Heldon / 06.07.16 at 1.30pm
Staff:Dr N R(GP), Dr J R (GP), M R (Project Manager), AS (Practice Manager), LS (Receptionist)
Apologies: Dr S R
Patient Group Representatives:
AW, C M, H P
Apologies: SG, C T, T N


1. / Welcome
Mary welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Charles forproviding home-made goodies.
2. / MinutesoftheLastMeeting
These were agreed and all actions acted upon.
It was noted that the local Boots Pharmacy had appointed a new Manager. Practice staff had already noted improvements and more positive feedback had been received from patients.
Ann asked if future Minutes could have the full names and job titles of those present listed and also that any acronyms be spelled out to enable a better understanding.
Action: Minutes to be updated with the full names and titles of all those at the meeting. Also to check the use of acronyms within the Minutes and ensure that they are written out in full
3. / Care Quality Commission (CQC)Update
Mary updated on the outcome of the surgeries CQC inspection that took place on 16 March 2016. She advised that the surgery had been awarded “Good” in all five categories (Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led). The official document should be published on the CQC website at any moment. Mary thanked the group for making themselves available to attend the inspection, including talking to CQC staff.
Action: The PPG to be sent the CQC report when published
4. / Patient Representative Group (PRG) Summit – Greenwich
Ann and Hemanti updated the group on their attendance at thePRG Summit at Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). The aim on the summit was to discuss ways of how the PPGs can be more effective and offer real benefits to practices. There was a varied discussion on the relevance and outcome of this group and the issues being discussed. It was the group’s second meeting and perhaps early days as their purpose was still rather unclear. Hemanti advised that she would no longer be attending the group as she had not been made to feel welcome and at times felt that she was being ignored.
Action: Ann to continue to provide feedback to the surgery on activity and progress of the group
5. / Welcome & Update from Dr Jan Ratnarajan
Dr Raj introduced his son Jan to the group and Jan provided everyone with some background to his training including his qualifications and some history about his six years in general practice. The group agreed that it was important to have a fresh pair of eyes and a young mind within the practice.
6. / Surgery update
(a)Staffing update
Ahila reported that the surgery had employed two new members of staff. A Practice Nurse called Joanna Buckley and a Receptionist called Jennifer Codd. It was agreed that one of the new staff members should be invited to attend the next PPG Meeting
Action: Invite one of the new members of staff to attend the next PPG
(b)Appointments and Did Not Attends (DNAs)
The availability of appointments at the surgery continued to be good and much butter that other nearby practices. However, there was still a large amount of DNAs being noted, both for surgery appointments and hospital appointments. There was a great deal of frustration felt by all concerned about how best to make improvements in this area. There was also a discussion about those patients who attended the surgery but came extremely late for their appointments and still expected to be fitted in. It was agreed to use the website and notice boards within each surgery to provide some guidance on how these issues are handled by the surgery to update patients and ensure that we are meeting their expectations.
Action: Ahila to provide some information and place laminated note on the practice notice board and practice website.
(c)Iplato – Friends and Family Test (FFT) data
Mary reported on the positive feedback being received via the Friends and Family Data. It was agreed that this needed more investigating to see if more information was available on the demographics of those responding to the survey. Ahila agreed to investigate
Action: Ahila to investigate with Iplato if there can be a fuller breakdown of demographics
(d)2016/17 Action Plan
There was good discussion about areas for improvement within the practice and the following were agreed as requiring action for 2016.
1. Provide coat hooks in all patient toilets so that walking sticks or handbags etc., can be kept off the toilet floor – Timing: As soon as possible
2. Provide notices regardingthe amount of DNAs and guidance for patients about what happens when they are late for their appointment. Timing: As soon as possible
3. Provide and publish (hard copy/laminate and website) a useful set of Surgery FAQs and make them available for patients on the standards expected of patients who attend Blackheathsurgery – Timing: Provide for the next PPG in order to gain PPG participants approval
4. Continue to recruit (either by email or in person) new younger members to the PPG
Timing: Update on progress at the next PPG meeting in three months
Action: All staff to ensure that the above action are scheduled and completed
7. / Any other business
There was none
8. / Dateofnextmeeting
Tuesday 11 October at 1.30pm (To be agreed)