Foster Carer - Review

Foster Carer Review

Foster Carer’s Comments

Name of Carer(s):
Date completed:
Date of review:

1.  Please tell us about any significant changes in your household since the last review or your approval and what impact they have had on family life.

(e.g. health issues, criminal proceedings, changes in members of the household, personal issues):

2.  In what ways has fostering impacted on you and your family?

3.  What have you learnt from your foster placements over the last 12 months? Think about your relationship with and direct care of foster children, how you have managed contact, your relationship with other professionals involved with the children in your care.

What do you consider you have done well?
Where do you feel you could improve?
What would you like to achieve before your next review?

4.  If there have been any complaints or allegations made against you in the last 12 months, please comment on the following:

How the complaint was managed?
Support you have received?
Your learning & development from this complaint

5.  Please comment on your relationship(s) with the child/young person’s Social Worker/s and whether you have had sufficient support from them.

6.  Please comment on the support you have received over the last 12 months from your own support network, your supervising social worker and from Wiltshire Fostering Service:

a)  At home
b)  With educational or other issues
c)  With respite
d)  On Call / Out of Hours assistance
e)  Payments
f)  Practical Support, e.g. equipment
g)  How would you describe the level of support you have received from your Fostering Social Worker?
Could we further improve on this for you?
h)  Any other comments you would like to make about your support network

7.  What training have you received over the last 12 months?

How has this supported you in the fostering task?

8.  What do you think are your training needs over the next 12 months?

9.  Do you feel the needs of your family have been met over the past 12 months?

10. Do you think the terms of your approval should be changed?

If so, please explain in what way and why?

11. Have you needed to make any complaints over the last year?

If so, was it resolved to your satisfaction?

12. Explain how you have kept up-to-date with the fostering task

i.e. Fostering News, attending support groups, involvement with Wiltshire Fostering Association

13. Have you read the Foster Carers Handbook and do you feel confident in your understanding of its contents including any updates?

14. Are there any issues you would like to discuss at your review meeting?


Thank you for taking the time to complete this Form.

Please return in the enclosed pre-paid envelope.

Foster Carer Review
Foster Carer’s comments
Version 1 / Page 2 of 7 / Last Updated May 2012