Codes Administration Newsletter

November 15, 2005 913-631-2500, Extension #290


The City of Shawnee City Councilapproved a change to the fees charged for Temporary Certificates of Occupancy. Effective November 28, 2005 the following fee structure will apply:

  • $30.00 for the first 30 day period,
  • $30.00 more for any additional period over 30 days, up to a total of 120 days,
  • $250.00 more for any additional period, over 120 days, up to a total of 180 days,
  • $250.00 more for any additional 30 day period. Note:The Building Official is authorized to refuse issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for a total time period of more than 180 days, and to extend a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for more than 180 days,only under extraordinary circumstances.


The City of Shawnee has adopted an ordinance that requires building permit holders to obtain a satisfactory final inspection prior to the expiration of the permit. A permit expires if no inspection is obtained on the permit work within any 6-month period.

The Codes Administration division has recently started a new computer based tracking system for inactive permits. A notification, approximately one month prior to expiration, is sent out to permit holders, if they have a current fax number, e-mail address, or mailing address on record with our division. The notification advises the permit holder that no inspection has been done in the last 5 months, and the permit will expire if no inspection is obtained within any 6-month period.

If your work is progressing at a relaxed pace, and your project has not reached the point that a required inspection is needed, call our office for a “Progress” inspection before the 6 month period without an inspection occurs. Our inspector will review the project to ensure that no work has been covered without the required satisfactory inspection, that work is still underway, and that no problems or hazards exist on the construction site (such as tall weeds, lack of erosion control, or public nuisances). This inspection resets the clock, and allows the permit to remain open for an additional six months.

If you have obtained a temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) for a new structure, all work must be completed, and a satisfactory final inspection obtained, prior to expiration of the TCO.

Permit projects that are partially completed, but will not be finished, (such as a basement finish that is roughed in, but unable to be completed due to a change in finances), should obtain the final inspection to close out the incomplete work. The inspector will document the work completed to date, identify code violations, or unsafe conditions, that require correction, and after correction, issue a satisfactory final inspection to close the permit.


The City of Shawnee adopted amendments to the 2003 IRC and the 2003 IBC that require enhanced security features in new residential construction. These amendments are identical to amendments that were adopted by the cities of Overland Park and Lenexa. These requirements are intended to make dwellings resistant to unlawful entry.

The “Security Code” contains requirements for building stronger rough openings for exterior doors, with blocking required in the three adjacent stud spaces. Exterior door hardware, such as strike plates, locks and hinge screws, are required to be upgraded to provide more break-in resistance. Front and rear exterior lights are required to be provided, and protected from easy access. There are other similar requirements.

The complete text of the ordinance is available at

Printed versions are available free at our office. Please contact Steve Thompson at 913- 631-2500, Ext. # 290, or at , if you have any questions, or would like additional information.


City Hall will be closed on the following 2005 holidays: Thanksgiving, Thursday 11/24/05 and Friday 11/25/05, and Christmas Day, Monday, 12/26/05.

City Hall will be closed on the following 2006 holidays: New Years Day, Monday 1/2/05 - Martin Luther King Day, Monday 1/16/05 - President’s Day, Monday 2/20/06 – Memorial Day, Monday, 5/29/06 - 4th of July, Tuesday 7/4/06 - Labor Day, Monday, 9/4/06 – Veteran’s Day, Friday, 11/10/06 -Thanksgiving, Thursday 11/23/06 and Friday 11/24/06, and Christmas Day, Monday, 12/25/05.