As you will be aware, if you are unhappy with any aspect of the care and treatment that you - or a member of your family - are experiencing whilst in hospital, you are encouraged to contact a member of staff in the first instance, our Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS) if the staff member is unable to help you, or make a formal, written complaint if you raise your concern at a later date.

However, “complaint” can be a rather scary word. Who wants to make a complaint?Especially someone who might not have the support of friends or family whilst they are an inpatient? Making a complaint might mean that they are treated differently? Wouldn’t it be better to say nothing? Just let it go?

All staff at the Royal Surrey County Hospital would like to assure you that, if you are unhappy with anything that’s happening (or has happened) during the time we have cared for you, whether as an inpatient or outpatient, we would like to know about it.

It is only when you tell us about your concerns that we are able to look into the issue and, wherever possible, do something about it. Some of the things that we have been able to change because of your comments are:

Concern / Change made
Difficult for patients to return heart monitors at weekend as staff are often reluctant to take these, or give a receipt for them / The Cardiology Team have agreed that heart monitors will only be returned during Cardiology working hours
Patient complains about repeated cancellation of outpatient appointments / Appointment Centre staff have been instructed to refer all patients with repeated cancellations to a senior member of staff for review
Patient complains about the automated check-in service / Amendment to the computer system to ensure that clinic names are not visible. Consultant's name is to be displayed instead.
Lack of privacy and dignity for intimate ultrasound scans / Ultrasonographers will ask patients having intimate scans if they would prefer a gown, and if they would like the sonographer to leave the room while they change.
Patient's procedure was cancelled on the day due to not having a pre-operative procedure / Patients identified as being at a higher risk will now be asked to attend a pre-operative assessment prior their procedure

Therefore, if you wish to bring an issue to our attention, please consider that you are not making a


but rather a


We look forward to hearing about any concerns you may have.