Diaconal Probationer Form B– 2018
These forms are designed to aid the District Probationers’ Committee to assess the general fitness of the probationer as someone who is:
- Adequately formed in the being and role of a Methodist deacon (including participating in the life of the Religious Order and living out the Rule of Life in a way that is appropriate to their circumstances and understanding)
- Appropriately able to act as a representative person
- Adequately able to perform the tasks of a deacon.
Probationer’s name......
Names of Worship Development Group members
Please give your assessment of the probationer’s contributions toacts of regular Sunday worship that you have observed or on which you have reports.
What development have you seen since s/he began or since the last report?
What are his/her particular strengths in leading worship?
What areas have been identified for future attention and development?
Please give your assessment of otherforms of worship including informal acts of worship and the leading of prayer you have observed and discussed with him/her (see page 3)
How would you describe the probationer’s style or styles of leading worshipand (if he/ she is an accredited preacher) of preaching?
(If he/ she is an accredited preacher) what are his/her particular strengths in preaching?
What areas have been identified for future attention and development?
Any other comments you wish to make about his/her leading of worship (and preaching if applicable)in circuit ministry
How has the probationer responded to working with the Worship Development Group and to making use of feedback and comments from the group, or from other sources?
Finally, it will help the DPS and the Committee if you can summarise your overall conclusions upon the probationer, in the context of their conduct of worship, using the headings used to assess competencies at all stages of candidating, training and probation (for more detail see the Handbook for Ministerial Probation).You are not obliged to use every heading,howeverit is essential that your comments make clear at what level of competence you judge the probationer to be, and on what evidence that judgement is based.
Being in relationship
The Church’s ministry in God’s world
Leadership and collaboration
Learning and understanding
Signed: ...... Date: ......
Probationer’s signature: ...... Date: ......
Probationer’s comments:
See also the guidance in the Handbook for Ministerial Probation (beginning on p34)
This group, set up by the Superintendent, aims to offer each probationer a framework to support reflection on the weekly leading of worship, and on the changes in style, role and method that the move into a ministerial appointment will demand.
This group’s assessment of the probationer’s development relates to the competencies that the Church looks for;
a) in the first year of stationing, to assess how the probationer is able to put training into practice:
- by understanding of worship and of liturgical principles
- by being able to lead worship as required in a variety of styles
- (if an accredited preacher) by understanding preaching, hermeneutical principles and techniques of communication
- (if an accredited preacher) by being able to preach in a number of styles and contexts
- by being able to make positive use of feedback and assessment
b) in the second and (if any) subsequent years, to assess how the probationer is showing readiness to proceed to ordination and reception into Full Connexion:
- by demonstrating the capacity to bear the public roles and responsibilities of an ordained person and to perform credibly and maturely as a deacon
- by having gained experience in a variety of the specific roles that fall to a deacon in the worship context
The group should include people with:
•experience as a preacher or leader of worship as appropriate
•experience as a church member who does not lead worship
•ability to distinguish between essentials and lesser issues
•acceptance of variety, innovation and tradition
•understanding of Methodist theology and practice
•ability to offer constructive feedback and to criticise helpfully
•an understanding of diaconal ministry and the context in which it is offered in the appointment
The group aims to meet with the probationer about three times before the District Probationers’ Committee each year to discuss various facets of his/her conduct of worship: eg as soon as possible in September, once more before Advent, and again early in January to prepare the report to the Committee, which must be submitted before the end of January.
Between them, the group should observe and then discuss a variety of forms of worship, both in the churches to which the probationer has been appointed (if applicable) and in other sections of the circuit.These should include:
1.A service with a traditional sermon (whether preached by the deacon or not)
2.Worship with people of all ages present
3.Holy Communion at which the deacon has assisted
4.Devotions for business meetings (if appropriate)
5.Some special occasions, eg harvest, Christmas, anniversary, etc.
6.Some less traditional, more creative services, eg a midweek service
7.A baptism, a wedding or a funeral (if applicable).
Their discussion and their report should include:
- Evidence of development in the probationer’s leading of worship
- What the group discern to be his/her particular strengths in leading worship
- Areas to which s/he should give particular attention for development
- Observations on the probationer’s ability to take part in a process of feedback and to hear and receive suggestions and criticism.
They should indicate if they are satisfied or not that sufficient progress is being made, and if there is evidence of exceptional gifts or skills in any area.
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