Wednesday, August 16th, 2017 @ 8:00 A.M.
City Hall Conference Room
1.)The meeting was called to order by Chairman Werner @ 8:01 a.m.
2.)Roll Call: Don Denor, Tom Sasse, Orlando Sohrweide, Jeff Werner
Also Present: Director of Forestry John Bostedt
3.)Denor motioned approval of Agenda as presented; Sohrweide called second. (4 Ayes)
4.)Approval of meeting minutes from 7/19/2017 issued from Sasse with a second ofSohrweide. (4 Ayes)
5.)Public Input: Several phone calls from concerned citizens have been investigated: Resulted in only 1 tree concern on a terrace which needs to come down as the others were not of issue. Among other concerns were if the trees in question were of City or citizen responsibility. Sohrweide drew attention to a struggling tree by the BondCenter. The Committee also noted some fall seasonal change in process: a sign of stress says Sasse. 2018 American Landmarks Calendars were distributed by the Park, Rec., and Forestry Department.
- The Northeastern WI Forest Health Update WI DNR Newsletter remains in anticipation by the Committee due to technology glitches again. The amount of coverage it holds determined that e-mail remains the best way to distribute its findings. The Committee awaits a technology fix.
- On a drive through the Milwaukee area, Denor shared a viewing of multiple dead ash trees in the northern region.
7.)Discussion/possible recommendation/update on the following:
a) Fall/spring planting suggestions—Director Bostedt shared the intent: the roundabouts; a City Park flowering crab memorial tree; 1 tree on Cross St.; and a needfor 4 trees as identified by Superintendent Wusterbarth, finally a replacement to the 2 trees in front of the Governor’s Mansion which did not thrive due to the owners alternate care landscaping choice: $150 per tree. Due to WI wet summer this year, we have hopes of a September planting. In the future there will be discussion of the white lilac on Main.
b) Talk about tour of plantings on 7/19, 2017 led to group consensus to it becoming a July annual event.
c) Possible grants for Forestry--
- The Urban Forestry Grant via Tracey Salisbury/DNR has an established due date in October. Applications should be out at the end of the month. Our Tree Inventory is the issue here.
- The ATC Grant should be coming in the mail soon.
8.)Next meeting date/time: Wednesday, September 6, 2017 @ 8 a.m.
(Members bring TreeCity Growth Award Packet information)
Agenda items: Spring Plantings
Review of accomplishments
TreeCity Awards
9.) Denor motioned for adjournment @8:20 a.m. with a voiced second of Sasse. (M/C)
Minutes submitted by
Susan K. Seidl