VBS 2015 – Jim and Teresa Flora - IMB missionaries in Lesotho (leh-SOO-too)


PO Box 151

Fouriesburg, Republic of South Africa 9725

“It’s five hours to our post office, so we don’t get there often —but we LOVE mail.”



Jimmy: Dec 20

Teresa: Oct 26

Grace: May 5

Anna: Jan 20

Rebekah: Jan 12


If you’re wondering what’s new with the Flora family, a lot has happened since the video shoot forJourney off the Map VBS.

  • Jim and Teresa are partneringwith two established national churches in a ministry to begin two orphan care centers. They will soon begin “Mobile Moms,” a ministry to orphans living in remote mountain villages.
  • Four new missionaries serving as Journeymen, Hands On and Gap Year missionaries will join their work soon to serve in schools and villages.Students and young adults may serve in many ways, so check out the opportunities.
  • JB and Liz Bundrick are new missionariesworking with the Floras,and they have a new baby! They are currently studying the Maseru language.
  • Members of FBC Perryton, Texas, continue to work in the Matsoku Valley. They recently baptized 15 new believers!
  • The move to Mokhotlongis getting closer, but the Floras are waiting for all the paperwork to be completed. In the meantime, they continue leadership training for pastors and mobile medical clinics.


If you haven’t heard about the One Blanket Project, the Floras can see God bringing a lot of joy through this act of love. In Lesotho, your blanket is everything. It's your bed at night in the cold climate. It's your covering during the day. When the Floras provide blankets to children and their families, they're also able to share the gospel with them. One Blanket can make a huge difference in the life of a family. For just $30, you can help purchase a blanket and a Bible. Watch this video about the One Blanket Project, and pray about your role in loving the people the Floras and many others are telling about Jesus.


  • Rantialane is a young pastoral studentwho is going each Sunday to the Matsoku Valley to pastor new believers.
  • A quadriplegic named Nthabaseng and her mom became Christians last fall, and student missionaries have gone to visit Nthabaseng each week to teach her to paint with her mouth. It has been very difficult, but the rewards are amazing. Pray that this new skill will give Nthabaseng a sense of purpose and provide income for her family.
  • Pray that all the government paperwork required for the Floras to move to a new village will be approved and finalized, and that a ministry to young women will be established.
  • The Florasare working with a young South African man, Lucky Thateng, training him to be a church planter among the Basotho (bah-SOO-too) of South Africa. Theyhave requested a Journeyman* missionary to help Lucky in the townships across the border from Lesotho. Pray that God will send a missionary to work with Lucky.
  • Pray for twelve women who will commit to training and service with Mobile Moms.


Join the exciting things God is doing in Lesotho and around the world.Vacation Bible School can change the world as you pray, give, go and send out missionaries! Whatever the size of your VBS, your kids can make a difference by giving to support IMB missionaries like Jimmy and Teresa Flora. Use these talking pointsabout the Flora’s to set an offering goal thatwill keep missionaries on the field for a week, a month or a year!