Institute of Medical Ethics

2016Application form for Elective Bursaries

Please read the attached guidelines before completing this form.

Surname: / First name: / Male/Female:
Permanent (home) address: / Term time address:
Home tel no: / Term tel/mobile no:
Permanent e-mail: / College e-mail:
University/Medical School:
Year of study: / Name and university e-mail of UKethicssupervisor:
(Please see guidance note 9)
Date of elective: / Please indicate how you found out about this award:
Title of project: / Where will the project take place?
If you are successful we will make a bank transfer once you have been notified. Please give details of your bank account (Address, Sort code and Account Number):
Summary of project (50 words) Please provide more detailed information of your project at the end of your application form where indicated.
Does your project require ethical approval? YES/NO
You must discuss this with your supervisor Please see guidance note 8. If YES please give date of submission for ethical approval.
Relevance to medical ethics:
Reason for applying for bursary:
What do you expect to gain from your elective?
Proposed budget:
Please specify other grants relevant to your elective which you have received or applied for:
Please provide details of your elective project in the space below using the following five headings (in font size not less than 11 point):
What is the aim of your project? What question(s) do you hope to answer?
If you are planning a focussed reflection this should focus on specific ethical question(s).
Background of the project
Why do you think this is an important topic? Why do you want to explore it? Use references to support your claims.
What method(s) will you be using?
For a focussed reflection describe the model of reflection you plan to use.
What might be the relevance of your findings?
To health care? To the medical ethics debate? To your future career?
References (Maximum 5)
Project details continued:
Signature (Student):
Date: / Signature (UK Ethics Tutor):
Name of signatory:
Does this project require ethical approval? Yes/No
If so, to whom has this application been made?
Official university stamp:
If your application is successful the IME may wish to publish your report on our website. Please indicate opposite. / Please delete as appropriate:
I agree/do not agree to publication.

Institute of Medical Ethics Elective Bursaries

2016 Guidelines for applicants

1Bursaries of up to £700 each will be awarded to current UK medical undergraduates to support Medical Student Electives which involve a project. Exceptionally a bursary may be awarded for a project which is part of a Special Study Module.

2 The project may be empirical research, a literature search or a focused reflection on the experience you expect to gain from your elective which must be completed within 12 months of receiving the award.

3Applicationswill be assessed using the following criteria:

1Relevance of the project to medical ethics, its interest and originality

2Background of the project and methodology to be used. References should be included.

3Feasibility of the project

4Overall quality of the application

5Justification for bursary application

4Medical students must apply jointly with their UK supervisor who must approve the project and confirm whether or not ethical approval is required. (See note 8 below)

5Please complete the application form with a detailed outline of your project where indicated and as instructed.

6Please note that no other documentation, including cvs are required.

7Please ensure that your name is on each sheet of your project outline and please quote the reference number allocated to your application in all future correspondence.

8You should discuss the need to obtain ethical approval for your project with your supervisor. If your project requires ethical approval you should aim to apply for this before submitting your bursary application. If you are successful we will require confirmation of the approval.

9Please ensure that your form is signed by your UK supervisor or Director of Studies and has the official university stamp.

10Please note that only applications which strictly adhere to these guidelines will be considered.

11Please return by e-mail your completed application form to

It must be submitted as a Word file together with scanned signatures and university stamp.

12On receipt of you application you will be given a reference which should be quoted on all future communications. This is necessary for easy reference due to the various types of awards we now offer.

13The closing date is 29thJanuary 2016. No applications will be accepted after that date.

14You will be notified of the outcome by31stMarch2016.

15If your application is successful an electronic bank transfer for the amount awarded will then be sent to you.

16 Successful applicants will also be given a year’s complimentary student membership for the IME.

17A report of your elective, in no more than 1000 words, must be sent to the IME by email within 3 months of the end of your elective. Your report must include the reference number allocated to you on receipt of your original application. On receipt of your report you will be sent a certificate in recognition of your award for inclusion in your portfolio. Please ensure that confidentiality is maintained in your report.

18If you have any queries please contact us on 01925 299733 or