Name: ______Date: ______Pd: _____
On a scale of 1-5, rate your attitude. 1 means NEVER & 5 means all the time.
1) When buying something, how much do you consider impacts on the environment? ______
2) When buying something, how much do you consider impacts on the economy? ______
3) When buying something, does it matter how much packaging it has? ______
4) When buying something, how much do you consider impacts on society and people? ______
Trash in the last 24 hours…..
1) Luxury –
2) Necessity -
Video: The Story of Stuff
1) Extraction:
2) Production:
3) Distribution:
4) Consumption:
5) Disposal:
In the U.S., industry, people and institutions produced ______million tons of solid waste in 1999. This amount of trash equals almost ______pounds of waste per person per ______.
Four Main Categories of Waste
1) ______solid waste
2) Industrial waste
3) ______waste
4) Wastewater
Municipal solid waste is waste that consists of , yard waste, and plastic.
Industrial comes from the production of consumer goods, , agriculture & petroleum extraction & refining.
waste is solid or liquid waste that is toxic, chemically reactive, or corrosive. This includes paint, batteries, household cleaners to medical waste.
is another type of waste that includes the that is used in our households, business, industries, or public facilities. All the water that goes down the !!
Waste management - ______
1)Sanitary landfills - A ______is a regulated area where wastes are placed in the land. Landfills are constructed in several layers to prevent ______of the soil and water around them and to handle ______, gases and waste volume.
Examples: Municipal Waste Landfill, Construction and Demolition Waste and Resource Recovery (Waste-to-energy facilities)
Steps in creating a sanitary landfill
1. Landfill is lined with a ______liner and several feet of ______on the bottom and sides of the hole. This lining prevents most substances from ______out of the landfill into ______and ______.
2. Wastes are ______and covered with several inches of ______on a daily basis to help reduce ______, and to control litter, insects and ______.
3. Landfills must be ______in order to prevent the contamination of groundwater and other areas around the landfill.
4. Newer landfills have ______collection systems. Collects ______that has percolated through the landfill and contains contaminate substances (______).
5. ______collection system. Landfill gas (______) forms when trash begins to decompose in an anaerobic environment. Landfill gas consists of 50 % ______and 50% carbon dioxide. Some landfills collect the gases and convert them to ______.
6. The primary decomposers of garbage are ______and ______. Decomposers – organisms that break down dead organic wastes.
7. The amount of moisture and air, ______, light and the decomposing ______all affect the rate at which microbes can digest the ______.
8. According to the EPA, ____% of all monitored landfills in the US are leaking their contents into the groundwater.
Capturing Energy from Landfills
Deep inside the landfills, decompose waste in an oxygen-deficient (anaerobic) environment. This decomposition produces landfill gas called . We collect this methane thru a network of by vacuum pressure. The collected gas can provide for 25,000 homes.
One way in which we try and reduce the amount of waste is by ______. Incineration is disposing of trash by controlled ______. These stations are sometimes called ______facilities because as the wastes burn energy is produced.
1. Incineration of trash ______the volume of the wastes by 90% and the mass by ____%.
2. Burning at such high temperatures ______harmful compounds and kills disease-causing ______.
3. Burning trash also creates ______and it can convert water into steam to generate ______.
4. Incinceration also ______the air. A ______uses a liquid spray to neutralize acidic gases in combustion smoke. ______are also used to remove ______particles from the smoke.
5. Facilities are called Waste to ______Facilities b/c we capture energy from the burning of trash to help create ______.
Estimated length of time it will take for the following to decompose if left untreated and exposed to the elements. If buried in a landfill, decomposition may take longer.
Paper: 2-4 weeks
Cotton rags: 1-5 months
Orange peel: 6 months
Woolen sock: 12 months
Plastic bags: 10-20 years
Leather shoes: 25-40 years
Aluminum cans: 200-500 years
Cardboard box: 2 months
Diapers: 450-550 years!!!
Kleenex: almost the first time it gets wet
Jeans: 7 years
Rubber sole of boot: 50-80 years…..tire: 1000 years
Paper vs. Plastic
Plastics buried in a landfill can take an estimated time of up to ______years to break down. Plastic is made from long complicated chains of atoms called ______. Bacterial and other decomposers do not find these
polymers very ______. Some plastics are ______, which means they break down in the presences of light. Other plastics are ______, which means that they degrade by the action of ______.
Biodegradable plastic bags have been developed. They are made of plastic webbing and ______.
Paper presents a ______problem. There is more paper used than plastics but it does not ______. Paper will not rot when sealed ______tight.
There are three goals of waste reduction & recovery.
1. R______the amount of waste
2. R______as much as possible
3. R______materials
Waste Reduction
We have many disposable materials in our society. We have been referred to as the “throw away society.”
Source Reduction is ______waste generation.
1. Less ______- only purchase what you need J
2. Less ______
3. Reducing using non-biodegradable ______.
4. Design ______that last!
5. Financial incentives – “Bottle Bills”
Zero Waste – the design & management of products & processes to ______the amount of waste and the toxicity of materials are not ______or ______
REUSE -Reusing items rather than ______them in the trash is another way in which we can reduce the amount of ______. Give items away for redistribution.
Waste Recovery
1) Composting ______way to get rid of wastes. Worms, ______, fungi and other organisms that decompose piles of fruit and vegetable food scraps, wood and ______. Composting begins by ______digesting and excreting the ______matter into the pile. As the ______rises more organisms are attracted to the pile. The ______of composting is a dark brown substance called ______. Humus is very rich in nutrients and an important part of good soil.
2) RECYCLE - Recycling is a series of activities that reuse a product’s raw ______to manufacture new products.
a. Collect the materials: glass, ______and aluminum. Curbside pick-up is growing ______.
b. Manufacturing: Each recyclable has its own process where it is broken down and then made into something new.
c. Recycling ______is completed when recycled products are bought. Buying recycled products also saves ______for future generations. This is called “Closing the loop.”
Amount of items being recycled:
a. 42% of all paper
b. 40% of ______soft drink bottles
c. 55% of aluminum cans
d. 56% of all ______packaging
· Paper, especially newsprint, is recycled and used on farms to ______soil and livestock bedding.
· Not all ______can be recycled.
· Plastics are recycled based on their ______numbers 1-7.
· Metals that are commonly recycled are steel and______.
· Recycling aluminum cans have diverted more than ______billion pounds of aluminum from the landfills.
· Recycling ______make a difference!!!!!!
· Pennsylvania made recycling the law in July 1988 with ______, the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act, thus making ______the ______state in the nation to require ______.
Benefits of Recycling
· Saves ______
o In 2005, Pennsylvanians recycled 1.2 million tons of ______which saved 1.4 million ton ______, 829, 786 ton of coal, & 71, 124 ton of ______.
o Recycling newsprint, office paper & mixed paper saved the equal to 78 million tree seedlings.
· Saves ______
· Saves ______
o Reduces ______gas emissions
§ In 2005, recycling reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 2.5 million metric tons of carbon equivalent (MMTCE) or 9 million tons of Carbon Dioxide (MMTCO2).
o Reduces emissions of air & ______pollutants
§ Reduced water emissions total nearly 9,000 tons
· Value to ______
o 52, 316 jobs in PA
· ______
· In 2008, Pennsylvania recycled over ______ million tons of resources. The materials Pennsylvanians recycled in 2005 saved almost 98 trillion British thermal units of energy and cut more than 2.5 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions from the air. Respectively, that's the equivalent of eliminating the output from three large coal-fired power plants and taking 1.7 million cars and light trucks off the road.
· Source:http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/benefits_of_recycling/14061
Hazardous Waste: metals, paints, e-waste, medical waste, etc.
1. Landfills that have been especially ______...water tight liners away from ______.
2. Surface Impoundment: liquid ______waste mixed w/water. When the water ______it just leaves the solid ______residue. Process is repeated many times. Then the solid ______is gathered & buried.
3. Deep well injection: A well is ______deep beneath the water table. Wastes are ______into it & its kept deep underground.
4. Radioactive wastes (radon): It is also ______deep underground in containers that will not corrode. Tanks near nuclear power plants can also store it.
Waste Regulation
1)RCRA - Resource conservation and Recovery Act (1976)
This is a federal law which helps to govern our waste management system.
*To ______public from harm caused by waste disposal.
*To ______reuse, reduction and recycling
*To ______spilled or improperly stored wastes
2)CERLCLA – Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation & Liability Act (1980)
This law established a federal program to ______up U.S. sites polluted w/hazardous waste from past ______. The EPA administers this cleanup program that is called the ______.
Waste Management
Sanitary Landfill
/ /Incineration
/ /Composting
/ /Recycling / /
What bottle blues?
Deciphering those little triangles on your plastics
These are the numbers in the little ______on the bottom of ______.
The number tells us what ______are used to make the ______.
The ______will also determine the recycling process.
What happens to the ______& what new product it may make?
#1 PET or PETE
Made from polyethylene terephthalate
Nickname: ______
Clear, ______and moisture barrier properties
Frequently ______
Packaging Applications
Soda bottles, ______, Salad dressing, detergent, mouthwash, ______& ______, recycled products,
Recycled Products
Pillow fill, ______, fleece, fiber, ______, film, ______. Bottles, food & beverage containers, retail bags
Made from high ______polyethylene
Good ______& stiff
Package products with a short ______
Pigmented ______bottles have better stress crack resistance than ______bottles.
Frequently ______
Packaging Application
______, plastic milk bottles, nail polish remover bottle, ______, grocery bags, cosmetics, ______& margarine containers, retail bags
Recycled Products
Plastic crates, ______, new detergent bottles, motor oil bottles, ______, buckets, flower pots, ______, floor tiles and MORE!!!
#3 PVC
Made from Polyvinyl chloride
______and tough
Resistance to ______, oil & other ______
When ______is disposed of it may release ______& ______.
______is a known carcinogen.
Phthalates is a known ______ disrupter.
Packaging applications
Take-out boxes, ______, shower curtains, flooring, faux-leather clothing, ______, medical tubing
Recycled products
Drainage & irrigation pipes, loose-leaf binders, ______, mud flaps, floor tiles, ______, garden hose, ______, paneling, and MORE!!!
Made from ______density polyethylene
Items made from LDPE
Grocery bags, shrink wrap, Bread & produce bags, Newspaper, Dry-cleaning
New products made from LDPE
Trash can liners, ______, new bags
#5 PP
Number 5 plastic is made from Polypropylene
Items that use PP:
Takeout containers, medicine bottles, baby bottles, ______, bottle caps, yogurt containers
PP new life
Bike racks, ______, ice scrapers, plastic lumber
#6 PS
#6 plastic is made from polystyrene.
Suspected to release possible carcinogens & endocrine disrupters
Items contained in polystyrene are
Egg cartons
Picnic ware
New items made from #6
Plastic lumber…again
#7 Other - All of the rest of the plastic party!
Could possible ______Bisphenol A, which is an artificial estrogen that interferes with hormone function.
Possible items:
Squeezable ______, Microwavable dishes, Oven bags, Corn-based plastics, Polycarbonate
#7 plastics are usually NOT RECYCLED!
Municipal solid waste biodegradable
Consumption E-waste
nonbiodegradable landfill methane gas
leachate radioactive waste reduce
hazardous waste source reduction
incinerator synthetic liner disposal
reuse close the loop
SPI codes 4.5 pounds decomposers
old medication
Compost humus sustainability
Toxic corrosive explosive
Pesticides distribution
zero waste extraction
PA Landfills
We all generate 4-5 pounds of trash each day. We are all a part of the solution. Visit the following website to learn more about PA Landfills: www.pawasteindustries.org
1. How much money does the waste industry make in PA? ______
2. How many jobs are created by the waste industry? ______
3. How much tax revenue is generated by taxes in PA? ______
4. List one way the waste industry gives back to the community? ______
1. How many landfills were in PA before 1968? ______
2. How many landfills do we have today in PA? ______
3. What 2 laws have impacted our waste industry? ______
4. What law is responsible for curbside pickup of recycling? ______
1. How much trash do Pennsylvanians create? ______
2. List the type & percentage of our trash in PA.
3. How much of our trash goes to the landfill? ______
4. How much of our trash is burned? ______
5. What % of PA trash is recycled? ______
6. Where does our hazardous waste go?
Visit the Landfill Design & Tour.