E-Mails S-150 through S-199__

S-150. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding UNITEL's proposed laser plasma

S-151. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding more plasma-related articles

S-152. from Jack Sarfatti regarding actual working hardware and UFO theories

S-153. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Magnetized Plasmas

S-154. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding skeptics and lack-of-funding

S-155. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding my tactics of alerting Congress

S-156. from Bryan Willoughby regarding building a demo prototype

S-157. from Bryan Willoughby regarding his "Master Plan" for UNITEL

S-158. from Bryan Willoughby regarding promoting these new technologies on a Global scale

S-159. from Bryan Willoughby regarding strategies on forging successful ventures

S-160. from Larry Maurer forwarding an e-mail he sent

S-161. from Dr. Jadczyk regarding ORMEs

S-162. from Bryan Willoughby regarding superstrings, Taylor Kramer, Tesla

S-163. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding others who may be exploring similar technologies

S-164. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding search for a protégé student of UCLA's Dr. John Dawson

S-165. from Ken Myers regarding comments of others concerning ORMEs

S-166. from Bryan Willoughby regarding another Unification theory posted on KeelyNet

S-167. from Bryan Willoughby regarding an Australian inventor who's being sued by investors

S-168. from Bob King regarding other Montauk whistle-blowers besides the 4 most commonly known

S-169. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding an e-mail sent to an associate of Dr. Greer's

S-170. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding last-minute touches to UNITEL's newsletters

S-171. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding another abrupt shift of support from another camp

S-172. from Dr. Jack Sarfatti regarding Dr. Steven Greer

S-173. from Dr. Jack Sarfatti regarding Dr. Eugene Mallove

S-174. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Sarfatti's comments (e-mail # 173)

S-175. from Bob King regarding email # 174 that included references to "Reichian" technology

S-176. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding new ideas to generate income

S-177. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Foreward to the UNITEL book "Flying Colors"

S-178. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding UCLA wave collapse research in laser plasmas

S-179. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding response from NASA's Breakthrough Propulsion Project

S-180. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding e-mail to Tom Bearden explaining 'quantum tunneling' for space travel

S-181. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding technical details of UNITEL's back-engineering

S-182. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding response to Bob Drake (associate of Michio Kaku's)

S-183. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding the Irish inventor claims of tapping the ZPE

S-184. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding contacting Ann Drunyan (Mrs. Carl Sagan)

S-185. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding past corporate pitfalls and human nature in general

S-186. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding article on FTL and "tunneling"

S-187. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding more technical discussion on FTL, ZPE, anti-grav

S-188. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding latest e-mail correspondences

S-189. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding misc. Scientific American articles

S-190. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL comments on Michio Kaku's reponses to questions

S-191. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL reflecting on attitudes and motivations of others

S-192. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL responding to Bob Drake's memo

S-193. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding MQT and Josephson's Junction mechanisms

S-194. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding a past letter sent to Carl Sagan

S-195. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding future discussions with Dr. Michio Kaku

S-196. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding postings of breakthroughs at the Los Alamos website

S-197. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding writing UNITEL's book

S-198. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding writing specifics on UNITEL's book

S-199. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding another corporation interested in UNITEL

S-150. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding consulting inquiry with Dr. Fred Alan Wolf

From : Larry Maurer <>

To :

Subject : Fwd: RE: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics

Date : Thu, 03 Jan 2002 13:28:43 -0800

>At 01:20 PM 1/3/02 -0800, you wrote:


>> Hi Larry,

>> Certainly I am open to hearing about your work in a non-disclosing professional consulting arrangement. I wasn't soliciting from you in any way if my email gave you that impression. It's just that I seem to have enough to do these days since writing, designing PowerPoint Multimedia, and public-speaking fully occupies me. However, I would certainly be available to listen. But you may find me a bit annoying since I ask a lot of questions when I don't understand something. My consultation fees would run around $250/hour.

>> Best Wishes,

>> Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.

>> Have Brains / Will Travel

>> 435 15th Avenue Apt. 3

>> San Francisco, CA 94118-2828

>> email

>> telephone/fax/modem (415) 387-3100

>> http://home.ix.netcom.com/~fawolf

>Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2002 13:28:21 -0800


>From: Larry Maurer <>

>Subject: RE: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics

>Sounds great, Fred!

>BTW, check out http://www.physics.ucla.edu/class/01F/250_Rosenzweig/notes/pondero.pdf . Very similar to our proposed plasma.

> This is the same advanced wave mechanics that I want to describe in presenting our proposed laser plasma that produces the adiabatic pressure and stress energy tensor field through trapped biexcitonic gasses within the projected potential (true RGB) EM wells. The dielectric force and ZPE will split the whole ship/field into N and S monopole fields on a Macro level.

> Mike and I look forward to coming down there fairly soon (within the next 6 weeks). Let's stay in touch.



S-151. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding more plasma related articles

From : Larry Maurer <>

To : <>

Subject : Re: TAP-TEN yGroup

Date : Thu, 03 Jan 2002 13:51:08 -0800

At 01:06 PM 1/3/02 -0500, you wrote:

> Your friend Bryan's T.A.P.-T.E.N. has a Yahoo! yGroups at => http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tapten . It has some interesting messages covering everything from time-travel to UFOs to pyramids to ZPE. I haven't come across Sarfatti yet. But I did see someone quoting your ol' buddy Dr. Greer .


Also check out "Nonlinear Wave Interactions in a 2-Electron Temperature Plasma", "Weakly Nonlinear High-Frequency Waves in Magnetized Plasmas", and especially "Electron Acceleration by Weakly Nonlinear High-Frequency Waves in Magnetized Plasmas".

But above and beyond this, from our good old American research friends from UCLA check out Prof. John Dawson's "Plasma Beat Oscillator". More BANG for the buck!


S-152. from Jack Sarfatti forwarding actual working hardware and UFO theories

From : Jack Sarfatti <>

To :

Subject : Re: Your query on propellantless propulsion - warp drive

Date : Thu, 03 Jan 2002 14:23:40 -0800

John Schnurer wrote:

>Howdy Jack,


>As a small question:


>Who in your opinion is close to -- or has and can show with hardware -- any modification of Inertia or Gravity and who can show Propulsion without using reaction mass.



>John Herman Schnurer

"Hardware"? No one. I was talking strictly theory.

We at ISSO had one "hardware" project in this area that was a "maybe", but not really. I never saw the math details and the chap was a John Nash type for sure (ref: film "A Beautiful Mind"). I mean with a high IQ. He has something that worked on a very small scale although not by any stretch of the imagination would it be a "warp drive" (more like a "tractor beam"). It is all classical microwave electrical engineering and I doubt it will work as advertised (i.e., scalable to large devices). The physics does not go deep enough. All Classical EM no gravity as far as I could tell. I did not see detailed math. But that is my educated guess.

>> Jack Sarfatti wrote:

>> Me -- and only me -- to my present knowledge. Read my book and my recent papers.


>> http://stardrive.org/Jack/Book.pdf

>> http://stardrive.org/Jack/Physics101.pdf

>> http://stardrive.org/Jack/Cosmo1.pdf


>> It should be quite obvious to anyone with even a modest understanding of General Relativity. I could be wrong, however. I have seen no other model that even comes close while remaining integrated seamlessly with the rest of mainstream Physics. Certainly not anything by Hal Puthoff, Bernie Haisch & Co. They have thrown the baby out with the bathwater.


>> I know exactly where they went wrong. They neglect the coherence mechanism of spontaneous broken internal symmetry of the vacuum required for Classical space-time to come into being in a quantum phase transition. There is no incoherent classical limit to quantum gravity. There is, however, a coherent Macroscopic quantum limit that gives our Classical universe with us stuck in it like Edmund Abbott's "Flatlanders". Hal P and Bernie H et-al fail to grok this delicate balance on which our existence hangs precariously -- i.e. the "Ice 9" problem (Kurt Vonnegut).


>> My second "technical" book Super Cosmos will have a lot of details not in my first book Destiny Matrix (which is essentially autobiography and biography by others for the historical record). My criteria are strict.


>> 1. Propellantless propulsion must not contradict any of the known energy-momentum conservation laws in standard mainstream Physics.


>> 2. It cannot violate Einstein's principle of Equivalence and throw away tensor calculus like Hal Puthoff proposes. In particular, one cannot use a local Classical vacuum gravitational field stress-energy density tensor as in the Yillmaz theory that Hal P is so fond of.


>> 3. The unconventional flying object "UFO" (in the sense of Paul Hill's nice little flying saucer engineering book) must self-generate it's own locally controllable timelike geodesic with small local tidal forces. That is, the machine and all its contents are on a self-propelled "LIF" (local inertial frame). See John Archibald Wheeler's "A Journey into Gravity and Spacetime" for background. Alcubierre's "warp drive solution" has this property, BTW. The ISSO "hardware" project(s) did not.


>> 4. The new theory must be a clear covering theory of Einstein's 1915 geometrodynamics and its Kaluza-Klein and supersymmetry generalizations to the "Super Cosmos" of many "brane worlds" as explained in "The Universe's Unseen Dimensions" Aug 2000, Scientific American, Hyperspace by M. Kaku, The Universe in a Nutshell by Stephen Hawking, e.g "O Brane New World"


>> 5. The relationship to Quantum Physics must be worked out in detail. In particular the role of the Zero-Point Energy fluctuations of all of the dynamical force and source fields. For example, gravitating positive Zero-Point Energy fluctuations are opposed by repulsive anti-gravity quantum pressure three times larger! (p. 25, Cosmological Physics by John Peacock). Puthoff completely neglects this and does not seem to be aware of it. Neither does Paul Wesson mention it in his CIPA review paper on the very subject! This is a very serious omission from mainstream Physics.


>> 6. The space-time stiffness barrier must be broken.


>> i.e. 1 fermi bend per 4 billion metric tons equivalent of applied stress-energy density (i.e., "Feynman's number" in his Cal Tech Lectures on Quantum Gravity).


>> 7. Relation of the new covering theory to both "dark matter" and "quintessence" (repulsive vacuum energy speeding up the expansion rate of the Universe) must be patently obvious.


>> Only my theory addresses all of these points. Eric Davis (on NIDS website) in his MUFON 2001 paper on UFOs and StarGate physics completely skirts these all-important issues and gives a false impression that Hal Puthoff's PV model is a viable explanation. It is not at all, IMO!

S-153. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Magnetized Plasmas

From : Larry Maurer <>

To :

Subject : Magnetized Plasmas

Date : Thu, 03 Jan 2002 15:09:20 -0800

> Major Research Interest

> I. Physics of Dusty Plasmas: New collective effects in weakly and strongly coupled dusty plasmas have been found. For example, we have discovered the dust acoustic wave (Planet. Space Sci. 38, 543, 1990), the dust ion acoustic shock (PRL 83, 1602, 1999), dispersion properties of a dusty plasma containing non-spherical rotating dust grains (PRL 84, 2626, 2000), the parametric instability of dust lattice waves in a turbulent plasma sheath (PRL 84, 5328, 2000), and the wakefield (PLA 203, 40, 1995; PoP 3, 1770, 1996) for charged dust grain attraction, while the parametric instability theory contributes to the understanding of the observed "sublimation" transition of the plasma crystal from a solid to a gaslike state. Furthermore, the DAW, the DIA shock and the wakefield have been observed in experiments. Our dusty plasma work has relevance to cosmic physics as well to low-temperature laboratory dusty discharges and to molecular clouds.


> II. Neutrino Plasma Physics: A new whole subject has been opened by investigating the nonlinear interaction (PRL 83, 2703, 1999; Phys. Plasmas 7, 2166, 2000) of neutrinos with plasmas. Thus, we have solved many astrophysical problems (viz. the generation of magnetic fields in the Early Universe and on the surface of a neutron star, the generation of inhomogeneities in the Early Universe (Phys. Plasmas 5, 2815, 1998), supernova explosions, the origin of gamma ray bursts, etc) in terms of the nonlinear neutrino plasma coupling involving collective interactions (Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 41, A699, 1999). The collective neutrino plasma interaction work has been carried out in collaboration with Professor Hans Bethe and John Dawson of the USA.


> III. Nonlinear Waves in Geophysical Flows: Various types of new nonlinear effects associated with gravity, internal and Rossby waves have been identified. New nonlinear structures in geophysical flows have been predicted.


> IV. Nonlinear Wave Phenomena in Astrophysical and Pair Plasmas: Wave-wave and wave-particle interactions have been studied in order to understand microstructures in pulsar magnetospheres, and the propagation of cosmic rays in the interstellar medium. The focus was on stimulated scattering instabilities of radiation and the formation of envelope solitons.


> V. Theories of Parametric Instabilities: We have developed theories for numerous parametric processes in uniform and nonuniform plasmas with and without an external magnetic field. Applications to ionospheric modification and laboratory experiments involving high-frequency heater and microwaves have been considered. The results also have applications in Astrophysics.


> VI. Theories for Finite Amplitude Envelope Solitons: We have presented theories for the envelope solitons (PRL 36, 968, 1976), non-envelope solitons, and double layers. The results have been applied to the understanding of nonlinear wave phenomena in space and laboratory plasmas. Recently we have presented theories (PoP 6, 1677, 1999; ibid. 6, 4120, 1999) for nonlinearly modulated dispersive Alfven waves which are observed in the Earth's ionosphere/magnetosphere as well as in the Solar corona. Our most recent works (PRL 84, 4373, 2000 and GRL 27, 89, 2000) provide nonlinear models for coherent electric field structures in the magnetosphere as well as auroral density cavities that are observed by POLAR, FREJA, and FAST spacecrafts.