Formation of Community Forest Association (CFAs)
Outcome: Improved management of Natural Resources and forests.
Annual output:Enhancement of community capacity building in conservation and utilization of natural resources.
Target: To identify, form, register and train Community Forest Associations (CFAs) around all forest ecosystems in Turkana County in every ward. This is owing to the recurrent episodes of ravaging drought in the county, aggravated by erratic and sporadic rainfall, the ministry intends to increase tree cover through community driven initiatives and all inclusive participation across the county
Achievement: The Ministry has established and trained 20 Community Forest Associations around forest ecosystems in wards namely:
TURKANA COUNTY COMMUNITY FOREST ASSOCATIONS-TURKANA NORTH AND WEST AT KAKUMA.No. / Name of CFAs / Sub County / Location / Membership / Contact Person / Mobile
1 / Tarach CFA / Turkana West / Kakuma / 45 / Jacob Kobongin / O714403754
2 / Nalapatui CFA / Turkana West / Kalobeyei / 25 / JoabEgiron / O712882308
3 / Nanam CFAs / Turkana West / Lokichoggio / 44 / Sammy Emuria / O713583310
4 / Lokangae CFAs / Turkana West / Sorgot / 30
5 / Kamoric CFAs / Turkana West / Kakuma / 40 / Susan Akai / O726693863
6 / Kabokorit CFAs / Turkana West / kakuma / 30 / Achok Johnson / O714401355
7 / Letea CFAs / Turkana West / Letea / 45
8 / Lokichoggio CFAs / Turkana West / Lokichoggio / 38
9 / Kalokol CFA / Turkana Central / Kalokol / 15 / Amui / O724417292
10 / Kerio CFAs / Turkana Central / Kerio / 20 / MargeretNabuin / O712109337
11 / Naoros CFAs / Turkana Central / Naoros / 45 / Philip Lobelu
12 / Loima CFAs / Loima / Turkwel / 35 / Moses Ayen / O735099640
13 / Nakuwa CFAs / Turkana North / Kibish / 25 / Jacob Nakuwa
14 / Lorionotom CFAs / Turkana North / Kaikor / 30 / Sarah Erot / O710458355
15 / Lomogoal / Turkana North / Lokitaung / 20 / Charles Ekuwan / O710232304
15 / Lapur CFAs / Turkana North / Lapur / 30
17 / Loketu CFA / Turkana Central / Lodwar Town / 40 / Philip Ekolong / O727107653
19 / Katilu CFA / Turkana South / Katilu / 25 / Mark Kotol / O724998423
19 / Lokori CFAs / Turkana East / Lokori / 20 / peter Kamas / O719845453
20 / Kapendo CFAs / Turkana East / Kapendo / 25 / Benjamin Emojo / O724602330
21 / Kainuk CFAs / Turkana South / Kainuk / 30 / Joseph Longelech
22 / Kailongol CFAs / Turkana South / Lokichar / 20 / Joseph Achuka / O705160187
On 8th May 2015, funds were released for Kangatotha and Nakaalei CFA training which will be conducted by 15th May 2015. These CFAs will help in participatory forest management (PFM) at ward and Ecosystem level which is a National Government policy to involve the local people in management of their own resources.
So far 8 CFAs have been registered (Lokori, Loketu, Kalokol, Katilu, Tarach, Nalapatui, and Kapedo). We are in the process of registering the rest with the registrar of societies through the National Director KFS Nairobi. The training were organized concurrently in Three sub county targeting a total of 135 Forest Community Members, Ward Administrator, Chiefs and Sub County Administrators.
Community training in Turkana West at Kakuma for Turkana North and West.
Roles of Community Forest Association in Turkana County.
Community forest association do their activities in liaise with the forest act of 2005 and in line with Kenya forest act bill which tells the work of community forest association and among our activities are:-
- Establishment of tree nurseries
- The watchdogs of the environment in issues related to environment violation
- Submission of a report to respective institution on people involved in deforestation,
- Coming up with strategic management plan of their respective area of operation.
- Little time and Resources allocated for the training and engagement with the community on the impotence and community participatory on forest management.