Bulletin Announcement
Masses of Remembrance Healing for Pregnancy Infant Loss
(11/2, 11/13)
The Pro Life Office and Project Rachel will sponsor two Masses of Remembrance and Healing for Pregnancy and Infant Lossduring the month of November. A special invitation is extended to parents, grandparents and siblings who grieve the death of children as a result of miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion or early infant death. These losses may be recent or extend over many years. The Masses will take place on All Souls’ Day, Thursday, November 2nd at 7:30 p.m. at Bethany Chapel in the Pastoral Center (66 Brooks Drive, Braintree) and Monday, November 13th at 7:30 p.m. at St. Patrick’s Church in Natick (44 East Central Street, Rt. 135). The guest homilist will be Rev. J. Bryan Hehir, Secretary for Health & Social Services of the Archdiocese of Boston. A light reception and opportunity for Sacramental Reconciliation (Confession) will also be available after Mass. For more information, contact Project Rachel at 508.651.3100 or .
Archdiocesan Justice Convocation (11/04)Each year the Archdiocese sponsors a convocation to promote social justice in our community and throughout the world. This year’s event “Justice and Solidarity – Caring for Refugees and Immigrants” will take place at BC High on November 4, 2017, featuring outstanding speakers (Cardinal Sean O’Malley, Father J. Bryan Hehir, President of CRS – Sean Callahan, President of Catholic Charities Boston – Debbie Rambo) plus over 30 Exhibitors involved in social justice activities. The focus will be on specific ways to put your faith into action. If you would like to attend, please go to to register or contact Jennifer Murphy at 617-746-5738.
Project Rachel Healing Retreat (11/18)Mission
“Attending the Project Rachel retreat was like finding the final piece in a spiritual puzzle… My hope is that every woman on this journey will one day find her puzzle completed and know that God is always waiting with outstretched arms to welcome you home.” The Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston extends a special invitation to women suffering from the pain of a past abortion to attend a Come to the Waters of Healing one-day retreat on Saturday, November 18. Location is confidential. Limited to ten participants. For more information, contact Project Rachel at 508.651.3100 or .
Upcoming Events from the Evangelization and Discipleship SecretariatForming Disciples in Mission: Upcoming Workshops(11/14+)
Forming Disciples in Mission is a one-day or two-evening sessionto provide every Catholic with acommon language and tools forthe work of New Evangelization.Therewill be a workshop in November 14th and 15th at St. Catherine’s in Norwood. You can register for this or other upcoming workshops at
2017 Boston Black Catholic Revival,“Let the Peace of God Reign”
Saturday, October 28 & Sunday, October 29 at 5:00 PM.
St. Katharine Drexel Parish, 517 Blue Hill Avenue, Dorchester. Music by the Archdiocese of Boston Black Catholic Choir and other local musicians. Refreshments following Sunday night’s worship and praise. For more information or contact ; 617-746-5810.
New Faith Formation Leaders Day
Thursday, November 2, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM at the Pastoral Center, Braintree. Registerhereor call Margaret Wakelee (617) 746-5746.
Intentional Discipleship: Moving from Maintenance to Mission Conference
Saturday, November 18 at Fontbonne Academy from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM focuses on evangelization and discipleship tools and resources. The day features keynote speakers Sean Bryan, the “Papal Ninja” from the TV series, American Ninja Warrior; and Bobby Vidal, Director of Evangelization and Lay Formation at St. Katerina Tekakwitha parish in Santa Clarita, CA. All interested in learning more about forming disciples are encouraged to attend. Lunch is included in the $25.00 conference fee; register at For more information, call Margaret Wakelee at 617-746-5746.
24th Annual Bishop James Augustine Healy Award Dinner
Honoring 2017 Healy Award recipientTchintcia Barrosand 2017 Robert L. Ruffin Award recipientsSr. Joyce McMullen, SNDandSr. Christine Smith, SBS
Saturday, November 18, 6:00 PM
Lombardo's, Randolph
For ticketscontact LornaDesroses at .
25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass (Anniversary flyerabove)
Sunday, November 19, 3:00 PM at Holy Name Parish - 1689 Centre Street, West Roxbury
Registerat Oct. 31 to be included in the program.
Transformed in Love
Marriage Prep Parish team training is offered on December 2nd at the Pastoral Center, register at or for more information, call Liz Cotrupi, Director of Family Life at 617-746-5801.
Witness to LifePilgrimage (1/18): Registration at
Pastoral Planning Evangelization Notices0th Wedding Anniversary Mass
October 29 ~ Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jesus doesn’t mince words in today’s gospel. “The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments” - love God with your whole being and love your neighbor as yourself. There is no wiggle room in how we are to behave and how we are to treat one another. As his disciples, let us pray for the grace to be faithful to living according to these commandments in all areas of our life.
November 5 ~ Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Scribes and Pharisees made religion all about observing thousands upon thousands of rules and regulations. Jesus scolds the Scribes and Pharisees in today’s gospel for making religion an intolerable burden and warns against following their example. He wants our faith to lift us up not weigh us down. He wants it to give us joy, not be a burden. The commandments that Jesus challenges us to live by are love of God with our whole being and love of neighbor. These commandments may not always be easy, yet if we follow the example of Jesus we will not be led astray.
November 12 ~ Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
The parable in today’s gospel points out the tragedy of unpreparedness. It can be so easy to let our spiritual lives take a back seat to all the pressures in daily life. It is not that we don’t want to pray or go to Confession, or attend Mass. We even know the difference it makes when we do take time to prepare our hearts and draw close to God. What are we waiting for? The invitation is there for us today. Don’t put it off – take time in prayer thisweek so you are prepared for His coming.
November 19 ~ Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
God has given each of us different gifts. It is not the number of gifts/talents that matter. What matters is how each one of us uses the gifts God has given. God never demands from us what we do not have; but God does demand that we use to the full the gifts which we do possess. Today’s parable tells us that whatever our gift or talent, be it little or big, great or small, we must lay it at the service of God. Where are you putting your gifts at the service of God and others?
November 26 ~ The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Today’s parable is one of the most vivid parables Jesus spoke. We will not be judged on the knowledge we have amassed, or the fame that we have acquired, or the fortune that we have gained, but on the help that we have given. The lesson is crystal clear - God will judge us according to our reaction to human need. This means giving simple help to the people we meet every day - to the hungry, the thirsty, the sick, the stranger, the prisoner – to Christ himself!
For bulletin announcements related to the Special Collection, please see
BostonCatholic.org > Search for “Special Collection”