Fotherby Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday, 1st June 2015 at St Mary’s Church

Present: Councillor Cotterill –Chairman

Councillors Thompson, Oakes, Odlin & Pridgeon

One Parishioner was present.

Cllr D Buckley

Introduction: The Chairman, Cllr Cotterill welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Forum:

No matters were raised.

  1. Apologies.

Apologies were received from Cllr Marfleet.

2. Minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 11th May 2015: Cllr Thompson proposed, seconded by Cllr Pridgeon, that the minutes of the Meeting held on 11th May 2015 be approved. The proposal was carried unanimously.

3. Mattering Arising from the Minutes.

Cllr Pridgeon confirmed visiting the Water Retention Tank. Cllr Pridgeon stated it was very overgrown and totally unacceptable. Cllr Pridgeon took photographs as evidence. The Clerk was asked to write to the Highways Department sending the photographs as evidence.

4. Accounts

Amounts Received: VAT refund of £257.99.

The following invoices for payment had been received:

Bush Gardening Services Invoice 25.5.15 Maintenance of Churchyard

& Burial Ground (May) £ 360.00

Bush Gardening Services Invoice 25.5.15 Cutting of the Common £ 36.00

Geoff Dales Bus Shelter Cleaning (May) £ 18.00

Alison Cox Dock maintenance &

Allotment 1 (May) £ 60.00

A Colban Admin Costs £ 25.64

A Colban Salary plus Travel (May) £ 124.57

HMRC PAYE £ 31.00

Total Payments: £ 655.21

Balance of Accounts as at 1st June 2015 £7947.00

This month the Parish Council was under budget by £258. The Salary & Tax was overdue by £20 due to extra travel costs; the insurance was under budget by £50 due to a discount given for taking out a three year contract; the Admin costs over budget by £26 the allowance was not used last month; the Dock & Allotment 1 under budget by £60 as the work to the Allotment was carried out in April. The funds for Bus Shelter repairs by £60 and the Dock project by £150 were not used so carried over to June. No bill was received from Anglian Water of £20, so carried over to June.

Payment of the above invoices was proposed by Cllr Pridgeon and seconded by Cllr Odlin. The motion was carried unanimously.

The Clerk confirmed receiving an email from the Auditors confirming receipt of the Annual Return.

5. Correspondence

(a)  The Clerk read out an email received from Mr Flinders requesting permission to carry out work to his property. The Clerk confirmed receiving permission from the Highways Authority and will notify Mr Flinders that the Parish Council have no objections to his proposed works.

(b)  The Clerk read out an email from Rural Services inviting them to subscribe to their organisation, but after some discussion it was felt no further action need be taken.

(c)  The Clerk read out three letters from ELDC. One confirmed the election of the Councillors, one enclosing an up date of the register of electors and the third a request to complete for further up dates. The Clerk was asked to complete the form to receive this information.

(d)  The Clerk read out a letter and Email received from the Local Boundary Commission. The Clerk was asked to re-circulate and everyone will pass their comments back to the Clerk in order for these to be forwarded to the Commission.

(e)  The Clerk read out a letter from NALC inviting the Parish Council to sign up to their organisation. After some discussion the Clerk was asked to find out more information and costs involved.

(f)  The Clerk read out an email received from the Wild Animal Centre offering their services for entertainment and attractions. The Clerk confirmed forwarding it to Mr Mansfield for the Jubilee Committee and Keyhole.

(g)  The Clerk read out an email from Cllr Buckley requesting ideas for possible funding of projects. It was agreed to discuss this later.

(h)  The Clerk read out a telephone call received from Mr Fulmer regarding Thatch Cottage. The Clerk confirmed giving relevant information although no Cottage know by this name could be remembered in the village and certainly not knocked down when the Highways built the new road.

(i)  The Clerk read out a letter from SLCC offering courses for the Clerk, but it was agreed to take the matter no further.

6. Maintenance of Fotherby Churchyard, Burial Ground & the Common

Cllr Cotterill confirmed being very pleased with the work carried out by Mr Bushell. Mr Bushell had sent his apologies to Cllr Cotterill with regard to cutting the Common bank, but had only wanted to clear the weeds. Discussion ensued as to whether an extra cut of the Common should take place and it was suggested looking at the position at the end of June and then requesting a cut. However, following further discussion, it was agreed to ask Mr Bushell to cut the Common areas any time in July.

7. Bus Shelters

Cllr Pridgeon stated that the work was still to be carried out, although not sure if some had been completed. Cllr Pridgeon will check in a couple of week’s time and if the work has still not been completed will chase the matter up. Cllr Pridgeon was hopeful the work would be completed by the next meeting.

8. Dock

Cllr Cotterill stated that due to the birds any further work could not commence for the moment, but had spoken to Ms Cox to just maintain the growth. After some discussion it was proposed by Cllr Thompson and Seconded by Cllr Odlin, that Cllr Cotterill should purchase up to the sum of £20 Ivy to stabilize the back bank. The motion was carried unanimously. It was also agreed that further work would be continued once the birds have finished nesting and any clearance needed will take place in readiness for winter in October. Cllr Cotterill also raised concerns regarding the fish in the Dock and it was agreed to monitor the position.

9. Traffic Speed Control in the Village

Cllr Cotterill confirmed once the SID had been positioned, the other signs will go up. Cllr Cotterill also raised the question as to re-charging the batteries for the SID and Cllr Odlin offered assistance. The Clerk was asked to chase Mr D Fairburn as to when the work will be completed.

10. Planning

The Clerk read out the planning application received in respect of Mr & Mrs Bennett at Brackenborough Hall. The plans were laid out and viewed by everyone. After some discussion the Clerk was asked to write back confirming that no observation or objections were raised by the Parish Council.

11. Allotments

Cllr Cotterill confirmed Allotment 3 looks fantastic and stated that there is a patch of poppies and a slight problem with a Mole, but this was in hand. However, Allotment 7 was in a poor condition and it was now too late to spray, but needs cutting. It was agreed to ask Mr Thompson and Cllr Odlin to deal with this work and Mr French was asked to look at the Allotment to see if there was anything he would like to take before it is levelled off. Cllr Pridgeon confirmed asking Louth Allotments and Cllr Cotterill asked through the Church, but to no avail. Cllr Odlin confirmed he would look at the hedge to see if this could be dealt with. It was agreed that if no one comes forward to rent it, it may have to be levelled and grassed as Allotment 1.

12. Wildlife Grant

Cllr Cotterill confirmed that for the moment, the Parish Council have no interest, but it should be retained for possible future use.

13. Volunteer Warden

Cllr Cotterill acknowledged receipt of various communications which were duly noted and made an unequivocal apology on behalf of the Parish Council to Mr Presgrave on a personal level for any unintentional offence or insult caused to him. The Clerk was asked to convey this to Mr Presgrave in writing. Unfortunately, the Minutes of the April meeting cannot be amended as they were a true representation of the meeting. The Clerk was also asked to write to LCC in respect of the matters previously discussed. Further discussion ensued in regard to this matter with Cllr Buckley offering advice. It was hoped that improved communication would occur between Mr Presgrave and the Parish Council.

14. Chalk Pit Lane

Cllr Pridgeon confirmed the road was in a shocking stated and would still maintain that the road was owned by the Highways Department. Cllr Pridgeon showed Cllr Buckley a map of the area. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that no action to repair the road should be taken as it would definitely become the Parish Council’s responsibility. The Clerk was asked to re-write to the Highways Department, sending a copy to Cllrs Marfleet and Buckley. Cllr Buckley confirmed he would ask questions and come back to the Parish Council. Cllr Cotterill confirmed that any help would be very much appreciated.

13. Other Business

Cllr Buckley informed the Parish Council about matters that were currently under his remit. These include the Fulstow Turbines, possible development at Utterby and the possible closure of the Plough at Covenant. These may have an impact at some time in the future on Fotherby, hence bringing the matters to the Parish Council’s attention.

The next meeting will be on the 6th July 2015.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 20.25 pm.

Signed …...... Dated …...... ………………
