Forestry Executive Committee
June 10, 2002
Attending: Tom Adams, Roger Admiral, Steve Hobbs, Scott Reed, Steve Tesch, Tresa Stevens, Jack Walstad
Absent: Becky Johnson, Hal Salwasser
Guests: Debbie Bird, Kathy Howell, Phil Sollins, Gail Wells, Rich Wininger, David Zahler
Jack Walstad suggested that future agendas be structured with decision items earlier in the agenda to allow adequate discussion time. Tresa and Scott will do this.
Scott volunteered to send note to the College via bulletin re meeting summary available on the Web (note: FEC and FLT information is now linked to Dean’s Office page and the links are visible only after the mouse rolls over the heading. Tresa is checking with Kathy Howell to determine that the meeting agendas and summaries, and the Administrative Memos are for internal access only. The Strategic Plan will be available to all.)
Building Community .
Tom Adams presented the recommended action items from the May 20 committee meeting:
· COF Fall field day. An afternoon field trip for all members of the COF (faculty, staff and graduate students) to become more familiar with research and outreach activities of the College. Suggestion of the afternoon of University Day or a time prior to classes beginning when it will be easier to close offices to allow everyone to participate. The committee recommends duplicating the recent Fernhopper tour. FEC Approval
· First Monday meeting: Debbie Bird and Judy Sitton are working to get this implemented again; supervisors are encouraged to allow their staff to participate in these meetings.
· Pay-Day Coffee – The May “coffee” hosted by Forest Resources was successful, however it was noted that that faculty should also participate in coordination and not rely on staff to assume responsibility.
o Decision: Centralize the responsibility for catering and set- up (Dean’s Office, possibly Outreach Education), the departments and units will act as official host and coordinate advertising and clean-up (1 time per year). No Coffee’s during the summer, or months when we have other college-wide social activities (September and December). WSE will host the next event.
Computing Review, Phil Sollins
The review is in progress. The Internal Review Team is composed of: Darius Adams, Tom Adams, Roger Admiral, Tammy Barr, Lisa Ganio, Kathy Howell, Jim Kiser, Bob Leichti, Scott Reed, Phil Sollins, and Tammy Valentine.
They are in the final stage of a report which documents the current services, administrative structure and funding. They have distributed a survey comparing peer institutions to: NC State, UC Berkeley, U Minn, U Wash, U Georgia, VPI, and Syracuse. A usage survey is being distributed to CoF, PSW and FRESC this week and due June 21.
The internal review team will address objectives 1 and 2;
1) Document FCR’s current administration and business model, services provided, and level of leadership.
2) Evaluate FCR’s current level of efficiency and effectiveness and suggest possible ways to increase this level.
External review team will visit August 13-15. They will address objective 2. The team is composed of Carl Malstron, Asst. Vice Provost for Information Services, NC State University, and James Beach, Asst. Director for Informatics, University of Kansas
Meetings w/ External review team involving FEC (from draft agenda, 6/10):
August 13, dinner - time and location tbd
August 14,10:30-12
Lunch, Scott and Becky
1-2:30 open forums Jack suggests separating the forum for faculty, staff and students
August 15, 9-12 presentation by external team to internal team, FEC invited
Minority Recruiter Position, (Originally presented by Becky, 2/11)
Rich Wininger, Weyerhaueser and Debbie Bird discussed Weyerhaeuser’s desire to recruit Hispanic students into the professional side of forest industry. To be successful, they need to target students as early as middle-school and work with, and be involved with, the local community. It is important the recruiter be bilingual and have connections to the Hispanic community.
Weyerhaeuser proposal is for .5 or 3/5 recruiter to be jointly funded by WeyCo and CoF, likely to be based at Chemeketa Community College. The estimated cost for salary, OPE and supplies is $47,000, OSU would be asked to contribute $23,500. WeyCo would also provide job shadowing opportunities, summer employment and funding, in turn the student would be required to work for the company for a pre-determined number of years after graduation.
Due to the budget unknown, the position could be established at any time, it would not necessarily be tied to the academic calendar.
Debbie suggests the program could be modeled after the successful Inner City
Youth program in Portland.
o Suggestions from FEC:
Steve Hobbs suggests Debbie visit with Beverly Hobbs, who has spent several years working with 4-H programs with the Hispanic community.
There may be grant money available within USDA for this program, which could enable the position to be full-time.
Becky or Debbie will provide details to Steve Tesch and Scott. Steve will discuss with Bo Freeman, Lane County Extension Char, and Scott with John Burt, Marion County Extension Chair
Rich W. and Debbie will meet with Chemeketa and lay groundwork prior to July 8 retreat.
Invite others for half/day-long meeting to discuss development and offer buy-in possibilities. (Chemeketa, Lane and other OSU Colleges (Ag, Engineering, Business), and Extension. Rich is willing to participate
o This topic will be discussed at July 8 retreat and Debbie and Becky will contact Rich with decision by the end of July.
Web Development and Coordination and Coordinator
(from 11/26 FEC meeting summary) Gail Wells, Kathy Howell, Phil Sollins, David Zahler
The new design for the Web page has been completed and Tristan Barr has resigned from the CoF. The FEC gave 6-months support for Tristan to work as Web Content Coordinator and there is no one to place in that position. Joe Brunscheon, student worker, is still on board and will work through the summer as technical resource. Kathy, Gail and David are working with Joe but cannot assume Tristan’s duties for the long-term.
Tom Adams suggests waiting until after the computing review to make a decision. Kathy noted the Web site is not a computing issue; rather a communication issue. Phil asks if FEC can reallocate funding from retirement of staff.
The FEC will discuss at July 8 retreat.
Gail will sent to Scott by June 30:
1) Web Content Coordinator position description with budget
2) Who will assume interim coordination duties and what will the Web Committee do if the Content Coordinator position is not filled.
o What happens in absence of investment
o Reallocate current investment - Redefine someone duties
o Investment of new resources
Phil noted there are three categories of questions referred to Web Server: server questions (technical); linkages; and content update (design and content). The design has been completed with implementation of new page, and content is now important
Discussion Items
Task Assignment from Previous Meetings, Scott Reed
FEC prefers the list to be attached to the agenda instead of the meeting summary
Fernhopper: Concept of Two Committees, Scott Reed
Becky has agreed to assume leadership of strategic planning of Fernhopper. The one or two committee concept will be discussed at the August 5 meeting or when Becky is present.
Decision Items
July 8 Retreat Preparation
· Each Dept is requested to prepare the critical budget for their program to present at retreat.
3 sections of budget preparation:
· Necessary funding (mission critical)
· Obligations
· Discretionary funding
o Need list of outside commitments
Template development – FMC strategic plan was distributed, as a possible template to use with other units, but it may not be possible to easily find similar information on other units.
Roger was asked to break-out the Misc Research Support for partnerships, consultants, travel,etc.
The retreat will focus on fixing 03 budget direction and positioning the college for long-term operational basis. Scott, Roger, Steve Tesch will meet the afternoon of Friday, June 28 to prepare materials for the agenda. Scott will try to meet prior to June 13 with Tom McLain and Tom Adams
Post Tenure Decision for Exemplary Review Outcomes
(per 2/25 FEC summary)
No candidates have been rated Exemplary at this date.
Winter Festival –
Tresa is holding Saturday, January 11 and Friday, January 17 at the Alumni Center. The rental cost will be $810. The MU Ballroom if holding for Saturday, January 11 an Saturday, January 18. No rental charge.
o Continue to hold all dates for the time being.
Organizational chart
The newly revised organizational chart was distributed, FEC are asked to proof for your unit/department and return to Tresa by June 30.
12:10 Adjourn
Tresa Stevens