Section 1: Syllabus

HUFS TESOLCertificate Program –YL Material Design and Development

The general goal of this course is to provide teachers-in-training with greater insight into the importance of material design and development within the second language (L2) context. While the course will focus on the rationale behind the design, development and selection of materials, it will also help participants understand the vital role that material development plays in the professional development of teachers. Indeed, as opposed to a "how-to" approach, the course aims to help empower participants by exposing them to a variety of materials options and approaches. It is hoped that through a "discovery" approach, teachers-in-training will gain confidence as they choose EFL materials with greater ease, flexibility and creativity.

The course will be approached from a dual perspective: First; since the design and development of language learning materials reflects one's beliefs in how second languages are taught and learned, we will consider some of the various underlying theoretical foundations of material selection in the L2 context. In this way, student-teachers will better recognize the rationale involved in selecting from a vast array of available materials. Secondly, participants will be involved in practical formative activities which will consist of the selection, evaluation and adaptation of effective materials for the L2 classroom.

A packet of materials (including textbook articles, journal articles, and sample lesson plans) will be provided. Participants are required to do the readings. Class time is limited, and in the first part of the course, time will be used mainly to summarize article main points, followed by one or more of the following: group/individual discussion, workshops, individual and group work activities or projects, sample lessons (provided by the lecturer), reflection and discussion of sample lessons. Participants are strongly encouraged to participate fully in the class. The exchange of personal experiences and ideas will be a

main feature of the course.

Grading and assessments:

30% Attendance (10%) and active participation in class activities and projects(20%)

20% Homework based on readings

25% Lesson Plan & Materials I

25% Lesson Plan & Materials 2

HUFS grading scale:

A+ = 95-100%

AO = 90-94%


BO = 30-84%

C+ = 75=79%

CO = 70-74%

F = 69% or less

*Please note that you must maintain at least a “B0” average to receive the certificate in this program.

Weekly Plan

This weekly plan is a tentative plan. It will act as a flexible guideline for the classes throughout the semester and may not be followed exactly. The lecturer will decide what to cover according to the participants’ needs, their understanding of the contents, and overall progress.

Week/Date / Readings / In class activities/Assignments
Week 1 / Introduction of students, lecturer and course, Life Map
Week 2 / Tomlinson's Introduction / Discussion/Lecture about reading
Week 3 / Halliwell Working with Young Learners / Discussion/Lecture about reading
Week 4 / Paul Learner Centered Classes / Sample Lesson #1 w/ processing & Lecture: Intro to SLOs
Week 5 / EIF framework & Ch 4 of Kurzweil & Scholl / Workshop: Creating SLOs & Discussion/Lecture on lesson planning for productive skills
Week 6 / Sample Lesson #2 w/ processing & Introduce Mid-Semester Project
Week 7 / Halliwell Working with and without course books / Workshop: Applying SARScreating materials for productive skill lessons
Week 8 / Review of EIF& continuation of SARS and material creation
Week 9 / Team Meeting & Conferencing: Check participant lesson plans and materials and give feedback
Week 10 / Grellet’s Developing Reading Skills / Lesson Plan & Materials 1 DueRead-on-Read Lesson, discussion/lecture on reading
Week 11 / PDP framework material / Discussion/lecture of PDP frameworkWorkshop: Lesson planning and material development for receptive skill lessons
Week 12 / Sample Lesson #3 w/ processing
Week 13 / Sample Lesson #4 w/ processing
Week 14 / Harmer Describing Lerarners / Discussion/lecture of reading
Workshop: Evaluating Materials
Week 15 / Team Meeting & Conferencing: Check participant lesson plans and materials and give feedback
Week 16 / Review of key concepts
Lesson Plan & Materials 2 Due

Attendance [10%] & Participation [20%] (30%)

Attendance is mandatory. Participants who arrive to class 10 minutes or more after the start of class will be considered late. Participants who are late 3 times will receive 1 absence. Any participant who misses ¼ or more of all class meetings WILL receive an F in the course. More important than attendance is participation. I expect participants to be active in class discussions and to complete all oral and written assignments BY THE DUE DATE. If assignments are handed in late without prior permission from the instructor, 10% for each late day will be deducted from the grade. Finally, participants in this course will have several opportunities to apply the skills learned in lectures, discussions and workshops by engaging in various “in-class” activities and projects.

Homework based on readings (20%)

It is essential to be prepared for each class by completing the required readings. This will provide you with the background knowledge on the topic and allow you to participate actively in the class discussion. In order to ensure that you have read the required readings for class, you will be expected to do a short homework assignment for the reading. This homework assignment involves answering the guiding reading questions presented at the beginning of each reading. These homework assignments are to be submitted at the beginning of class. Late submissions will NOT be accepted.

Lesson Plan & Material 1 & 2 (25% each)

These two assignments are critical to success in this course. Participants will be expected to write a student learning objective (SLO), design a lesson plan to achieve the SLO, and select, adapt, and/or supplement the materials that the Ss will need to complete the lesson successfully.

Lesson Plan & Material 1

  1. Create a student learning objective (SLO) for a productive skill lesson.
  2. Create a lesson plan following the E-I-F framework using the given template
  3. Label the stages in the lesson E-I-F
  4. Include interaction for each step in the lesson (T-S, S, Ss-Ss, etc.)
  5. Provide a purpose or a rationale for each step in the lesson
  6. Select, adapt and/or supplement the necessary materials to be used in the lesson
  7. Label your materials so that they match the steps in your lesson plan

Lesson Plan & Material 2

  1. Create a student learning objective (SLO) for a receptive skill lesson.
  2. Create a lesson plan following the P-D-P framework using the given template
  3. Label the stages in the lesson P-D-P
  4. Include interaction for each step in the lesson (T-S, S, Ss-Ss, etc.)
  5. Provide a purpose or a rationale for each step in the lesson
  6. Select, adapt and/or supplement the necessary materials to be used in the lesson
  7. Label your materials so that they match the steps in your lesson plan

NB: Please place your lesson plan and materials in a folder or envelope with your name and class clearly labeled.