Meath County Council Planning Applications 10/12/07 to 16/12/07
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4. NOTICE SERVED UNDER ARTICLE 29(2) (B) (i) OR (ii) 20
DA/70607 / David Ledwith / P / 10/12/07 / erection of a two-storey 4-bedroom detached dwelling house together with a waste water treatment plant, mew site entrance and access roadway off the existing established entrance and ancillary works at a site located adjacent / Rathregan
Co. Meath /
DA/70684 / Howard & Louise Taylor / P / 10/12/07 / a 37.5m.sq single storey extension to side / 10 Garnett Hall
Summerhill Road
Dunboyne Co. Meath /
DA/70685 / Brian Mooney / P / 10/12/07 / a double storey side extension and a single story rear extension with pitched roof. 4 New velux roof lights in existing roof / 91 Foxlodge Manor
Co. Meath /
DA/70686 / Robert Parkes / P / 10/12/07 / retention of dwelling house as constructed with revised site boundaries and revised site layout from tat previously granted under planning permission ref. 79/664 / Walterstown
Co. Meath /
DA/70689 / Paul Gillian Donnelly / P / 10/12/07 / two single storey extensions to rear of existing detached house and a single storey extension to side of detached garage, modifications to windows and doors to side elevations of house, seven new rooflights to rear and associated site works / Inisfree
Drumree Co. Meath /
DA/70690 / Saltan Properties Ltd. / P / 10/12/07 / retention or an existing detached industrial unit 21 (1,644sq,m) and associated yard works / Unit 21
Ashbourne Business Centre
Ballybin Rd. Ashbourne /
KA/70795 / Mr Thomas Pentony / P / 10/12/07 / development that will consist of one and a half storey dwelling, domestic garage, proprietary waste water treatment system, percolation area, entrance and driveway together with all associated site works. / Mooneystown,
Co Meath /
NA/70561 / National Ambulance Service / P / 10/12/07 / the construction of 1 no prefabricated building with floor area of approximately 53.29 sq m for temporary accommodation purposes and all ancillary site works all on a protected structure / Ambulance Headquarters
Dublin North East
Brews Hill /
NA/70640 / Kieran Griffin / P / 10/12/07 / the construction of a two storey dwelling, domestic garage and store with a septic tank, percolation area and all associated site works / Proudstown
Co Meath /
DA/70673 / Tim & Ann Keane / P / 30/11/07 / the construction of proposed single storey extension to rear and side of existing dwelling, construct proposed front porch, amend and widen existing vehicular entrance, inclusive of all ancillary site works / 41 Coill Beag
Co. Meath /
SA/70598 / Stephen Carolan / P / 10/12/07 / Dormer dwelling house, domestic garage, new entrance, waste water treatment system and all associated site works. / Mullaghdillon
Co. Meath /
SA/70659 / Carol McGinty / P / 10/12/07 / Two storey dwelling house with domestic double garage, vehicular entrance, proprietary wastewater treatment system and associated site works. / Lisdornan
Co. Meath /
SA/70664 / Anthony Maguire / P / 10/12/07 / Dormer style dwellinghouse, with BAF sewerage treatment system and percolation area, to upgrade farm entrance to domestic entrance and associated site works. / Rathbranchurch
Navan, Co. Meath /
SA/70666 / Mr. & Mrs. P. Corry / P / 10/12/07 / New single storey sun room to rear, internal alterations and a new bay window to front of existing dormer bungalow. / 59 Betaghstown Wood
Co. Meath /
TA/70678 / Christopher Glennon / P / 10/12/07 / extension of existing dwelling including the addition of a first floor and extension to the rear, The elevational treatment to existing dwelling house elevations, the demolition of existing garage and sheds and all ancillary site works / Athronan
Co Meath /
TA/70679 / Calvin Chambers / P / 10/12/07 / to erect a new two storeytype dwelling house with domestic garage, septic tank & Percolation area and open new entrance onto public road all associated site works / Ardbrackan
Co. Meath /
DA/70687 / Mr O. Owens / P / 11/12/07 / a new external advertising board, with integrated illumination, to the North-West gable elevation of the development at the Junction of / Summerhill & Maynooth Rd
Main St, & Navan Rd.
Dunboyne Co. Meath /
DA/70691 / Kildangan Stud Unlimited / P / 11/12/07 / the construction of a storage shed and soiled water storage tank / Woodpark Stud Farm
Dunboyne Co. Meath /
DA/70692 / Walthill Properties / P / 11/12/07 / the erection of 1 no. free standing, 1.5m wide X 5.4m high X 0.4m deep, double sided internally illuminated totem sign located at the vehicular entrance / Corballis Shopping Centre
Co. Meath /
DA/70693 / JPC Partnership / P / 11/12/07 / a change of use from existing officed to a dental surgery / Grangend
Co. Meath /
DA/70674 / The Board of Management / P / 30/11/07 / the erection of 2 no. prefabricated classrooms to the north of the existing prefabricated classrooms and 2 no. prefabricated resource rooms to the east of the existing prefabricated resource rooms all to the north of the existing school / Dunboyne
Junior Primary School
Station Rd. Dunboyne /
KA/70787 / Dave & Mandy Gibson / P / 11/12/07 / development that will consist of conversion of existing attic area to habitable living space with 2 no. velux rooflights to front elevation and 2 no. velux rooflights to side elevation, including all necessary internal associated works. / Unit 17, Block 3,
Gandon Court,
Athboy, Co Meath /
KA/70796 / Mr Micheal Creaby / P / 11/12/07 / to demolish an existing single storey dwelling house, two derelict sheds and to replace it with a storey and a half type dwelling house, upgrade existing septic tank to a proprietary waste water treatment system and percolation area. Permission is also sought for a domestic double garage and to upgrade existing site entrance with new bellmouth walls and piers and associated site works. / Rockfield,
Co Meath /
NA/70537 / Roisin and Rob Wade / P / 11/12/07 / two storey extension to the side and rear of the existing single storey dwelling. Comprising lounge to front with new doors opening onto front garden, stairs at side to new first floor level above, playroom to side/rear and utility room to rear all on ground floor level, 2 no. bedrooms, shower/toilet and study, new gable and roof windows to front bedroom. Wallplate dormer window and gable window to rear bedroom. New study with roof windows to front all on first floor level. In addition relocated position of chimney at front elevation and minor internal alterations. And all associated site works. / Lynott Lodge
Tara, Co Meath /
NA/70641 / Seamus McAleer & Eamonn Laverty / P / 11/12/07 / the construction of 498 houses which comprise LAP3 / Balreask & Duffslands
between Trim & Commons Rd
Navan /
NA/70642 / Angie Corry / P / 11/12/07 / demolish existing single storey dwelling house and to replace it with a storey and a half type dwelling house incorporating facilities for the purpose of a granny flat, permission is also sought for a detached domestic garage, to replace the existing septic tank with a proprietary wastewater treatment system and percolation area, to upgrade an existing agricultural entrance to a combined domestic/agricultural entrance with bellmouth walls and piers and all associated site works / Oberstown
Co Meath /
NA/70645 / Anne Smyth / P / 11/12/07 / new agricultural entrance to field / Yellow Walls
Navan /
NT/70061 / Alan Casey / P / 11/12/07 / the construction of a two storey extension to side and rear of residence and single storey extension to rear of residence, this is an amendment from a previous application granted under NT/70056 / 31 St Brigids Villas
Co Meath /
SA/70667 / Susan McQuail / P / 11/12/07 / Construction of a one and a half storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, conversion of the existing garage to the front of the dwelling to a bedroom and all associated site works. / Platin
Co. Meath /
SA/70668 / Stephen Mangan / P / 11/12/07 / The development will consist of 1.Demolition of all existing structures on site which including a single storey dwelling.2. Construction of new part single storey and part two storey 4 bed room single family dwelling.3.Construction of new single storey storage structure to the rear of the proposed dwelling.4, Construction of new stables to rear of the proposed dwelling.5 Site landscaping works and waste water treatment plant. / Cloghan
Co. Meath /
SA/70670 / Brendan & Anne Reid / P / 11/12/07 / Side and rear single storey extension to existing dwelling, also front porch extension. / Monknewtown
Co. Meath /
DA/70694 / Mary Dennehy / P / 12/12/07 / the construction of a storey and a half type dwelling, boiler house and a puraflo liquid effluent treatment system with percolation area, new entrance onto public road, landscaping and all ancillary site works / Jealoustown
Dunshaughlin Co. Meath /
DA/70696 / Aisling O'Hora / P / 12/12/07 / a 2 storey dwelling house, new site entrance, waste water treatment system, percolation area and all associated site works / Knockstown
Summerhill Co. Meath /
DA/70697 / Sarah O'Connor / P / 12/12/07 / to revise boundaries, site layout and relocation of house and garage in relation to previous permission granted ref: DA/60487 / Longtown
Co. Meath /
DA/70698 / Hugh Synott & Eleanor Durkan / P / 12/12/07 / alterations and two storey extension to rear of existing dwelling, construction of a domestic garage and the provision of an O'Reilly Oakstown BAF effluent treatment system and polishing filter / The Rath
Co. Meath /
DA/70699 / Patrick & Una Sweeney / P / 12/12/07 / construct domestic stable/ boat store building and outdoor sand horse riding arena and re-clad existing machinery store / Wotton
The Ward
Co. Meath /
KA/70797 / Mr Michael Duff / P / 12/12/07 / conversion of attic to living accommodation and retention of domestic garage, conservatory, utility room, and associated site works. / Ballymacolgan,
Navan, Co Meath /
NA/70643 / Board Of Management / P / 12/12/07 / the construction of a new extension to the previously permitted unbuilt extension (pl ref no NA/60420) to the school consisting of a classroom plus minor alterations to the agreed plans / Wilkinstown
Co Meath /
NA/70644 / Sean Meade / P / 12/12/07 / the construction of a new dwelling house, together with a home office, fuel store and boiler house adjacent to the proposed house, a septic tank and percolation area and associated ancillary works. The existing gate is proposed to be relocated to provide joint access to the field and the site of the proposed development. Trees and planting will form an integral part of this proposal / Ladyrath
Navan /
NA/70646 / Michael Dixon / P / 12/12/07 / (1) retention of the extension of the site boundaries, incorporating a surfaced yard being a material change of use from agricultural land to its current use as a parking area (2) a store/workshop (total area 156 sqm) and external wash down area with holding tank (3) a recently constructed detached single storey building for use as a family play room ancillary to the main family dwelling. Total area 127 sq m. All of the above and ancillary site works / Timoole
Tara /
NA/70647 / John Finnegan / P / 12/12/07 / (1) the construction of new milking parlour extension to existing milking premises to incorporate dairy, milking area and plant room/store,(2) demolition of existing dairy (3) construction of underground dairy washing tank (4) construction of overground slurry storage tank (5) formation of new agricultural yard entrance onto the public road, (6) completion of all ancillary site works / Burtonstown
Navan /
SA/70632 / Rockview Developments / P / 12/12/07 / Permission for the reallocation of house types on previously approved mixed use development at Avourwen Village and The Meadows, Co. Meath (ref no SA 60309). The reallocation is to consist of changing 10no. type B 3bed semi-detached units near Platin road (no's 11-20 The Oaks) to type A 4bed units, changing 10no. type A 4bed semi-detached units on N/S road between creche 2 and main roundabout (no's 5-14 The Laurels) to type B 3bed units, changing 12no. type A 4bed semi-detached units on south side of Cul De Sac 02 (no's 11-22 The Hazels) to type B 3bed units, and changing 12no. type B 3 bed semi-detached units running N/S near south boundary (no's 13-24 The Beeches) to type A 4bed units. 5 no Side entry semi-detached units facing onto boundary hedges are to be changed to front entry type(No 8 The Willows, No's 10&11 The Hazels, No's 12 & 37 The Beeches). The total number of housing units and types is to be unchanged from the granted scheme. This is an alteration to an approved scheme. / Avourwen Village &
The Meadows, Platin
Duleek Rd., Drogheda /
SA/70633 / Martin & Francis Byrne / P / 12/12/07 / Dormer dwelling, garage and treatment plant. / Clogherstown