Purchase Area Walk to Emmaus

Board Meeting Minutes

February 12, 2018

The PAWTE board met on Monday, February 12, 2018, at BentonFirstUnitedMethodistChurch.Board Members present were:

A quorum was present.

A / Allen Aycock / P / Susan Denton / P / Shane Morrison
P / Tom Blankenship / P / Johnny Dyke / A / Candice Pruitt
P / Kevin Cherry / P / Ryan Hughes / P / Heather Taylor
P / Brad Colson / P / Bruce Kimbell / P / Janean Tinsley
P / Mason Denton / P / Courtney Lowery / P / Debbie Williams
P / Keith Wood

Annie Colson was here as a representative for the Face-to-Face group.

Also present, Allen Tinsley as Lay Director for Spring Walk. Heather Taylor was present as well as a Lay Director, but is also a member of the Board.

Johnny Dyke called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and led us in prayer.

Heather Taylor reported that we currently have a full team. We are full as of tonight. We do have several out tonight due to sickness. Most are experienced so we may not need to do additional training at a later date, but should we need to Johnny Dyke said that there should be someone from the team that can fill that role as trainer.

Allen Tinsley reported that he needs one more kitchen and one more Agape, but has some out tonight due to various reasons. Allen Tinsley has asked the Board for assistance with the golf carts. Ryan Hughes will take care of this for the weekends and contact Royce Templeton. There is one team member is having difficulty with making the meetings. It was discussed that missing four (4) meetings would not be acceptable and that Allen Tinsley would need to replace that team member.

At this time Heather Taylor does not need any assistance from the Board.

Johnny Dyke discussed the need to look at the Lay Directors for the fall walks. Johnny Dyke passed out the list for both the men and the women for the next walks who are qualified to serve. The Board then narrowed down the list and the Board voted. Johnny Dyke will also send the ballot out to those not present tonight to vote and then call those elected and see if they will serve.

Johnny Dyke passed out the covenant for those who have not signed at this time for some additional signatures.

The Board acknowledged that everyone should have received the Minutes from the January meeting via email. There being no discussion from the floor, upon motion by Tom Blankenship to approve, seconded by Ryan Hughes, the Minutes from the January, 2018, meeting were approved as presented.

Kevin Cherry has passed out the financials for the community and reviewed with the Board. The balance on the checking account is $14,215.26. It was asked for clarity for the amount of “The Gift” for the year. The Board agreed that it is 10% of the balance of the account as of the first of the year. There being no discussion from the Board, motion made by Keith Wood, Courtney Lowery seconded, the Board approved the financials.

Kevin Cherry reported that he has been to the Bank and got the signature card signed. Kevin Cherry also said that he had asked for a debit card to be issued for the Community. Kevin Cherry also mentioned that there is Petty Cash and wanted to know what to do with it. The Board decided that it would be deposited into the bank. Motion by Brad Colson, seconded by Bruce Kimbell, and everyone in favor, motion passed that the petty cash would be deposited into the account.

Kevin Cherry asked about depositing weekly with all of the team fees. The Board was in agreement and agreed that we would announce that to the teams tonight. Starting at the next team meeting the ALD’s will turn in their money to Kevin Cherry at the end of the evening so he can deposit in the bank.

Restructuring Committee: Tom Blankenship reported that he has all the recommendations and authority to send out the revised structuring to the sub-committee today and will be scheduling a meeting soon to approve. Johnny Dyke reported that there is a new manual for the “Emmaus Community,” more to come.

Registrar: Johnny Dyke reported that we need to look for someone after the Spring Walks to fill the position of Registrar. The Board discussed the job duties of this position. The Board would like to find someone with computer and Excel experience. It was also discussed that we would like to have someone already on the Board, but then reach out to the community if needed.

Literature: Tom Blankenship now has all of the materials. The Board needs to make a determination if we want to continue to use the folders, do we want to do more, less, refer to websites, etc. We discussed that we would like to continue with the local information and how to get involved in the community. Tom Blankenship suggested that he would put an updated folder together and bring to the next Board meeting prior to the next Walk.

Mason Denton reported that there are a lot of team manuals missing for Chrysalis. There are not any digital copies. Bruce Kimbell reported that he should be able to get through with what he has, if not he would hope to get those from the girls.

There being no further business, by motion ofHeather Taylor, seconded by Courtney Lowery, the meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

Next meeting scheduled for Monday, March 12, 2018, at 5:30 p.m., at BentonFirstUnitedMethodistChurch.

Respectfully submitted,

Courtney Lowery
