FortFrederica Association
Bookstore Selections Available for Mail-Order
Children’s BooksPrice
Archaeologists Dig For Clues / $ 5.00Bloody Summer of 1742 / $ 5.00
James E. Oglethorpe / $ 9.95
Phoebe’s Secret Diary / $ 5.00
Primary Source History of GA / $ 10.95
The Village Gamester / $ 6.00
Great Colonial American Projects / $ 14.95
Voices of America-Georgia / $ 21.95
Archaeology for Kids / $ 14.95
Historic Communities Series
FortLife / $ 7.95
Colonial Crafts / $ 7.95
18th Century Clothing / $ 7.95
Colonial Toys and Games Price
Cannon Pencil Sharpener / $ 4.00Brass Cannon / $ 10.00
British King’s Colors Flags 4x6 / $ 2.00
Glass Marbles / $ 7.50
Jacks / $ 9.50
Quill Pen w/ ink / $ 2.50
Cup and Ball Toy / $ 7.50
Fox and Geese Game / $ 13.50
Jaw Harps / $ 7.00
Mob Caps / $ 6.00
Pewter Whirligig / $ 3.50
Wood Dice / $ 3.00
Musket Ball / $ 3.00
Jacob’s Ladder / $ 10.00
Artifacts of Colonial America / $ 24.95Frontiers in the Soil: Archaeology of Georgia / $ 16.95
Frontiers in the Soil: Teacher Guide / $ 7.00
Military History Price
British Office: Raymond Demere / $ 3.00British Redcoat 1740-1795 / $ 17.95
Colonial American Troops / $ 15.95
British Drums on the Southern Frontier / $ 22.50
A Soldier’s Like Way: The Material Culture of the British Infantry 1751-1768 / $ 32.50
Local and State History Price
Georgia’s Land of the Golden Isles / $18.95Germans of Frederica / $ 3.00
Images of America: Brunswick and St.SimonsIsland / $ 20.00
Journal of Visit to a GeorgiaIslands / $ 24.95
Scottish Highlanders in Colonial Georgia / $ 19.95
Setting Out to Begin a New World / $ 40.00
Georgia: A State History / $ 29.95
St.SimonsIsland: Summary of its History / $ 15.00
St.SimonsIsland Pictorial Guide / $ 6.00
Description of the Golden Isles / $ 3.50
Scottish Emigration to Colonial America 1607-1785 / $ 22.95
Miscellaneous Price
ChristChurch Cookbook / $ 20.00Eugenia Price Series
New Moon Rising
Beloved Invader / $ 14.95
Fodor’s National Park Guide / $ 19.00
Charter and Ordinances of His Majesty’s Colony in Georgia / $ 5.50
Colonial Spices and Herbs / $ 4.50
Managing the Waterway for ICW boaters / $ 24.95
Negotiating for Georgia: British-Creek Relations in the Trustee Era (1733-1752) / $ 39.95
This is Frederica- VHS or DVD (1969 park film) / $ 19.95
Fort Frederica Hiking Stick Medallions / $ 2.50
FortFrederica Lapel Pin / $ 4.00
Fort Frederica Patch / $ 3.00
FortFrederica Magnet / $ 4.25
History Uncovered DVD / $ 19.95
FortMose / $ 16.95
First Families of Frederica / $ 1.00
Frederica: ColonialTown and Fort / $ 7.00
A Voyage to Georgia
Muskets, Knives and Bloody Marshes
A Relation or Journal of a Late Expedition to the Gates of St. Augustine / $ 6.00
$ 11.00
$ 5.00
Women’s History Price
Women on the Colonial Frontier / $ 4.00Awesome Woman / $ 24.95
For Educators Price
Teachin’ With Be’ans Collectable Dolls: James Edward Oglethorpe / $ 14.00Teachin’ With Be’ans Lesson Plans / $ 15.00
The School of Manners / $ 3.50
Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Order / $ 14.95
Please call (912) 638-3639 to place an order.