General info
- to adjust image size / rotate image, use mouse wheel / hold right button on mouse
- to run simulation, select: “start” button
1. visualize frequency of gas molecule collision as a function of volume
Based on: stockroom -> elements -> noble gas [alternative: tutorials -> #35 mean free path; part B]
- Properties -> thermodynamics -> volume
- Models -> collisions -> molecule to molecule
- use mouse to select a gas molecule, then: Models -> trails
- run simulation
- observe frequency of collisions –> usually, there’s no collision among gas molecules = usually, there’s no interaction among gas molecules; they simple collide into system’s walls, which could be described by physics concept – conservation of momentum
- increase volume ~ 100 times, then observe frequency of collisions . . . decrease the length of the mean free path
2. visualize relative speed as a function of molar mass & temperature
Based on: tutorial -> gas -> # 33 describing mixture … [file = mass_temperature]
- Properties -> speed, molecule - 3 times; select each molecule
- Properties -> molecule -> molar mass => to confirm identity: H2 vs. N2
- Properties -> thermodynamics -> temperature
- run simulation
- examine (i.e. visual & numerical values) relative speed
- vary temperature; examine relative speed among molecules & same molecule @ different temperature
3. relate speed / KE versus atomic mass
Based on: Molecular Stockroom -> Elements -> Noble gas
- Plots -> XY Plots -> __; -> Next -> Scatter Plot -> Finish
- x-axis = atomic mass; y-axis = average speed
- Properties -> Dynamics -> speed
- Properties -> Energy -> KE
- Properties -> thermodynamics -> temperature
- run simulation
- on graph, “select atom” -> select atom in simulation -> run -> select red dot; note temperature & KE; repeat for all gases
- note: as increase atomic mass, temperature & KE is relatively stable, while speed decreases. Collect data: atomic mass versus velocity
- consistent with equations (qualitative & quantitative):
rearranging preceding equation:
4. relate temperature to speed / KE histogram
Based on: Molecular Stockroom -> Elements -> Noble gas
- Plots -> speed distribution; adjust (use pencil icon) Vmax = 5000 m/s with 4 tickmarks
- Plots -> trans. KE distribution; adjust (use pencil icon) KE max = 50 kJ/mol with 4 tickmarks
- Properties -> Dynamics -> speed
- Properties -> Thermodynamics -> temperature
- Properties -> Energy -> KE
- adjust windows: reduce radio button region by expand animation region; adjust graph region accordingly to see both graphs
- Run simulation
- adjust (use pencil icon) to 300 gas molecules for all gases
- select He; vary temperature & observe effect on histograms & values of speed & KE
- repeat with Rn - similar behavior
5. compare diffusion versus effusion
Based on Molecular labs -> gas -> # 25 The ability of gas to mix [file = diffusion]
- run simulation
- run; observe gas molecule motion
- move cursor to barrier; right-click on mouse; select: remove partition; run; stop
- note: different rate of diffusion between gas molecules (CO vs. H2) based on relative time for H2 compared to CO to “fill” other side of container
Based on Molecular labs -> gas -> # 34 The effusion of gas mixture [file = effusion]
- similar to preceding simulation – using right mouse button
6. illustrate nonideal gas behavior: He vs. Rn
Based on: Molecular Stockroom -> Elements -> Noble gas
- Plots -> XY plots -> __; advanced -> allow for multiple curves; 1 curve for each sample -> OK -> next -> smooth fit -> finish
- x-axis = pressure; y-axis = PV/nRT
- Properties -> thermodynamics -> volume
- Properties -> thermodynamics -> pressure
- Properties -> other -> PV / nRT
- run simulation; select He & Rn
- run; select data (red button)
- various volume (to vary pressure); run; select data (red button); repeat till get data up to ~ 50 atm
- adjust axis scale & tick marks (pencil icon)