7th Grade – Ecology and Evolution
Packing List
Quantity / Item Description / Inventory ChecklistDrawer 1
80 / Aluminum foil squares / ¨
8 / Animal cards sets, 18 cards/set / ¨
8 / Bromthymol Blue indicator solution, drop control, 30 ml / ¨
16 / Brushes, small / ¨
80 / Filter papers for 100mm petri dish / ¨
50 / Nematode extractor filter papers (Kleenex) / ¨
8 / Nematode extractor sets (funnel, disc, stand and clamp) / ¨
8 / Nematode extractor tubing / ¨
40 / Owl pellets (upon request only) / ¨
16 / Petri dishes, plastic, 100 mm / ¨
16 / Pipets, plastic / ¨
64 / Wooden sticks, pointed / ¨
1 / SALI MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) / ¨
Drawer 2
1 cntr / Aquarium gravel, 950 cc / ¨
25 / Armbands / ¨
1 cntr / Sand, 950 cc / ¨
64 / Vial caps, plastic, for 10 dram / ¨
64 / Vials, clear plastic, 10 dram / ¨
Drawer 3
1 set / Chalk, sidewalk, set of 4 colors / ¨
200 / Coverslips, glass / ¨
8 / Cups, graduated, 30 ml / ¨
32 / Cups, clear plastic, 9 oz / ¨
16 / Droppers, plastic / ¨
8 / Footprint cards sets, (sets of 3 fossil) / ¨
1 bag / Fossils specimen sets, 1 each of 8 different fossil / ¨
16 / Magnifiers, 4X / ¨
60 / Microscope slides / ¨
16 / Rulers, metric, plastic, 15cm / ¨
80 / Straws, plastic, wrapped / ¨
16 / Time Cards sets, 6 cards/set / ¨
Drawer 4
150 / Bags, clear (pleated fold-and-close top) / ¨
8 / Classification cards sets, 6 cards/set / ¨
8 / Dice, numbered / ¨
7th Grade – Ecology and Evolution
Packing List
Quantity / Item Description / Inventory ChecklistDrawer 4 (continued)
1 / Drill Core Sets / ¨
8 / Droppers, plastic / ¨
8 / Lugol’s (iodine) solution, 20 ml / ¨
16 / Paper bags (lunch bags) / ¨
2 / Paper roll, 3" wide (cash register tape) / ¨
800 / Rods, beige / ¨
800 / Rods, green / ¨
8 / Skeleton cards sets, 5 cards/set / ¨
Drawer 5
8 / Battling Beaks Arena / ¨
96 / Forks, plastic / ¨