Word Study List C 2016-2017
1.Aug. 29-Sept. 9Short Vowels
- mud
- bed
- best
- hut
- trap
- stop
- lost
- pop
Final Consonant Blends
- sand
- gulf
- best
- lift
- runt
- camp
- crisp
- test
Consonant Digraphs
(ph, gh, -tch)
- watch
- photo
- pitch
- graph
- hatch
- phase
- match
- itch
Sounds of Y
- cry
- any
- sky
- cozy
- dry
- July
- my
- spy
2. Sept. 12
Short Vowels (-ck, -ea)
- read
- tuck
- deck
- sock
- head
- tick
- rock
- buck
Silent E
8.size / 10. Nov. 7
Long a Vowel Patterns
- cape
- day
- ray
- crave
- flake
- hay
- sway
- wave
Long o Vowel Patterns
(-o_e, oe, oa)
- coat
- vote
- bone
- toe
- oak
- rope
- toad
- loaf
3. Sept. 19
Beginning Blends
8.snap / 7. Oct. 17
-ng and –nk glides / Inflectional endings
- sank
- pink
- yank
- sang
- wink
- honk
- wing
- long
Long e vowel Patterns
- eat
- heal
- key
- ski
- heat
- pea
- taxi
- sea
Long o Vowel Patterns (ough, ow)
- bow
- snow
- blow
- own
- crow
- mow
- glow
- slow
4. Sept. 26
Beginning Blends
- flag
- grip
- plop
- frog
- drop
- black
- crib
- slim
Long u Vowel Patterns (oo, ew)
- new
- zoo
- food
- blew
- mood
- grew
- tool
- few
Consonant Digraphs
- shed
- such
- thin
- math
- ship
- bath
- shop
- whip
- arm
- corn
- care
- hair
- farm
- dare
- fort
- soar
Long I vowel Patterns
- bike
- five
- find
- time
- pie
- life
- kind
- tie
Consonant + le
- fable
- eagle
- bubble
- puzzle
- candle
- turtle
- table
- cattle
Long u Vowel Patterns
- cube
- mute
- true
- June
- glue
- tune
- mule
- blue
(un-, re-, pre-, dis-)
- refill
- unzip
- unhappy
- preheat
- replay
- unfair
- prepay
- prefer
18. Feb. 6
Comparative Endings (-er and –est)
- faster
- fastest
- smaller
- cooler
- taller
- coolest
- tallest
- smallest
- I’ll
- we’ll
- how’s
- I’m
- he’s
- can’t
- mom’s
- don’t
Dipthongs (ou and ow /ou/)
- out
- loud
- brown
- noun
- town
- chow
- clown
- pout
Suffixes (-ly, -ful, -er, -or, -less)
1. actor
2. teacher
3. shortly
4. farmer
5. weekly
6. camper
7. orderly
8. playful
19.Feb. 13
Plurals (-s or –es)
- hands
- boxes
- wishes
- lamps
- bones
- dishes
- clocks
- rocks
r-controlled (-er, -ir, -ur)
- her
- bird
- turn
- verb
- dirt
- surf
- curl
- girl
Dipthongs (oi, oy)
- join
- foil
- coin
- oil
- enjoy
- royal
- noisy
- toy
/aw/ (aw, au, augh, al)
- yawn
- salt
- draw
- small
- law
- dawn
- straw
- chalk
20. Feb. 20 Plurals (Words that end in –y, -f, -lf, fe, rf)
- boys
- skies
- flies
- keys
- spies
- lives
- elves
- fish
Soft c and g
- face
- ice
- age
- race
- fancy
- city
- mice
- cage
Silent Consonants
- sign
- limb
- wrap
- lamb
- climb
- knot
- know
- thumb
Review week