Here is the second installment of the “Invading Our News” blog series. I hope its not baa-ring.
hello-julie, Flickr user, CC: BY, NC
No surrendering in this battle
Scientists at the University of George have been researching the relationship between some native clearweed plants and garlic mustard. Some clearweed plant specimens with a special chemical sinigrin are able to wage warfare back upon their garlicky invaders. But, these sinigrin-filled plants have coevolved with garlic mustard to the point that they have trouble surviving without their new neighbor.
Tom Coleman, CC: BY, NC, ND
Zoo invites in invasive species
To create an exhibit that it… The Bristol Zoo in the UK has designed a new exhibit that showcases the invasive species in their local waterways. Though skunk-cabbage and floating pennywort may sound friendly, they are actually fierce invaders in British waterways that are now also on display at the zoo. The exhibit curatorshpe that they can use the display to educate the public about these invasive species that many people might not know about.
Steve-uk, Flickr user, CC: BY
Goat party in the Big Apple
Goats are being rented for six weeks from a farmer to eat up all of the phragmites across two acres of wetlands within Freshkills Park on Staten Island. The park officials hope that the goals will weaken the phragmite population, preparing it for future assaults from herbicides. In the future, the park plans to use goats to mow their lawn. The park is the largest one in New York City, and the sanitation department only mows the 2,200 acres one a year, so the park officials are hoping that the goats will come back later to munch on grass instead of phragmites.
mek22, Flickr user, CC: BY, NC, SA
Falmouth fights invasives
The Falmouth Town Council recently appropriated $18,000 to the Conservation Commission to help rid the town’s conservation lands of invasive species. With a couple thousand acres of land, this will be a big project. Though not an ideal solution, chemical application is going to be the most efficient way to remove the invasives from all of the natural areas.
zen, Flickr user, CC: BY, NC, SA