Cullen Call for Proposals – 10/10/18 -1


  1. Emily Northrop

Department of Economics and business

Application date: April 13, 2006

2.C.V. is attached.

3.Abstract: Curriculum related workshop: “Introduction to Peak Oil”

4. Description: This is a Chautauqua “short course for college teachers” sponsored by the National Science Foundation. It is being offered May 22-24, 2006 at the University of Dayton in Ohio.

5. Significance, Context, and Outcomes: “Peak oil” was a topic in my last two renditions of environmental economics, and it will be the focus of my new, upcoming FYS. I expect the short course to help me in preparing for and teaching the FYS. In particular, it promises to alert me to on-line resources that are pertinent to the topic.

6. Budget is attached.

7. N/A

8. N/A

9. N/A

10. Checklist is attached.


Proposal Instructions for 2006-2007

While approved activities may begin following Commencement 2006, the funds supporting this program will not be made available until July 1,2006 except under extra-ordinary circumstances. Please submit a separate proposal for each project. Be sure to rank your proposals in the order that is most important to you in terms of funding, if submitting multiple proposals.

  1. State your name, department, and date of application.
  2. Attach a current C.V.
  3. PROPOSAL ABSTRACT: Give your proposal a title and summarize it in a few sentences.
  4. DESCRIPTION: Describe your proposal in detail. Include a chronology of the project step-by-step.
  5. SIGNIFICANCE, CONTEXT, AND OUTCOMES: Discuss the significance of your proposal and relate it to your previous research or development activities and to your long-range plans for scholarly and professional development. Describe the expected outcomes of this proposal.
  6. BUDGET: Outline in detail your budget request for 2006-2007, referring to the attached Required Budget Format. Coordinate each element of requested funding with each specific activity.
  7. STIPEND OR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Clearly specify whether you are requesting a stipend (subject to payroll taxes) or funds to be put into a professional development account (not taxable).
  8. OTHER FUNDING: If you have applied to other agencies for funds to support this project, internal or external to Southwestern, explain these proposals.
  9. ASSESSMENT OF PREVIOUS ACTIVITIES: If you have recently received the support of the Cullen Faculty Development Fund, discuss how those activities relate to the currently proposed project and to what extent you accomplished your project goals. Be sure to complete the table on the last page of the Proposal Guidelines. This should be completed for your last three years of Cullen Grants. See page 1 of the Program Guidelines.
  10. APPENDIX: You should include the Cullen checklist (one for each proposal) .

This proposal should be returned to the Associate Provost's Office (MBH 110) no later than January 23,2006, and decisions will be announced in mid March 2006. Please give a copy of your proposal to your department chair. If you are a department chair, please submit a copy to your division chair. If you are a member of the School of Fine Arts, a copy should also be given to the Dean of the School of Fine Arts Office.

  1. If you are submitting more than one Cullen proposal, have you ranked your preference for funding? N/A
  2. Have you given a copy of your proposal to your department chair? Yes
  3. Have you stated whether you want to receive a stipend or a professional development account? I have requested travel reimbursements.
  4. Have you clearly stated the amount of your requested stipend or professional development account? Yes
  5. Have you clearly stated the amount of your total budget? Yes
  6. Does the activity to be funded through your Cullen Grant fall between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007? * No, it is in May 2006.
  7. If you are requesting extra funding to attend a workshop that is part of a professional meeting, have you listed the expenses that are beyond the cost of the meeting? N/A
  8. If you are requesting funding for international travel to a conference, have you indicated a) in what way you will be considered a special participant, and b) how attendance at this conference fits in to your other professional work? N/A
  9. If you are receiving or applying for funding (including stipends) from any internal or external funding source for work included in this proposal, have you stated the source and the amount received/requested? N/A
  10. Have you completed the table describing the outcome of your recent Cullen-funded projects, and more fully described those past projects that are similar in scope to this proposed project? N/A
  11. Have you included a copy of your current C.V.? Yes.

* International travel and other special circumstances requiring funding between May Commencement and July 1, 2006 can be funded. Special arrangements will need to be made with the Business Office. Keep in mind, you cannot be funded from two Cullen years for the same May-June period.


REQUIRED Budget Format

The following information is necessary to assist the committee in making decisions on the allocation of funds. Please provide information regarding the expenses for your proposal in the areas listed below.


Destination: University of Dayton; Dayton, OhioDates: May 21-24, 2006


/ $175.00
Meals for May 21-24 / 125.00
To/from Austin airport
60 miles @ $44.5/mile / 26.70
Flight / 400.00
Shuttle to/from Dayton airport / 70.00
Parking at Austin airport / 24.00
Short course application fee / 50.00

Total budget

/ $870.70

Cullen Call for Proposals – 10/10/18 -1

Found an international conference or workshop?

Stephanie Fabritius <mailto:>>

If, after the Cullen Faculty Development Fund deadline, you have

discovered a "must do" workshop or international conference, we may be

able to help you. This year, we can allocate a few more trips and so

will accept applications for international conferences (as special

participants) or workshops, following Cullen Guidelines. This will be

highly competitive (because we have funds only for a few more items)

and really should be for those of you who discovered these

opportunities after the deadline and really need to go. The deadline

for receipt of these proposals is 8AM on April 17. Send them via

e-mail to Stephanie Fabritius. Use the Cullen Format and be sure your

budget is complete. NOTE: This is very unusual; ordinarily we are

unable to fund anything after the Cullen Deadline Date. Questions?

Contact Stephanie.