FORM Interim Review (Version 2)
School: ______Date of the review: ______
To be completed and sent to the SEN Team and all invited within 2 weeks.
Section 1 – Pupil DetailsSurname:
Date of Birth:
Gender:Male Female
(delete as appropriate
Tel. No: / Home: Mobile:
Please confirm that the pupil’s details are correct as detailed on the front page of the current statement - including the Primary Need.
Yes No
If NO, please detail the changes below:
Foundation Stage or National Curriculum Year: / Is the child out of their year group (offset)
Date of the current Statement:
Section 2 – Record of people invited and who attended the meeting
Name / Designation/Role
Apologies from:
Section 3 – Pupil Attainment/Progress
Please attach a CASPA graph detailing progress over time (or an alternative)
Please confirm what you consider the progress to be:
Better than expected progress
Expected progress
Less than expected progress
Detail the reasons why progress has been better than expected, expected or less than expected (refer to the objectives in Part 3 of the statement) since the first statement was issued OR since the last review meeting.
Section 4 –Minutes of the meeting with parents/carers/professionals
Please comment on the discussion of the pupil’s academic and non academic progress.
Section 5: Targets
Please state the agreed targets and include what specific actions will be put in place to achieve these targets. (You will review these targets at the next Annual Review).
Personal, Social and Emotional
Physical, sensory and medical
Section 6: School/settings recommendations or proposals following this Interim Review Meeting to be submitted for consideration by the Local Authority.
Based on any professional reports provided and the discussion held today :
1. Is the pupil making expected progress given their special educational needs?
(If no, the review should describe the action the school and parents will take).
2. Are the parents/carers satisfied with the provision made by the school and other agencies?
(If no, the minutes should describe the school’s responses and what is recommended).
3. Is the provision in Part 3 of the statement appropriate and closely matched by the school?
(If no, the minutes should describe the action the school proposes to take or the recommendations).
4. Are there any significant changes recommended to the statement?
(For example a new diagnosis, please include medical evidence) / Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Section 6: Further action required by the school or others involved in the review
(Indicate briefly the agreed next steps, timescale and person responsible)
Action / By When / By Whom
Name of chair of the Interim Review: ______Position held: ______
Signed ______Headteacher Date: ______
Please send this report, together with all relevant contributions including any written advice not previously circulated, to the SEN Team, Future House, Bolling Road, Bradford, to the parents and all those invited to the review within 10 days of the meeting or by the end of term, whichever is the sooner.
Last updated – September 2012 Page 1 of 4