Animal Recue Team: Special Delivery

By Sue Stauffacher

Chapter 1

Pages 1-18

Describe what breakfast is like at the Carter house.

What kind of food do they eat? ______


Who eats breakfast with them? ______


What do they talk about? ______

Compare breakfast with the Carters to breakfast at your house.




Why do you think Sue Stauffacher has the family eating breakfast together in the first chapter? Give 3 reasons that you think she wrote this chapter set at the breakfast table.

  1. ______


  1. ______


  1. ______


Chapter 2

Pages 19-30

On page 28 there is an illustration of Keisha talking to Mrs. Sampson, What do you think about how Priscilla Lamont drew these 2 characters? Do they look the way you saw them in your head?



Sue Stauffacher describes Orchard Court and the mailbox. Drawwhat you think the mailbox and Orchard Court looks like. Include as many details from the story as you can.

Chapter 3


The Rescue Team keeps referring to a “Murder”, what is the Murder they are talking about______


Why do you think that Aaliyah has to call Moms? ______



After reading chapter 3, I would say that Wen, Keisha and Aaliyah are good friends. What are

three things from the book that make me say this?




Why does Grandma call Aaliyah a “drama queen”? Do you think she is?


Mrs. Sampson tells Mr. Carter, “I wasn’t expecting company”, what does she mean by this statement?

Why does Mrs. Sampson decide to let the team treat the baby crow inside her house?


Chapter 4

Pages 45-54

Mrs. Sampson keeps saying that she was an army nurse. What do you think she wants the Rescue Team to know about her?

After reading page 50 explain why you think Mr. Carter covers the box with the baby crow in it?


The Rescue Team breaks the Animal Protection Law by letting Mrs. Sampson take care of the baby crow. Do you think they are right or wrong when they break the law?


Why would it be right to break the Animal Protection law? ______

Why would it be wrong to break the Animal Protection law? ______


Chapter 5

Pages 55-66

Razi is excited to become a member of the 4-H Wild 4-Ever Club. Tell about a time when you were excited about a special event. What did you do?

Chapter 6

Pages 67-79

Keisha said that Mrs. Zadinkis gave mom “lots of good things from her garden”, why do you think gardeners like to give away food from their gardens?


Chapter 7

Pages 80-88

On pages 84-86 the Rescue Team is getting the enclosure ready for the skunk. Pick an animal and describe some special needs your animal might have. What would you need to do to get an enclosure ready for your animal? ______


Chapter 8

Pages 89-106

How do you think Wen felt when Aaliyah got her new kite stunk in the tree? What would you do if your friend took one of your gifts before you had a chance to play with it?


Chapter 9

Pages 107-122

What information do the Carter’s use to decide that the skunk is not a wild animal but someone’s pet?


Chapter 10

Pages 123-136

Why does Mrs. Sampson want to keep the baby crow? Do you think she should keep the baby crow? Tell why you feel the way you do?


Chapter 11

Pages 137-142

What clue does Keisha discover in Chapter 11 to help her solve the mystery of the smell?



Pages 143-156

Why does Keisha get invited to become a Junior Fire Prevention Officer in Training?



Pages 157-164

There were 3 major problems in Special Delivery. Describe 2 of the problems and how they were solved.


Name ______

Date ______