P. O. BOX4011



TheBoardofDirectorswouldlike tothank youfor your interest in managingorcoachinginFoster CityLittle League. Managingandcoachingare privileges, notrights,inFoster CityLittleLeague.Youare appointedon anannual basis, andthefactthatyouhadateamlastseasonDOES NOT GUARANTEE thatyouwill haveateam this season.Shouldasituationariseinwhichyour actions aredeemednot"in thebest interestsofFoster CityLittleLeague,"theBoard hasthepower toremoveyou asamanager orcoach.Managers areappointedbythePresidentandapproved bythe Board ofDirectors.

LittleLeaguehasinstituted amandatorybackground checkingpolicy.Pleasefilloutthe separate form provided for thispurpose.

Name ______Phone # ______

Address ______

E-Mail ______

Employer ______Alt. Ph. # ______

I am applying to be a: [circle one]:MANAGERASSISTANT COACH

I would like to manage\coach in the following division [circle only one—use another application if you’d like to manage or coach in two divisions]:


Managing\coaching experience: ______

I want to manage\coach because: ______

I would like to coach with [name other coach] ______

Name(s) of players I’d like to have on my team ______

TheLittle League managermustbe aleader. Allmanagers mustrecognize thattheyhold a position oftrust. It isa responsibilityin a programthatdeals witha sensitive and formative period ofa child's development. It is required thata managerhave understanding, patienceand the capacityto workwith allplayers. The Managermustbe aware that the attainmentofexceptionalathletic skillorthewinningofgamesand championshipsissecondary, and thatthe teachingofgood sportsmanship, teamwork, honesty, loyaltyand respectforauthorityis ofprimary importance.

To manage in theMajors Division, a personmusthave atleast two years officialcoachingexperiencewithin FosterCityLittleLeague, or the equivalent. ToManagein the AAAand AAlevel, a person musthaveatleastone yearofofficialcoachingexperience, withinFosterCityLittle League, or the equivalent. Theselection ofmanagers and coaches is inthejurisdiction ofFosterCityLittle League, andis notsubjecttointervention fromthe District, RegionorLittle League Headquarters.

AMajors orAAAdivisionmanagermustagreeto coach onlyoneteamduringtheLittleLeague season, andmaynot manage concurrentlyinanyotherbaseball orsoftballprogramincludingbutnotlimited to Senior, Pony, Colt, BabeRuth, Joe DiMaggio,High schoolorASA.

TheManagershallberesponsiblefortheconductofhis orherplayers, teamparents, and teamvolunteers atall league gamesand practices.The managermustdemonstrate thathe/she hasanappreciation forthephilosophyofLittle League, and cooperatewith the Board ofDirectorsand othersin makingthe programofmutualbenefitto allplayers.

Allmanagers MUSTshowbyexample that theyrespect thejudgmentand positionofauthorityof the umpire,and at the same time instillin theirplayers arespectforauthorityofadultleadersin the league.The managermustexercisea leadershiprole, butatthe same time leave the game inthe handsofthe players.Themanagermust, within Little League rules, provide anopportunityforeveryplayerto take partin every game.

TheManagermustalso encourage players ateveryopportunity. TheManagermustknowthe playingRulesofLittle League Baseballandbe able tointerpret themcorrectly. The Managermustmake everypossible effortto correctany violation ofthe rules beforetheyoccurto preventany protestsituation. It is alsorequired thatallmanagers have a basic knowledge offirstaidand safety and attend a session on safety and first aid provided by Foster City Little League.

The Manager/Coachmustalso be aware thatthe Board ofDirectors, bythepower vestedtherein and withinthe League Constitution, hasthe powerto removeanyManager/Coachfrom his orherposition ifhis orheractionsareviewedas detrimentaltotheteamand/orto the wellbeing oftheleague. The Manager/Coach doeshavetherightto a hearing before the Board ofDirectors insuchcases, as outlined inthe bylaws.

Ihave read both theFRONTand BACKof thisform. I agreeto abide by therulesand regulations stated abovefor Managersand CoachesinFoster City Little League.

Yoursignature on thisapplication tomanage or coach givestheFoster CityLittle LeagueBoard ofDirectorsthe rightto doa criminalbackground check on youand can be used todecidewhetheror notyouwillbeapprovedto manageor coach.

Haveyou everbeen convicted ofafelony crime?(circleone)NoYes

Allcoaches arerequiredto complete aPositive Coaching Alliance(PCA)coach clinic priorto the startoftheSpring 2016season.

Haveyou completed aPCAcoach clinicin the last18 months?(circleone) YesNo

(PCAclinicsand online classeswillbe offeredWinter2015-16forthosewhoanswer No.)

Signed ______Date ______

Dear 2016LittleLeagueManagerand Coach Applicants,

Thankyouforsubmitting anapplicationtomanage or coachfortheSpring2016LittleLeagueseason.Forthose whowereinvolvedinthe2015season,I’msureyounoticedthattheleagueinvested heavily intraining clinics anda partnershipwiththe Positive CoachingAlliance inan efforttocreate a positiveandrewardingexperience forallparticipants,includingManagersandCoaches. Guidedbyyourfeedback,weplantobuilduponour successwithadditionalprogramenhancementsand continued investmentinManager/Coachsupportservices next season.

Once registrationhasbeencompleted on November 30th,a committeeof board memberswillreview the applicationsandselectthe managers andcoaches for eachdivision. Pleaseremember thatmanagers/coachesare appointed on an annual basis. Amongother criteria, managers and coaches willbeselected based on:

  • Knowledgeof thegame;
  • Level of priorcoaching experience;
  • Results of the 2015 or prior Positive Coaching Alliance parent and player feedback forms for those who managed orcoached in2015 or prior;
  • AttendanceataPositiveCoachingAlliancecoachclinicinthelast18months(on-line clinicswillbeoffered this Winter forthose whohavenot attendedaPCA coachclinic).

All manager andcoach applicants willbenotified of thecommittee’s decision bytheirrespectivedivision representativesas soon aspossible after registration. In the meantime, ifyouhave anyquestions, feel freeto contact thedivision representative orme.


David Carducci

President – Foster City Little League

President: David

MajorsDivRep: Mark

AAADivRep:Mike O’Mahoney

AADivRep: Steve Thibault

ADivRep:Jeremy Jessup

T-BallDivRep:Karen Belen-Henroid

Wiffle Ball Div Rep: David