Lab Report

Your lab should have 4 sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. The components of each section are described below. Your report should be typed!

***Always be specific!!!! ***

Part of Lab Report

/ Description of what it should entail
Purpose or Research Question / Clearly defined and focused question that lab is trying to answer
Variables / Independent – what you are changing (be specific!)
Dependent – what you are measuring (be specific!)
Also explain why you are measuring this variable
Controlled – anything you have to keep the same so you can say changes in your dependent are because of what you did to your independent variable. (be specific!)
Also explain why you are controlling these variables
Hypothesis / Educated guess of what will happen to the dependant variable. If/Then Statement. Include rationale.
Materials and Apparatus / List of materials, equipment, and safety precautions used in the lab.
Method/Procedure / Numbered steps outlining how lab was conducted. Use third person, past tense.
Observations / Data collection charts/tables (your data table)
Make sure you include your units!!!
Data Analysis / Includes any calculations that need to be performed on the raw data. One sample of each type of calculation is required.
Data Presentation / This is where your graph will be.
You should be graphing your analyzed data.
Independent Variable on X-Axis, Dependent on Y-Axis
Concluding Statements / This section should include:
A description of your results (what you measured) and an interpretation of your results (what your measurements mean).
How do these results connect to the real world (ex. Environmental, Social, Economic, or Scientific implications)
Evaluation of Procedure / Describe any limitations or problems with your lab procedure.
Also describe how these limitations may have affected your results. (be specific!)
Improving the Investigation / Referring to the limitations your described, describe how would you improve your lab if you were to do it again. (be specific!)
References / Use at least two references. Use APA Format.


Experiment Design Presentation


Experiment design includes accurate title, introduction, and procedure. ( /5)

Experiment has a thoughtful design that follows the scientific method. ( /5)

There are clearly and accurately defined: Independent, Dependent, and Controlled Variables.( /5)

The procedure is logically outlined: Materials and Method. Use third person. ( /5)

Total: ___/20


1)There is a visual element to the presentation. PowerPoint or Poster ( /5)

2)Presenters use a loud voice and make eye contact with audience ( /5)

3)Presentation is engaging ( /5)

Total: ___/15

Email Powerpoint by Tuesday Night to: