

Paper 1

March 2017

Time: 2 Hours

Form 4 Mini-Mock Examination 2017


Paper 1

(Functional skills)

2 Hours


Write your name and class on each foolscap provided.

Answer ALL the questions in the question paper.

Each question will be collected separately at the end of the exam.

This paper consists of 3 printed pages.

Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the pages are printed as indicated and no questions are


1. Your school is holding a health day and the Headteacher has asked the health club to prepare speech on drug abuse and prevention. You are the Chairperson, write down the speech that you will deliver at the forum. Your speech should include the following:

  1. What is drug abuse.
  2. Drugs that are contintiousiy abused.
  3. How do people start drugs.
  4. Effects of drug abuse.
  5. What can be done to stop drug abuse.


Fill in each blank space in the passage below with the most appropriate word.

Water scarcity has bedeviled African countries ______{1}many years, partly due to
______(2) vagaries of weather and run away population rates.

As a result, the ______(3) looks bleak. Climate change for the worse is a fact now recognized by ______(4) world wide. Moreover, the continents' urban population is expected to ______(5) the 700 million mark by 2025, up from 300 million today.

______(6) to blame the weather and demography alone for our water and sanitation problems is to prevaricate, For the problem is failure by our governments to manage this precious ______(7)properly. The civic authorities, ______{8} job it is to harness and supply ______(9) commodity, have failed to deliver because they apply ______(10) policies.


3.Read the following poem and answer the questions given.


Does the road wind tsp — hill all the way?

Yes, to the very end.

Will the day's journey take the whole day?

From morn to night my friend,

But is there for the night a resting place

A roof for when the slow dark hours begin.
May not the darkness hide it from my face.
You cannot miss that inn.

Shall I meet other way farers at night?

Those who have gone before.

Then must I knock, or call when just in sight?

They will not keep you standing at the door.

Shall I find comfort, travel – sore and weak?

Of laobur you shall find he sum

Will there be beds for me and all who seek?

Year, beds for all who come

a) Which intonation would you use in line 1 and 2 in stanza 1? Give reasons for your answer. {2 marks}

b) Describe the rhyme scheme.{2 marks}

c) Identify examples of alteration and assonance in stanza 4. |4 marks]

d) Which are the silent letters in the following words? (2 marks}
i) whole (line 3}
ii) when (line 6)
iil) knock (line 11}
iv) sight (line 11)

3. Read the following narrative end answer the questions that follow.

Once upon a time, the leopard, who had been trying for a long time to catch the tortoise finally -chanced upon him on a solitary road

"Aha' he said, "at long last! Prepare to die."

And the tortoise said, "Can I ask you one favour before you killme?"

The leopard saw no harm in that and he agreed.

"Give me a few moments to prepare my mind," the tortoise said.

Again, the leopard so no harm in that and he granted it. But, instead of standing still as leopard had expected, the tortoise went into a strange action in the road, scratching with hands and throwing sand furiously in alldirections.

"Why are you doing that?" asked the puzzled leopard.

"Because, even after I am dead, I would want anyone passing by this spot to say, "yes, a

fellow and his match struggled here."


a) Describe how you would prepare the audience for this narrative.(2 marks}

b)How would you say the following sentence and why? (2 marks}
Why are you doing that?

c) Mention and illustrate two performance devices you would -employ to mate this narrative {4 marks}

d) How would you tell whether the audience is listening to you as you narrate this story? {2 marks}

4.Provide another word that is pronounced the same as the word provided (3marks)




5. Pair up the following words according to the vowel sound. (3marks)

Hard set paw

Hut sat pot

Heart shed law

6.Imagine you are late for super after delaying in the principal’s office. You demand for food from the cateress. Complete the dialogue that takes place between you and the caterers.



Cateress:I’m sorry, I can’t serve any food as you are late and(2marks)

You:But I am coming from the principal’s office



(2 marks)

You: You are here to serve us and furthermore I have paid all my school fees

Cateress: What has your school fees got to do with your coming for supper?

You: (Arrogantly)______


Cateress: (Angrily) you are a very rude student! You reporting me to the principal will not change my mind. I repeat, there is no food

You: But...but…

Cateress: (Emphatically______


You :I ‘ m sorry for overreacting. Please forgive me.