Formative Assessment Classroom Technique (FACT)
Grade Level: 3rd GradeWritten by Jessica Kolster and Heather Sallee
FACT:Always, Sometimes, or Never True / Description of FACT:
Using a set of statements regarding polygons, the students must decide if the statement is always true, sometimes true, or never true. / Standard(s) Addressed:
Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and others) may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories.
How this FACT Promotes Student Learning:
This activity provides an opportunity for students to practice metacognition. This activity helps students understand that whenever a mathematical statement is made, it should be checked out to determine whether it always applies, applies in some cases, or never applies. / How the FACT Informs Instruction:
This activity can be used at the beginning of the unit to assess prior knowledge. This same activity can be used after teaching this standard to check for understanding. / Materials/Supplies:
Math Journal
Polygon Statements
Pattern Blocks
Signs printed on cardstock
Design and Administration:
- Students will be placed in small groups.
- The teacher will select a statement from the polygon statements to read aloud to the students.
- The students will then determine if this statement is always true, sometimes true, or never true and hold up the sign
- Students will discuss and justify where this statement fits.
- Once each group has a chance to discuss where the statement belongs, they will hold up the correct sign.
- The teacher will go around the room to hear each group’s justification for choosing whether the statement is always true, sometimes true, or never true.
- This continues until the teacher feels the students are ready to try some statements on their own.
- Teacher passes out Polygon statement worksheet.
- The student will cut out the worksheet and glue in their math journal.
- The student will select two statements to answer and justify.
As a math warm up, the student can select two additional statements to answer and justify.
Students can create their own polygon statements and share with a small group. The group would have to answer and justify these statements.
Always, Sometimes, or Never
Attributes of Polygons
All squares are rectangles.Always Sometimes Never / Justify your answer
All polygons have parallel sides.
Always Sometimes Never / justify your answer
All polygons are closed shapes with three or more sides.
Always Sometimes Never / Justify your answer
All polygons are quadrilaterals.
Always Sometimes Never / Justify your answer
Polygons can be open or closed shapes.
Always Sometimes Never / Justify your answer
Teacher Statements for small groups
- All polygons have right angles (sometimes)
- All polygons have intersecting lines (sometimes)
- All polygons have perpendicular lines (sometimes)
- Every polygon has at least one right angle (sometimes)
- All sides of a polygon are equal (sometimes)
- Every polygon has two angles (never)
- Sides on a polygon can be curved (never)
- All quadrilaterals are polygons (always)
- A quadrilateral has four sides (always)
- A rectangle is a pentagon (never)
- All sides of a polygon must be equal length (sometimes)
- Triangles are a polygon (always)
- Circles are a polygon (Never)
- A cone is a polygon (Never)
- Rectangular prism is a polygon (Never)