October 28, 2008
CurrisBusinessBuilding 323
1)Welcome / Introductions
- Everyone receive their login and been able to log-in?
- Everyone looked at it?
- We can add items to the CPI, especially those policies and programs from our departments / units that have an effect on the first year students
3)Example reports
- Available on FoEtec
- Just login, go to resource center, and click on the reports/view example dimension reports
4)Other Types of Evidence That May Be Useful
- Brainstorm
- Things from last time (Schmiddy’s notes – may not be all correct!)
- Of 10 year period – how many 4 year residents vs. transfers
- Tuition / Room and board costs – historically
- # of transfer credits coming in from high school
- Policies created that result in students not having first year experience (Tuition costs being lower in high school or differing tuition costs for junior and senior years)
- High school courses for college credit – liberal arts degree without taking any LAC courses here
- Different colleges work with 1st year students
- Capture data by exit interviews and why they left
- Process by which faculty have interaction with first year students
- Question – culture of involvement with first year students – manifest in pedagogy of engagement
- Faculty interaction comes from faculty predisposition, not institutional
- Resources for faculty doing things with first year students
- # of full-time faculty teaching first year / LAC vs. non-full time
- Culture of LAC classes – they don’t want to teach it – think about faculty teaching them and using them as a recruitment toll to specific majors
- Hiring of faculty – pedagogy? Buy in faculty who support
- Assignment to teach LAC
- Faculty student interactions outside of classroom
- If we have things, we need to contact Kate Martin about getting that data; however, if one of us has easy access, then we can pass it on to Kate and she will add it to our evidence library
5)Student Reminder
- Sign up for course credit if you are interested!
6)Topics in order for our upcoming meetings
- Open discussion about the dimension and the current feel of the university
- Come to a Consensus on Performance Indicators (PIs)
- Review Information
- Faculty / Staff Survey
- Student Survey
- Other resources as decided upon by the Dimension Committee (Committee members knowledge, institutional data – both assessment and reports, interviews, focus groups, evidence library – on FoEtec)
- Evaluate the information
- Write the Dimension Report (Our Dimension is set to be completed by December 15)
- Recommend Action Items
- Give an Overall Dimension Grade
7)Upcoming Meetings / Webinars
- Next Meeting: We will use the survey tool again
- Upcoming Webinars
- Survey Analysis –10/29, 10:30a-11:30a (Only if you have a knack for these!)
- Developing Dimension Reports – 11/18, 2-3pm or 11/19, 10:30a-11:30a
Jim Davis – Kressig passing on a flier touting Educational Accomplishment
- Not a program to control the cost of education
- Jim contacted him via e-mail for clarification and would like to be more aggressive in truth in advertising
- Calling ‘college credit’ high school courses as equal with college courses is not true
RECOMMENDATION – require first year experience on the college campuses
-related issue: on what basis should coursework be required at UNI
-competency based education – program competency is not now being assessed
-Need to look at how differing political views have an effect on the way in which the faculty member treats individual students
- Bash with Ben
- Advising and instruction is obvious
- HOMEWORK – add in CPI – direct faculty contact with first year students
- Our focus – how is it now and recommendations for the future
- Number of faculty / adjuncts assigned to first year courses (Scheduling assignment pattern)
- How faculty approach a 1st year course – from syllabi?
- Courses with high first year enrollment – Non-LAC courses may also be mostly first year
- 1st year course evaluation / student feedback
- Pedagogy of first year course instructors
- 1st year advisors deemed as working with first year students
-There is the ‘busy’ness of people’s lives – not much interaction among professors who are all teaching the same course
- Support for first year student advisors – workshops, etc. – how many partake in them?
- How are holds for freshmen released?
- Individuals are advised into College Writing and Oral Communication and in summer it drops off
- We are trying to change the culture now
- What do we expect of first year courses?
- Possible recommendation – not change schedule after meeting with an advisor as students can be advised one way and go completely different with other things