Meeting Minutes

Friday October 2, 2015 9 a.m. MST

Type of Meeting: Full Board Official Meeting

Invitees: Tiffany Nielson (), Secretary; Amanda Bland (), Treasurer; Heather Tustison (), President Elect; Lianna Erickson-Trembath ()

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call: Tiffany, Amanda, Heather, Lianna, Lynn
  3. Old Business – Approval of prior months minutes. Approved with second vote.

a)  Membership Dues: Noticed that website had incorrect amounts listed. Heather corrected immediately. Still do not know how much money we have, or where the money is going. Each of the leadership board were asked to join immediately. Noted difficulty for people wanting to just add IDASERVIC to their membership in that they would have to renew their ICA membership (without being reimbursed for unused months of their membership). Heather stated that currently they would need to contact Sue Holmes in order to not have to renew their membership. Would like to have this resolved on the website to promote increased membership.

b)  Webpage on Appreciation for all of Heathers hard work. Noted resource tabs and forums tab. Noted broken link for workshops in which Heather corrected link.

c)  Fall Training: Still getting ready. Lynn has sent in request for room on Meridian side. Pocatello side is reserved. Need money and membership to support the training to make it successful.

d)  Contest for ASERVIC logo: Heather will create something and send it out to us and submit it for the group.

e)  Donations: We know that there have been donations given, yet do not know where the money is going. Need this corrected ASAP. Additionally, there is concern about those that donate not knowing that they need to specify in the comments that they want it to go to IDASERVIC. Discussed whether there was an easier way to have IDASERVIC delineated in the donations.

f)  Amanda will get a different headshot

g)  Email address

  1. New Business

a)  Finalize Organization of Fall Training: Lianna will coordinate with Lynn what the presentation will be and what it will entail and then will submit that information in the CEU form to ICA.

b)  Finances: Amanda will contact ICA leadership, either Sue Holmes or Chandra regarding setting up a bank account. May need to go to Idaho Falls to set up a bank account.

c)  Other

  1. Adjourned
  2. Next meeting Friday November 6th at 9 am.