Formative Instructional and Assessment Tasks

Toys For Us
3.NBT.2– Task 2
Domain / Number and Operations in Base Ten
Cluster / Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.
Standard(s) / 3.NBT.2 Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
Materials / Toys for Us sales fliers, Toys for Us Recording Sheets, paper, pencils
Task / Part 1:
Distribute Toys for Us fliers to students.

Read: Congratulations! You just won a $1,000 gift card to Toys for Us. Look at the Toys for Us sales flier and make a list of what you will buy. Be sure to spend as close as possible to $1,000 without going over.
Part 2:
Read: Use your work from Part 1 to answer each question.
•  What was the total cost of your items?
•  How much money will be left on your gift card?
•  What strategies did you use to get as close to $1,000 as possible?
•  Is it possible to spend exactly $1,000? Explain.
Level I / Level II / Level III
Limited Performance
·  Student’s response is incorrect, incomplete, or off task. / Not Yet Proficient
Student does 1-4 of the following:
·  Student selects a list of toys valued at or near $1,000.
·  Student identifies the total cost of item on his/her list.
·  Student identifies amount left on gift card.
·  Problem solving strategies are clearly articulated.
·  Student finds a list of items whose sum is exactly $1,000. / Proficient in Performance
·  Student selects a list of toys valued at or near $1,000.
·  Student identifies the total cost of item on his/her list.
·  Student identifies amount left on gift card.
·  Problem solving strategies are clearly articulated.
·  Student finds a list of items whose sum is exactly $1,000.
Standards for Mathematical Practice
1. Makes sense and perseveres in solving problems.
2. Reasons abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Constructs viable arguments and critiques the reasoning of others.
4. Models with mathematics.
5. Uses appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attends to precision.
7. Looks for and makes use of structure.
8. Looks for and expresses regularity in repeated reasoning.

Toys for Us

/ trampoline
$184 / / spy kit
/ mountain bike
$240 / / science kit
/ scooter
$449 / / MP3 player
/ roller blades
$58 / / CD boom box
/ board game
$19 / / electric guitar
/ puzzle
$6 / / trumpet
/ hand-held game
$72 / / basketball
/ gaming system
$225 / / telescope
/ remote control car
$39 / / snow cone machine
/ remote control airplane
$44 / / ice cream maker
/ giant gumball machine
$95 / / easy make oven
/ art set
$47 / / frog tank with live frogs
/ make-up kit
$31 / / ant farm

Toys for Us Recording Sheet

Congratulations! You just won a $1,000 gift card to Toys for US. Look at the Toys for Us flier and make a list of what you will buy. Be sure to spend as close as possible to $1,000 without going over.

list of items you will purchase