FLCC AGM – Monday, February 17, 2014

Fort Langley Canoe Club


Monday, February 20, 2017@ 7:30 pm

Fort Langley Community Hall-upper hall

9167 Glover Road, Fort Langley, B.C.



FLCC AGM – Monday, February 17, 2014

Bob Anderson
Elizabeth Backman
Jaye Barbour
Monique Barnett
Ruth Bedell
Reva Berman
Elizabeth Blackman
Joanne Bolam
Linda Braun
Marilyn Brooks
Cheryl Bublitz
Janet Burden
Terry Burke
Deanna Cale
Sharon Campbell
Jean Chan
Meghan Cheung
Lauryn Cheung
Kirsten Cheung
Fernanda Clint
Karen Corness
Bill Cowie
Denise Crook
Bonnie Cunningham
Sharon Delany
Carmen Dolinsek
Robyn Doornberg
Gralin Doubleday
Emily Duquette
Ansley Evans
Sandy Ferguson
Dari Fisher
Linda Fleck
Jackie Frame
Mary Beth Fry / Sharon Good
Erika Gow
Rowan Gow
Hazel Halliday
Betsy Heal
Sue Hillier
Devon Holcroft
Colleen Horner
Glenn Howes
Thomas Hoy
Elliot Hoyt
Sherry Hunt
Kathleen Janzen
Noni Kazakoff
Julie Kell
Verdene Keller
Charles Kettler
Katherine Kettler
Susan Kishiuchi
Jerry Langley
Karen Langley
Marilyn Leibel
Liz Libera
Kathy Linden
Dave Longman
Alice Lum
Donna Lum
Bernice MacDonald
Cheryl MacIntosh
Barbara Manchester
Paula McCallum
Debbie McMullen
Terry McMullen
Debbie Morrison / Landon McQuarrie
Andrea Mills
Lisa Mitchell
Johanna Mramor
Susan Murray
Kathy Nelson
Katherine Neuman
Anne Nicoll
Lynda Paquette
Lynda Pedersen
Marin Phillips-Hing
Linda Pound
Carole Roberts
Kathy Rodham
Heidi Saathof
Kirsten Shiels
Bev Short
Dianne Shrimpton
Corrie Smith
Liam Stewart
Betty Stockli
Sara Strachan
Jeffrey Sun
Pamela Sutherland
Joan Taylor
Renee Tesch
Sheila Thompson
Diane Twist
Verla Wallace
Amber Wang
Debbie Williams
Megan Wilson
Markus Zwirn
ELIGIBLE VOTERS PRESENT with proxy vote(s): 24
(plus proxy votes)see attached for detailed proxy list, voters
Patricia Barker
Allen Black
Belinda Burke
Debi Collins
Diane Ciulla
Mare Cox
Kelley Fripps-Cheung
Star Gleboff
Glenda Grassmuck
Marlene Hoyt
Dianne Kask
Carolyn Kessler
Patricia Kieneker
Edna Matthews
Jaye Peebles
Joanne Pinkerton
Grant Rawston
Emily Raymond
Debbie Scott
Maureen Spencer
John Spencer
Sue Tuttle
Cec Welk / Representing 2proxy voters
Representing 1 proxy voter
Representing 3 proxy voters
Representing 1 proxy voter
Representing 1proxy voter
Representing 2 proxy voters
Representing 1proxy voter
Representing 1proxy voter
Representing 1proxy voter
Representing 2 proxy voters
Representing 3 proxy voters
Representing 1 proxy voter
Representing 1 proxy voters
Representing 3proxy voters
Representing 2 proxy voters
Representing 1proxy voter
Representing 3 proxy voters
Representing 2 proxy voters
Representing 3proxy voters
Representing 1 proxy voter
Representing 5 proxy voters
Representing 3 proxy voter
Representing 4proxy voters
Representing 4proxy voters
The club has 357 eligible members. For a quorum,54members eligible to vote are required. Quorum has been met.
As per Part 4 – 14. (3) of the bylaws, a quorum is 15% of the members eligible to vote, but never less than 5 persons. Each voting member present can carry a maximum of 9 proxies.
Call to order. The meeting commenced at 7:35pm with welcome and introductions.
Item II
Agenda / MOTION by Susan Murray to adopt the agenda as read.
Seconded by Sandy Ferguson
In favor, none opposed.
MOTION by Susan Murray to accept proxies submitted on the form with the wrong date.
Seconded by Sandy Ferguson
In favor, none opposed. Carried
Motion by Reva Berman to allow non-member parents/guardians of minors who are FLCC members to exercise the minor’s proxy.
SecondedbyMaureen Spencer
In favor, none opposed.
Item III
Adoption of Minutes
February 22, 2016 / MOTION byCarolyn Kessler to accept the minutes from, February 22, 2016 AGM as corrected.
SecondedbySusan Murray
In favor, none opposed.
Item IV
. i Consideration of
Financial Statements;
Budgets; Proposed
Capital Expenditures / Financial statements, budgets, and proposed capital expenditures were sent to all members. The treasurer was thanked for her clarification of the financial statements.
MOTION by Susie Tuttle to accept the 2016 financial statements as distributed.
Seconded by Katherine Kettler
In favor, none opposed.
Motion by Susie Tuttle to accept the budgets and proposed purchases for 2017as distributed.
Seconded by Karen Langley
In favor, none opposed.
Item V
Commodore Report / Cheryl MacIntosh presented the Commodore’s Report giving an overview of the events and highlights of this past year.
The following reports/items (along with notice of the AGM) were sent to all members prior to the AGM
  • Agenda
  • Proxy
  • 2016AGM minutes
  • Proposed financials, budgets and purchases
  • Nominees information
See attached reports:
  • Commodore’s report, by Commodore Cheryl MacIntosh
Motion by Erica Gow, Whereas the FLCC FlatwaterSprint paddlers will not be permitted to participate in sanctionedregattas and the 2017 season is imminent,that the FLCC Board of Directors put on hold withdrawing from Canoe Kayak BC, until such time that the Sprint Division, the FLCC board and CKBC can identify and implement a mutually satisfactory solution, to ensure that all FLCC paddlers can continue to participate in CKBC and CKC sanctioned eventswithout interruption.
I further move that the timeline for any mutually acceptable solution be December 31st, 2017.
Seconded by Lauryn Cheung
Kelley Fripps-Cheung explained the dilemma faced by the sprint division position with the change in insurance coverage.
Cheryl MacIntosh outlined the insurance costs for 2016 if all paddlers including outings were entered in Padtrac and billed by CKBC at $9 each.
Bob explained the information from Central Insurance. Jean Chan chaired a long discussion with a variety of opinions voiced. At the end of the discussion there was another motion.
Motion by Lauryn Cheung to table the motion.
Seconded by Meghan Cheung Carried
In Favor
Moved by Grant, to strike a task force consisting of representatives of all divisions to come to consensus on the issue of insurance and report to the FLCC executive by March 15, 2017.
Seconded by Erica Gow
In Favor Carried
Motion by Glenn Howes to sign up with the new insurance to ensure
Seconded by Elizabeth Backman
Motion was ruled out of order by Chair Jean Chan.
Motion by Fernanda Clint to cancel all corporate, school outings and drop-ins until the insurance issues are resolved.
Seconded by Debbie Collins
In Favor
Majority abstained Carried
Item VI.
Old Business
Item VII.
Election of Directors / Chairperson Jean Chan handed the meeting over to Johanna Mramor for the election of directors. The following members stood for positions of:
Bob Anderson
Vice Commodore:
Cheryl MacIntosh
Dave Longman
Sara Strachan
FW (Sprint Racing) Coordinator:
Grant Rawstron
DB Coordinator
Karen Corness
OC Coordinator:
Joanne Bolam
Voyageur Coordinator:
Glenda Grassmuck
Member at Large:
The Election Officer called three times for each of the nine positions to be filled.
Bob Andersonwas acclaimed in the position of Commodore.
Cheryl Macintoshwas acclaimed in the position ofVice Commodore.
Dave Longmanwas acclaimed in the position ofTreasurer.
Sara Strachanwas acclaimed in the position ofSecretary.
Grant Rawstronwas acclaimed in the position ofFlatwater (Sprint) Coordinator.
Karen Cornesswas acclaimed as Dragonboat Coordinator.
Joanne Bolamwas acclaimedin the position ofOC Coordinator.
Glenda Grassmuckwas acclaimed in the position ofVoyageur Coordinator.
CatrionaEigenfeldtwas acclaimed in the position of Member At Large
Motion by Jean Chan for a vote of thanks to the outgoing executive members.
Seconded by Cheryl MacIntosh
All in favor.
MOTION to adopt the constitution and bylaws revision / Moved by Marlene Hoyt, to check BC Societies act on dissolution and add the dissolution clause from the 2016 Constitution as well as remove the requirement for a junior member to be a member in good standing of a recognized paddling organization.
Seconded by KelleyFripps-Cheung
In Favor Carried
MOTION by Cec Welk to adopt the constitution and bylaws revision as required by the BC Societies Act 2015 as corrected
Seconded by Debbie Scott
In Favor Carried
MOTION to adopt the increase in membership fees / MOTION by Susie Tuttle raise membership fees for 2018 to $84 for a single member, $64 for a second family member , $44 for third family member, plus GST.
Seconded by Kelley Fripps -Cheung
In Favor Carried
MOTION to adopt the FLCC Strategic Plan / MOTIONby Cheryl to accept the 2017 FLCC Strategic Plan.
Seconded Liz Liberra
D / ADJOURNMENT round of applause
Item H-1
Meeting Adjournment / MOTION bySusie Tuttle, seconded by Cec Welk to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 9:57pm.

Minutes by:

Cec Welk, Secretary

Voter/proxy information by:

Cec Welk, Secretary

Attached below:

  • Proxy Carriers
  • Commodore’s Report
  • Divisional Summaries: year in review


In attendance (non-proxy carriers as seen on page one):

In attendance and proxy carriers: 24Carrying these proxies: 51

(left column below)(right column below)

Patricia Barker / Pat Calder
Jim Wilson
Allen Black / Connie Thompson
Belinda Burke / DeleinePerrie
Janine Hein
Debi Collins / Faith Collins
Diane Ciulla / Dana Gilroy
Mare Cox / Tammy Rogerson
Anneke Van Leeuwen
CatrionaEigenfeldt / Michelle Burnett
Kelley Fripps-Cheung / Frances Cheung
Star Gleboff / Bobbie McKenzie
Glenda Grassmuck / Elaine Barr
Bhree Young
Marlene Hoyt / ElissaElmadani
Sherry Hunt
Ethan Meads
Dianne Kask / Wendy Brouwer
Carolyn Kessler / Joyce May
Patricia Kieneker / AdelitaRagnitz
Carolyn Armour
Edna Matthews / Natisha Mathews
Darren Warren
Jaye Peebles / Dan Peebles
Joanne Pinkerton / Bonnie Cunningham
Donna Lum
Grant Rawston / Mario DeSantis
Sharon DeSantes
Emily Raymond / Abby Charlesworth
Sam Fasullo
Samuel Hao
Debbie Scott / Joan Rebman
John Spencer / Linday Dickey
Joanne Ferguson
Ben Lee
Linda Meyers
Suzanne Waddell
Maureen Spencer / Karen Baillie
Colleen Littledale
Charles Littledale
Anne Charlton
Karen Morley
Sue Tuttle / Linda Li
Joan Taylor
Carolyn Jefferys
Cec Welk / Mala Brown
Heather Fatkin
Judy Fisher
Lorena Ramak


AGM –February 17, 2014

  • Commodore’s Report
  • Divisions:
  • Dragon Boat
  • Flatwater/Sprint
  • Outrigger
  • Voyageur/RecCanoe
  • Financial Reports available on request





Commodore’s Report

Submitted by Cheryl MacIntosh

Commodore Report AGM 2017

2016 was another busy year – but of course being such a large club with four disciplines there is lots going on as we strive to have a fun and safe place to paddle. We are blessed to have a great paddling venue and mild weather (most of the year) in Fort Langley.

We had 636 members in 2016 plus we estimate over 1000 participating in our programs and regattas. That is a lot of people on the water. As we grow so does the paperwork and organization required. Cec has done a lot of work to update our Constitution and Bylaws to meet the new BC Societies Act. She also continues to promote our FLCC clothing line – Thank you Cec – and she is here tonight with samples to try on for sizing – see her after the meeting. Susie Tuttle, our treasurer, has worked hard to complete everything needed. We were required to submit Income tax returns from 2002 to 2012, which was a lot of research, but by July they accepted our tax returns and we received our GST rebate.

As we continue to grow we look for ways to operate more efficiently but safely. We purchased more security for our website which will be an added annual expense. We now accept on-line payments, not only for membership but hopefully for other events including programs and regattas. Both these items have increased the club operating costs but we believe it will be. Due to compliance changes at CKBC four years ago, we are finalizing changes to our participants insurance to ensure all paddlers are covered at the best price. This will require some restructuring to allow our FW division to continue to race with CKBC., but as we currently have members racing under CORA and DBC we are confident we can find a solution that works for the entire club.

Safety boats have been an on-going issue this year – Dianne has been kept busy. We would send a motor in for repairs then two weeks after it was returned it needed to go back. The repair shops says it was a fuel problem – water in the fuel - a re-occurring and costly issue. We have set up usage fees for the safety boats in 2017 and are looking for volunteers to get fuel and keep the fuel tanks full. Hopefully that will solve the problem. On-going docks and equipment repairs and replacement is on-going- it's a huge job so we can always use more help.

Each discipline has been busy. FW Sprint hired a full time coach, Emily Raymond, and a summer program coordinator, ZaffiaLaPlante, who ran our training and programs this year. In the spring, Olympic Champion Adam Vankouverden paddled the Bedford Channel with our sprint youth – how exciting is that. FLCC hosted BC Summer Games Canoe and Kayak again in 2016 as others have discovered our wonderful venue. Sprint, in conjunction with the Chilliwack White Water club, hosted a slalom course in February on the Salmon River – it was attended by National athletes from BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nevada. FLCC Sprint athlete Lauryn Cheung went to National team trials in Montreal and we had six FLCC athletes at the Nationals in Halifax. This division envisions continued success in 2017.

Dragon boat is our largest division including paddlers of all levels, recreational to competitive. We had 16 teams in 2016 including our Breast Cancer team and a visually impaired team, as well as a youth team and a program sponsored by Mental Health. We added two new boats to our fleet – the ten man Swifts. With such a large fleet and dock there is on-going maintenance needs. We thank the volunteers who selflessly help out – but we always need more. FLCC hosted the Canadian National Senior B Women's DB team clinic. We were excited that FLCC Titanium, our Women's C (60+) team, won 2 silvers and a bronze at the Club Crew Worlds in Australia. FLCC has a newly formed a Women's D (70+) team with the aim to be competitive. Teams are regrouping for 2017 and we already have a new Women's team joining the club.

Outrigger continues to grow with 97 registered members in 2016. We had over 180 members do the summer huli drills so they could OC this year. In the spring, FLCC was excited to host an OC Sprint clinic for Team Canada training to go to Australia – we had 70 of 84 national team members attend. Eight FLCC members earned spots on the Canadian National OC6 team to race in the IVF Va'a World Championships in Australia including women's and men's 60+ age teams which reached the semi-finals and finals. We had our annual River Run OC6 regatta and our fall small boat regatta which continue to be popular with both our own members and paddlers from the province. This winter we had a V12 rigged that offered safe training through the winter. We plan to expand the fleet with another Bradley OC6 and are considering more OC1s as the demand keeps growing. Demand for storage space of members' OC1s has seen a huge increase this past year, and while we are currently maxed out for availability there are plans to incorporate more small boat storage space as part of the proposed dock expansion.

Voyageur also saw an increase in new members this year, so that required increased training, which was a great refresher for all the voyageur members. This division is busy with their weekly paddles all year round as well as monthly trips to Bruce's Market for breakfast, Golden Ears bridge hotdog roast, Apple Day, Kanaka Creek picnic, New year Day paddle and potluck – seems like there is a focus on food here. They also hosted school and township outings, the annual Brigade Days arrival in conjunction with the Fort, and the Cranberry Festival Voyageur Races. In 2016 one crew went to the Broughton Islands with the Brigade Society and in 2017 we have a crew joining the Brigade paddle from Skookumchuck to North Vancouver.

The entire club is busy and we keep growing – that would not be happening without the hard work of the many volunteers. Thank you to all the volunteers. We are a volunteer run club so please step up and do your part. Sign up sheets are at the back and Susie Tuttle will collect them and follow up everyone who signs. Let's make 2017 another great year.

PO Box 1098, Fort Langley, BC V1M 2R7 fortlangleycanoeclub.ca