Audit of PTE


Independent Auditor’s Report

To the New Zealand Qualifications Authority, the Trustee and {PTE}.

We have audited compliance of{PTE}with NZQA Student Fee Protection Rules, and with the terms of the {PTE}Student Fee Protection Trust Deed dated {date}(“the Trust Deed”) for the period from {date} to {date}.

PTE’s Responsibilities

{PTE} is responsible under the terms of the Trust Deed for compliance with the Trust Deed and under the Education Act 1989 for compliance with NZQA Student Fee Protection Rules.

Auditor’s Responsibilities

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on {PTE}’s compliance with the Trust Deed and Student Fee Protection Rules, in all material respects. Our engagement has been conducted in accordance with SAE 3100, “Compliance Engagements” to provide reasonable assurance that {PTE} has complied with the terms of the Trust Deed and NZQA Student Fee Protection Rules.

Our procedures included

  • Obtaining an understanding of the PTE’s procedures for managing student fees to ensure compliance with the Trust Deed and NZQA Student Fee Protection Rules.
  • Testing the effectiveness of these procedures and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances.
  • Examining the PTE’s compliance with its reporting requirements.

These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion as to whether {PTE} has complied, in all material respects, with the terms of the Trust Deed and NZQA Student Fee Protection Rules for the period from {date} to {date}.

Other than in our capacity as auditor we have no relationship with, or interests in, {PTE}.

Use of report

This report has been prepared for the New Zealand Qualifications Authority in accordance with the terms of the Trust Deed and NZQA Student Fee Protection Rules. We disclaim any assumption of responsibility for any reliance on this report to any persons or users other than the New Zealand Qualifications Authority or for any purpose other than that for which it was prepared.

Inherent Limitations

Because of the inherent limitations of {details provided as appropriate by the member, refer to limitations in evidence gathering procedures and limitations in the responsible party’s compliance system}, it is possible that fraud, error or non-compliance may occur and not be detected. As the procedures performed for this engagement are not performed continuously throughout {the relevant period}and the procedures performed in respect of {PTE}’s compliance with {the applicable requirements} are undertaken on a test basis, our assurance engagement cannot be relied on to detect all instances where {PTE} may not have complied with {the applicable requirements}. The opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis.


Based on the evidence obtained from the procedures we have performed, in our opinion {PTE} has complied, in all material respects, with the terms of the Trust Deed and NZQA Student Fee Protection Rules during the {period} ended {date}.


Based on the evidence obtained from the procedures we have performed, except for the matter noted {detail the exception(s), or provide details under a separate section of the report},in our opinion {PTE} has complied, in all material respects, with the terms of the Trust Deed and NZQA Student Fee Protection Rules during the {period} ended {date}.


{Address (City)}


Version 2 January 2012