Form B: Project plan for degree project at the VH Faculty

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
and Animal Science

Form B: Project plan for degree projectat the VH Faculty

Instructions: See last page.

Course information

Programme (if any):Select an object.

Degree project/thesis will be part of degree:Select an object.

Degree project is carried out at department:Select an object.

Course code:Click here to enter text.

Main field:Select an object.

Level and specialised study:Advanced A2E

Scope:Välj ett objekt.

Student information

Name:Clickheretoenter text.

Swedish identification number:Click here to enter text.

Main supervisor

Name: Click here to enter text.

Department:Select anobject.


Name:Clickheretoenter text.

Department/external part:Clickheretoenter text.

Address (if external):Clickheretoenter text.

Telephone (if external):Clickheretoenter text.

E-mail (if external):Clickheretoenter text.


Name:Clickheretoenter text.

Preliminary title of the thesis

Preliminary title:Clickheretoenter text.

Object and purpose

Click here to enter text.

Methodsand implementation

Clickheretoenter text.

Materials andliterature

Click here to enter text.

Forms of supervision (expectedtime for supervision,number of occasions and forms ofsupervision)

Click here to enter text.


Start:Clickheretoenter date.

Planned examinationdate:Click here to enter date.

Schedule (with deadlines, estimated time for variouselements, time forreport writing, etc.)

Click here to enter text.

Ethical evaluation of research on animals

Ethical evaluation is deemed not necessary:☐

Ethical evaluation approved:ID-No: Click here to enter ID.



I hereby confirm that the project plan is approved.


DateSignaturePrinted name


I hereby confirm that discussion about possible risks during the project has taken place with the student, and that the project plan has been established by the student in consultation with me.


DateSignaturePrinted name


I hereby confirm that the project plan is approved.


DateSignaturePrinted name

Course leader/department director of studies:

I hereby confirm that the student meets the entry requirements for the above course, and may be registered in LADOK.


DateSignaturePrinted name

Department notes:– project plan received, date: ______

– registered in Ladok, date ______


The degree project must be carried out according to the Guidelines for degree projects. Details may be found in the document “Riktlinjerförexamensarbeten” (in Swedish only, contact your supervisor or course leader for help with translation).

The degree project is an independent assignment, which meansthat you will write the project plan yourself, after discussions with your supervisor.Complete the form electronically until Schedule (with deadlines etc.), before printing it. Ensure that all interested parties sign.

If the focus of the project becomes significantly modified, a new project plan should be drawn up and handed in.

Assistant supervisors. If you have been assigned more than one assistant supervisor, please copy and paste the text box as many times as needed.

Object and purpose. Describe the main purpose and outcome of the project, as well as which hypothesis is to be tried out.

Methods and implementation. Describe the methods to be used for testing and analysis, and how the work is planned to be carried out. Risk assessment should also be made.

Materials and literature.Describe the scope of materials in the study including possible control groups; for example, enter number of animals and samples. Describe briefly the type of literature that will be used (databases, journals, books, etc.).

Forms of supervision. Through discussions with the supervisor, an agreement should be made on how the supervision will be carried out; for example, number of occasions, amount of time and expectations on both yourself and on the supervisor/-s (main and assistant) at the various occasions/phases of the project.

Schedule. The schedule should contain a plan for how the work will be distributed during the period of the project, as well as the estimated examination date.The schedule may well be presented in table form and may contain for example planning, literature search and studies, start of the report writing, execution of surveys, analysis of collected data, mid-period reporting, interpretation of results, report writing, submitting the first version of the report, final compilation of the report, planning of the oral presentation and examination. Since many elements are scattered throughout the project, such as the actual report writing (which you are recommended to start with at once), a Gantt chart may be very helpful in the planning.

The project plan should be written to provide information to supervisors, course leader and examiner for making judgements about the reasonable scope of the project, such as the amount of time used, number of samples needed or the availability of materials for the study.

Ethical evaluation of research on animals.If an evaluation is deemed necessary, it must be approved before the project plan can be. State ID-number of the decision. If an evaluation is deemed not necessary, the box for this option needs to be ticked.

Signing. When the form has been completed and signed, all parties will each keep a copy. The original is filedat the Education Services in VHC.
