Minutes of the meeting held on,
Monday, 3rd August, 2015.
At Foulden Village Hall.
Present: Gregory Lauder-Frost (Chairman): Julia Trotter(Treasurer); Douglas Jeffrey ( Mordington), John Williams (Vice Chairman); Paul Trickett, ( Foulden), Francis Donoghue, Howard Doherty, Tricia Lucas, ( Lamberton) Anne Nixon (Hon. Secretary), Linda Trickett (Webmaster); Jim Fullerton (SBC Cllr). + 3 members of the public.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting
1: Open Forum: A former Community Councillor, Mr Brian Patten, asked if it would be possible for the Smiley Face warning signs to be re-introduced in Foulden, the Chairsaid he would look into this matter, particularly on the Adult/Child warning signs and the Secretary was asked to write to SBC regarding this. Other items raised during the open forum were, speeding vehicles and the cutting back of some trees which are obscuring the 40mph sign, refuse collecting, litter and broadband speeds within the FMLCC area. A general discussion took place on these issues and the Chair advised that these issues are of concern to the Community Council and action will be taken whenever possible. Many of the concerns raised are out of the hands of the local community council and can only be resolved by either Scottish Borders Council or British Telecom. The Chairman closed the discussion and thanked the members of the public for their input and attendance.
2: Apologies: Michael Cook (SBC Cllr). P.C. Richard Toward(Scottish Borders Police).
Scottish Borders Councillor – Mr Jim Fullerton, took over as Chair for the next item.
3. Election of Chairman –The nomination to re-elect Mr Gregory Lauder- Frost as Chairman was proposed by Howard Doherty and seconded by Julia Trotter, and passed by the Community Council members and he resumed his place as Chairman for the remaining duration of the meeting.
4 .Election of remaining Office Bearers:
- Vice Chairman – John Williams. Proposed by Gregory Lauder- Frost, Seconded by JuliaTrotter.
- Treasurer – Julia Trotter. Proposed by Gregory Lauder- Frost, Seconded by John Williams.
5. Appointment of Representatives:
1. Secretary – Mrs Anne Nixon.
2. Playing Field Manager and Honorarium – Vacant
3. Footpaths Maintenance Officer –Fraser McGregor.
4. Webmaster – Mrs Linda Trickett.
6. Allocation of Responsibilities: Mr Paul Trickett, Planning.
7. Affirmation of Community Council’s agreement to abide by the Scottish Borders Council’s Code of Conduct for Community Councils. – All Community Councillors for the area of Foulden, Mordington and Lamberton, agreed to abide by the Code of Conduct.
8. Council Motion to change the quorum of Councillors present at future meetings. – The motion failed on a point of order by John Williams.
9:Minutes:The minutes of the meeting held Monday, 15th June, 2015, were accepted by the council and duly signed by the Chairman.
10: Matters Arising:
10.1 Planning – 15/00700PPP – Erection of Dwellinghouse, Land south of Border View, 8a Lamberton Holding, Lamberton. – FMLCC voted to oppose this application unanimously and a letter is to be sent to Scottish Borders Council.
11. Roads & Footpaths: Francis Donoghue has agreed to cut the grass on a Lamberton footpath which is near to the T Junction at Lamberton Moor.
12. FMLCC Website: The Webmaster, Linda Trickett, reported that the website was running smoothly.
13. The King George V Playing Field- Constitution & Trustees. This item has been carried forward.
14. Car Boot Sale – Sunday, 6th September, 2015. The check list for this event was discussed in great detail so that all councillors and helpers were made aware of the roles they would take on the day. It was also agreed to keep the opening of the event to stay at 0900hrs and not brought forward. Linda Trickett offered to clean the toilets at either of the pavilion. A new Foulden resident, Peter Oswald, who was present at the meeting, offered his services on the day and was accepted by the Chairman.
9. A.O.C.B. A letter received by the Secretary from Northumberland County Council regarding a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme on our side of Berwick-upon-Tweed. The Chairman said this was a renewal of the previous scheme which ran right up to the border at Mordington. The little signs still exist warning people they are in such an area. It was also reported that the Berwickshire Area Forum are still in discussions regarding the flags at the north side of the Border with England on the A1. Also mentioned, were, the amount of litter on the layby and Ragwort in nearby fields.
10. Items of Information: There were no items of information and the Chair, once again, thanked everyone for attending.
Date of the Next Meeting: The date of the next meeting was set at Wednesday, 30th September, 2015. At Lamberton Village Hall, at 7.15.p.m.