

Wednesday27ndMarch 2013 at 1.30pm