Investigator: Catherine CarrVersion 3 Date: 03.05.2016

REC:16/NW/0240 IRAS:198964 Participant Information Sheet- Staff

Guidelines for group music therapy in chronic depression

Developing best practice guidelines in group music therapy for chronic depression

Participant Information Sheet – Staff

You are invited to take part in a research study. Before you decide, it is important to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read this information carefully.

Talk to others about the study if you wish. Please ask if anything is unclear or if you would like more information.Take time to decide if you want to take part or not.

Why is this study happening?

We want to improve how group music therapy is provided for patients with chronic depression by developing guidance and training for music therapists. In order to do this, we are speaking with people who provide music therapy and psychological therapies in community mental health teams. We want to explore opinions on how group music therapy could be provided to best meet the needs of patients with chronic depression. If you decide to take part, we will invite you to attend a group discussion (focus group) with other professionals where you will be invited to share your views and experiences.

Why have I been invited?

We are inviting you to take part as you are currently providing music therapy or psychological therapies within community mental health teams.

Do I have to take part?

You don’t have to join the study. You are free to decide not to take part or to drop out at any time. If you decide not to take part, or drop out, this will not affect your current employment.

What will happen?

We are inviting you to attend a focus group with between 3 – 7 other professionals. A researcher, Julian O’Kellywill ask the group questions about how group music therapy could be provided, common scenarios in community groups, views on best practice and on further training for music therapists. The discussion will take place at a location most convenient to participants such asMile End Hospital or Newham Centre for Mental Health, and will last no longer than 1 hour.

There are no right or wrong responses and we want to hear all your views whether good or bad.

The discussion will be recordedto help look at what was said afterwards. Only the talking will be recorded (audio) and Julian will not use your name or location of work so that you cannot be identified.

After the discussion, Julian will ask if you would like to be contacted again to comment on the development of the guidance. If you would like to do this, Julianwill arrange to meet with you again.

What will I have to do?

- Meeting to explain the study and answer questions

If you are interested in taking part, Julianwill contact you to arrange a time to meet to explain the study and answer any questions you have.

- Consent to take part

If you still want to take part, Julian willask for your permission (consent)to take part. He will go through a consent form with you to check you understand and are happy with what taking part involves.He will check your availability and preferred location for the focus group.

- Focus Group

If you have given consent to take part, Julianwill confirm where and when the focus group is happening and answer any other questions you might have.You will then attend the focus group to discuss your views on group music therapy provision.This will take no longer than 1 hour.Julianwill record the discussion so that she can look at what was said afterwards.

We will reimburse you for any reasonable costs of travel to meetings up to the value of £10 or as per prior agreement if travelling from outside of London.

If at any time you decide you do not wish to take part, you are free to drop out at any time. Julian will not contact you again and your current employment will not be affected.

What are the possible disadvantages of taking part?

We believe that this study is safe and do not expect you to suffer any harm or injury because of taking part. The only disadvantage is that this will take up some of your time.

If you find a question is difficult or sensitive, will stop the discussion and ask if you want to Juliancontinue.You can choose not to answer a question or take a break. If you wish to stop, you are free to do so, and we will make sure that a member of the research team is available to talk to you afterwards if you need. If you still wish to contribute to the study we can arrange to meet at a different time.

What are the possible benefits of taking part?

You may like to share your experienceswith professionals working in similar environments and it will provide us with information to develop group music therapy for chronic depression. It is hoped that this research will lead to improvement in the care of people with mental health problems.

Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential?

All information which is collected about you will be kept strictly confidential. Your nameand other personal details will be removed so that you cannot be recognised. The recording of the discussion will be transcribed to look at what was said. All names or other identifying information will be removed from the transcription of the discussion and replaced with a number.The recording will be destroyed as soon as it has been transcribed. Your employer will not have access to the recording.

All information (including the recording) will be stored in a locked filing cabinet and archived at the end of the study. Only Julianwill have access. We will destroy any identifiable information at the end of the study. All non-identifiableinformation will be kept for 20 years in accordance with East London Foundation NHS Trust Research Governance rules after which it will be destroyed.

We may need to break confidentiality if you tell us anything which may put yourself or others at risk of harm. If this happens, we will explain why we will need to break the confidentiality and who we will inform.

What will happen at the end of the study?

A summary of the results will be available at the end of the study. We can post or email this to you. Julianwill ask if you would like to receive this when [he/she] meets with you. If you would like to receive a copy of the results, but do not wish to take part, please contact Julianusing the information below.

Who is organising and funding the research?

The study is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Research for Patient Benefit scheme. The sponsor for this research is East London NHS Foundation Trust.

Who has reviewed this study?

All research in the NHS is looked at by an independent group of people, called a Research Ethics Committee, to protect your interests. This study has been reviewed and given a favourable opinion by North West – Greater Manchester West Research Ethics Committee (Ref: 16/NW/0240).

What if there is a problem?

Any complaint about the study or any possible harm you suffer will be addressed. If you have a concern about any aspect of the study, you should ask to speak to the researcher Julian who will do his best to answer your questions (020 7540 4380).

For further information about the study please contact:

Julian O’Kelly

Unit for Social and Community Psychiatry, Newham Centre for Mental Health

Telephone: 02075404380 ext 2307


For additional information about participation in research please contact:

INVOLVE at call 020 8065 1088.

Thank you for taking time to read this information sheet.

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