Forest Kidz After School Club
Dear Parent/Carer, 17th May 2016
During the last half term Havannah will be offering a weekly Forest Kidz after school club. This will be an active group for children in year groups 1-6 where children will ‘learn though nature’. This will be a 5 week introduction to Forest School activities where children will have opportunities to learn key skills in bush craft, den building, safe fire lighting, campfire cooking, tool use and safety, mini-beasts, building bug hotels, woodland games and natural art. Forest kidz will run from 3:15-4:45pm on the following Mondays: June 13th, 20th, 27th and July 4th, 11th. The club will cost £4 per week making the 5 week course £20.
Forest School is an exciting way for all children to experience outdoor education in a natural environment. Activities are planned to provide children with new skills, in a fun and enjoyable interactive way. Forest School sessions also provide opportunities for child led learning and children are encouraged to develop their Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills, following children’s own interests as the weeks progress. The forest school Leaders will support children along this exciting journey whilst teaching them key aspects of safety as they learn outdoors.
Forest School will run in all weather, unless we have assessed and found the risk too great to attend; this would normally be stormy weather such as: in high winds, during thunder storms, or during periods of extreme cold/heat. We will use the BBC weather online forecast to make judgments about the expected conditions and let you know if a session is to be postponed. This happens very rarely, but if it does this session will be refunded.
To make the most of this experience it is essential that everyone is properly dressed so that the children are kept as warm/cool and dry as possible. Children will need to wear old clothes that consist of: a long sleeve top, long trousers / leggings and wellies or strong shoes. In wet weather children will need a waterproof coat. This is to keep their body covered and dry to reduce the likelihood of cuts and scrapes when handling natural materials and moving around where there are trees, plants, branches, sticks and brash. As this club will run during the summer term they will also need a sunhat and sun cream to protect them from the sun. Fingers crossed we have a lovely weather!
We work on the principle that “there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing”.
We would not want to be in a situation where a child misses out on being able to join in Forest School through not having the right clothing or footwear. We are here to help you, so please contact the school office if you need to discuss items of clothing.
If you would like any further information about Forest Kidz please contact the office or telephone me on the number overleaf. I have been a primary school teacher for 16 years and also a Forest School Leader. I look forward to running this after school club at Havannah where my primary aim is to have fun whilst learning outdoors!
Places are limited so please complete the form attached and return ASAP along with full payment. You can pay by cash or cheque. If paying by cheque, please make it payable to Rebecca Nash
Kind regards
Rebecca Nash
· BE’d Honours Primary Education
· Level 3 Forest School Practitioner
· Paediatric First Aid Outdoors
· BTec National Diploma in Childhood Studies