NSS Course Overview MPM 1D3 • Page XXX
Northern Secondary School
Course Overview
Principles of Mathematics, Grade 9: Enriched
Note 1: All Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum documents with full course content information can be located at http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/secondary/subjects.html
Note 2: Detailed information on Ministry of Education assessment, evaluation, and reporting policy is provided in The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: Program Planning and Assessment, 2000, located at http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/secondary/progplan912curr.pdf
1. Course Details
Course Description:
This course enables students to develop an understanding of mathematical concepts related to algebra, analytic geometry, and measurement and geometry through investigation, the effective use of technology, and abstract reasoning. Students will investigate relationships, which they will then generalize as equations of lines, and will determine the connections between different
representations of a linear relation. They will also explore relationships that emerge from the measurement of three-dimensional figures and two-dimensional shapes. Students will reason mathematically and communicate their thinking as they solve multi-step problems.
Specific Curriculum Expectations:
Please refer to Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum document for details of Overall and Specific Expectations, found at
Textbook(s) and resource materials that are essential to the course:
§ students must bring paper, pencil, eraser, ruler and scientific calculator to all classes;
§ Principles of Mathematics 9 by McGraw-Hill Ryerson
2. Learning Skills
Learning Skills are skills and habits are essential to success in school and in the workplace. The Learning Skills evaluated are: Responsibility, Organization, Individual Work, Collaboration, Initiative, and Self Regulation. Teachers report achievement on the six Learning Skills using letter symbols: E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, N = Needs Improvement.
Learning Skills clearly affect levels of achievement, but they are not part of the evaluation of achievement.
3. Achievement Chart
The achievement chart provides a standard, province-wide method for teachers to use in assessing and evaluating their students’ achievement. Students are evaluated according to the major categories or strands in each course. Ministry curriculum documents provide detailed description of student achievement levels.
In this course, students are evaluated in four strands, according to the weightings shown:
Knowledge/Understanding / Thinking/Inquiry / Communication / Application35% / 15% / 15% / 35%
4. Assessment and Evaluation of Student Achievement
The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. Assessment is the process of gathering information from assignments, demonstrations, projects, performances, and tests that accurately reflects how well a student is achieving the curriculum expectations in a course. As part of assessment, teachers provide students with feedback that guides their efforts towards improvement. Evaluation refers to the process of judging the quality of student work on the basis of established criteria, and assigning a value to represent that quality. In Ontario secondary schools, the value assigned will be in the form of a percentage grade.
In this course, the following evaluation strategies will be used:
70% Course Work / Tests/Quizzes/Assignments/Cumulative Test10% EQAO / EQAO
20% Culminating Activities / Multiple Choice and Open Response In-Class Evaluation
5. 70% Mark on Course Work
Students need to demonstrate achievement of all the overall expectations of the course. 70% of the final mark in the course will be based on work done prior to the culminating activities. This work will include assignments, quizzes, unit tests, and a cumulative test in December or January. Evaluations that are late, missing, and/or incomplete will affect a student’s 70% grade. See the missed assignment/quiz/test policy below.
6. 30% Grade Based on Course Culminating Activities
All students must take part in the culminating activities for each course at every grade and level of study. The steps to follow when a student is absent from one or more culminating activities is included in the NSS evaluation policy as printed in the Student Agenda Book. Culminating activities that occur in class are held within the last six weeks of classes. Culminating activities that are formal examinations occur within the June exam period.
7. Determining Marks for the Provincial Reports
November Report / 100% course workJanuary Report / 80% course work, 20% cumulative test
April Report / 80% course work, 20% cumulative test
June Report / 60% course work, 20% final evaluation, 10% EQAO test, 10% cumulative test
8. Missed assignment/quiz/test policy
Unit tests will be announced at least one week in advance.
It is expected that all students will write all evaluations as a class group.
If a student is unable to write the evaluation with the class because of:
a) previously scheduled appointments;
b) school-sanctioned excursions or sporting events;
c) recognized religious events;
d) a death in the family, or
e) a court date,
then the student must inform their teacher in advance of the evaluation so that alternate arrangements can be made.
Students who are absent on the day of an evaluation due to illness or a family emergency must have their parents phone the school on the day of the evaluation explaining why they are absent. Alternate arrangements will be made for these students to write the evaluation.
*** Doctor’s notes will be required from students who miss more than one evaluation.
If these procedures are not followed, it is possible that a mark of zero will be assigned.
9. Teacher Contact
The math office is in room 132.
Teachers can be reached by phone at 416-393-0284 ext. 20080
Every teacher has an email address:
10. Extra Help
Each teacher offers extra help depending on their individual schedules. They will make their extra help times know to their students.
The NSS Mathematics Department also offers extra help every day at lunch in the Math Homework Club in Room 122.
(no appointments necessary)
Textbook: Principles of Mathematics 9, McGraw-Hill Ryerson
UNIT 1 / Polynomials and Powers (13 periods) / TEXTBOOK EXERCISEIntegers and Fractions Review (no calculator) / Pg. 4,5,102,103
3.2 / Working with Exponents / Pg 114 #1 - 20
3.3 / Exponent Laws (include negative and zero exponents) / Pg 126 #1 - 20
3.4 / Introduction to Polynomials (including substitution) / Pg 134 #1 - 24
3.5 / Collecting Like Terms / Pg 151 #1 – 18
3.6 / Adding and Subtracting Polynomials / Algebra with Pizzazz #22 & #60
Pg 157 #1 - 12
Quiz + Enrichment Activity eg. Contest
3.7 / The Distributive Property (note: constant or single variable only) / Pg 166 #1 - 21
Multiplying Monomials
Powers of Monomials / Algebra with Pizzazz #63
Algebra with Pizzazz #64
More Distributive Property / Worksheet,
Algebra with Pizzazz #68
Dividing Monomials by Monomials (note: positive exponents only)
Enrichment: Factoring / Worksheet
Review / Pg. 174 -177
UNIT 2 / Solving Equations (9 periods) / TEXTBOOK EXERCISE
4.1 / Solve One-Step Equations / Pg 193 #1 – 20
4.2 / Solve Multi-Step Equations / Pg 200 #1 - 21
4.3 / Solve Equations with Fractions / Pg 208 #1-13
Solve Equations with Fractions / Worksheet
4.4 / Working with Formulae / Pg 215 #1 – 19
4.5 / Word Problems / Pg 226#1 – 20
Review / Pg. 230-233
Enrichment Word problems - $$$$, distance ( 1 variable) / Worksheet
UNIT 3 / Linear Relations (9 periods) / TEXTBOOK EXERCISE
Graphing Ordered Pairs (note: including tables of values) / Assignment
2.3 / Using Scatter Plots to Analyse Data (with TI-83) / Pg 64 #1 – 11
2.4 / Trends, Interpolation, Extrapolation (with TI-83) / Pg 73 #1 - 12
2.5 / Linear vs. Non-linear Relations (note: line of best fit, first differences) / Pg 83 #1 – 14
Line of Best Fit with TI-83 (linear regression) / Worksheet
2.6 / Distance-Time Graphs, CBR Demonstration / Pg 91 #1 - 14
Review (with TI-83) / Pg 95 #6 – 13 Pg 98 #7-10
Test (with TI-83)
Cumulative Test (Note: This is a common evaluation in the 2nd week of December)
UNIT 4 / Modelling With Graphs (8-12 periods) / TEXTBOOK EXERCISE5.1 / Direct Variation / Pg 242 #1 – 17
5.2 / Partial Variation / Pg 250 #1 – 14
5.3 / Slope / Pg 259 #1 - 23
5.4 / Slope as a Rate of Change / Pg 268 #1 - 20
5.5 / First Differences / Pg 275 #1 – 10
5.6 / Connecting Slope and First Differences / Pg 284 #1 - 16
Review / Pg. 288-291
UNIT 5 / Analyse Linear Relationships (10-15 periods) / TEXTBOOK EXERCISES
6.1 / Equation of a line in the form y = mx + b / Pg 304 #1 – 16
6.2 / Equation of a line in standard form / Pg 312 #1 – 12
6.3 / Graphing a Line Using Intercepts / Pg 319 #1 - 15
Using GSP to explore parallel and perpendicular lines / Pg 323-325
6.4 / Parallel and Perpendicular Lines / Pg 328 #1 – 14
6.5 / Finding the Equation of a Line (slope/point) / Pg 335 #1 – 11
6.6 / Finding the Equation of a Line (two points) / Pg 342 #1 – 10
6.7 / Solving Linear Systems (graphically) / Pg 348 #1 - 15
Review / Pg 352-355
UNIT 6 / Geometric/Measurement Relationships (13 periods) / TEXTBOOK EXERCISE
7.1 / Relationships in Triangles / Pg 371 #1 - 15
7.2., 7.3 / Angle Relationships in Quadrilaterals and Polygons / Pg 381 #1 – 19
Pg 391 #1 – 21
GSP Applications of Geometric Relationships / Worksheets
Angles in Parallel lines / Worksheets
7.4, 7.5 / Midpoints and Medians in Triangles, Quadrilaterals / Pg 398 #1 – 16
Pg 405 #1 - 17
Quiz, Enrichment Activity
8.1 / Pythagorean Theorem / Pg 423 #1 – 13
8.2 / Perimeter and Area of Composite Figures / Pg 432 #1 – 18
8.3 / Surface Area and Volume of Prisms and Pyramids / Pg 441 #1 – 18
8.4, 8.5 / Surface Area and Volume of Cones / Pg 447 #1 – 11
Pg 454 #1 – 17
8.6, 8.7 / Surface Area and Volume of Spheres / Pg 459 #1 – 12
Pg 465 #1 – 16
Review / Pg 408-411, Pg 470-473
Test (EQAO Formula sheet provided)
UNIT 7 / Optimizing Measurements (7 periods) / TEXTBOOK EXERCISE
9.2 / Perimeter and Area Relationships of a Rectangle / Pg 487 #1 – 18
9.3 / Minimize the Surface Area of a Square-Based Prism / Pg 495 #1 - 15
9.4 / Maximize the Volume of a Square-Based Prism / Pg 501 #1 – 11
9.5 / Maximize the Volume of a Cylinder / Pg 508 #1 – 10
9.6 / Minimize the Surface Area of a Cylinder / Pg 513 #1 - 16
Review / Pg 516-519
Test (EQAO Formula sheet provided)
Note: Contest questions and enrichment questions are included in textbook exercises. However, students should
practice writing full contests at regular intervals and be encouraged to write CNML contest.