End of Month Summary
Progress Report
Child’s name / Age:Foster carer
Supervising Social Worker
Social Worker / Name:
Being healthy:
Provide information on how the child is progressing mentally, emotionally and physically.
a)Positive developments
b)Areas of concern and measure in place to address concerns
c)Medical appointments attended
Date: / Who with: / Outcome/commentsd) Any other health issues i.e. accidents, illnesses, CAMHS meetings:
e) Sexual health issues
Staying safe
Provide information that shows that the child/young person is safe from neglect, violence, bullying and sexual exploitation
a)Positive developments
b)Areas of concern & how these are being addressed
c)Has the child suffered any incidents of bullying or violence either at school, in the local area or through the internet/email/mobile phones
d)What measure are in place to ensure the child is safeguarded against violence, bullying and exploitation
e)Is the child/young person aware of road safety and cycling awareness
Enjoying and Achieving
Provide details of the child/young person’s attendance and achievement and constructive recreational activities they are involved in
a)Positive developments
b)Areas of concern and how these are being addressed
c)How many days has the child been absent from school/education this month; give reasons for absence
d)Any other issues relating to school/education/training
e)Events and activities the child/young person has undertaken this month (include after school activities):
Date / Activityf) Is the child/young person a member of a library Yes/No (template)
Making a positive contribution
Provide details if the child/young person is law abiding and developing positive relationships and fitting into the community
a)Positive developments
b)Areas of concern and how these are being addressed
c)ALL child’s contact with family, social worker, supervising social worker; including face to face contact at events and activities etc:
Date / Who with / Comments/reaction of childd)Is the child/young person participating in any other community activities, forming relationships with neighbours/community members
e)Any LAC or PEP reviews taken place this month; give details
Achieving an economic well-being
How is the child/young person developing life skills & preparing for independence, self-care, money, management, cooking, housework etc (if applicable)
a)Positive Achievements
b)Areas of concern and how are these being addressed
c)How well prepared for independent living is the child
d)Any significant emotional/behavioural issues this month
Please provide details of child/young person’s finances
a)How much pocket money did the child/young person receive
b)Does the child/young person have an active bank account? How much was saved this month?
c)Have any significant purchases been made for the child/young person?
Significant events/incidents
a)Have there been any significant incidents/accidents/events which have resulted in an EN1 form needing to be completed? (If yes, give details)
Signed: … ……………………………………………… Foster Carer/s
Date: ……….………………..……………………….
Signed: ……………………………………..…. Supervising Social Worker
Date: …………………………………………..……..