Marketing Course Syllabus

Fort Mill High School - Mrs. Farley

Course Description:

This course introduces marketing concepts and examines economic, marketing and business fundamentals providing an overview of the marketing functions of selling, promotion, and distribution. Using textbooks, technology, and additional resources, students solve problems, create marketing plans, and present findings in a written, visual, and oral format. Students work on individual and group assignments strengthening critical thinking, communication, and teamwork skills.

Course Topics:

The World of Marketing Distribution Economics

Pricing Business and Society Marketing Information Management

Skills for Marketing Selling Product and Service Management

Entrepreneurship and Finance Promotion Employability and Career Development

* Textbook - Marketing Essentials by Glencoe & McGraw Hill

Student Assessment:

The student’s grade is assessed using the following distribution:

Tests 35% Class Work / Homework / Quizzes 25%

Projects 30% Daily Performance* 10%

*Daily performance grade includes warm-up activities, staying on task during the class period, participating individually and in partner/group activities, coming to class prepared and proper management of computer files.

Grades are available through Power School. Grade reports are provided at midterm and report card times.

Student Expectations

Students are expected to act in a professional manner and observe all rules listed in the FMHS student handbook and the classroom. The computers are FMHS property and misuse of software and/or hardware is vandalism and punishment is handled by administration.

·  Be respectful of everyone and all equipment.

·  Be prepared, attentive and maintain excellent work habits.

·  NO FOOD, DRINKS, OR GUM, this is a computer lab.

·  After an absence, THE STUDENT is responsible for asking about and making up missed work.


1.  Warning and discussion

2.  ISS with a discipline referral & parent contact

Other consequences for not being attentive (ex. head down during instruction) and/or respectful include a 1-2 page paper on an assigned topic related to the current class content.

Materials Needed:

Pen, pencil and notebook paper for note taking and assignments.


I believe communication aides success. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions, concerns, or comments at any time. Email is the best method to use for reaching me. I look forward to an exciting semester in our Marketing class.

Gina Farley


FMHS Office: (803) 548-1900


Please keep the top portion for yourself and return the bottom portion to me.

Student’s Name______

Parent Name/signature______

Parent e-mail(s)______

Parent phone(s)______

Best way to contact parent ____ e-mail ____ phone