Forensic Serology
Using Blood in Forensics
Test for
Analyze bloodstains
Livor mortis-
Karl Landsteiner
In 1901 he discovered that all humans
He discovered
This saved millions of lives by
Other researchers were able to discover the Rh factor because of his research
29 years later, they gave Karl a Nobel Prize
Serology is the ______. A forensic serologist may analyze a variety of body fluids including saliva, semen, urine, and blood. From 1950 to the late 1980’s, forensic serology was a most important part of lab procedures. With the development of DNA techniques, more time, money, and significance was placed in developing DNA labs. However, with limited funds and the time required for DNA testing, most labs still use many of the basic serology testing procedures.
Blood and Forensics
So forensic scientists used this tool to link blood from a crime scene to an individual
Role of blood in the human body
1. Blood is …
2. Transportation
3. Regulation
4. Protection
What is Blood? ______:
Platelets ( )
Characteristics of Red Blood Cells
Red blood cells (______) are
Red blood cells
In addition to
There are at least
Role of RBCs
–O2 + hemoglobin = bright red blood
–CO2 + hemoglobin = dark red blood
RBCs are destroyed after about 120 days
Summary of Functions of WBCs
Blood Platelets
Blood platelets are
Blood Clotting
The blood clots when …
Blood Clotting and Forensics
The clotting process begins
How long ago did the victim begin bleeding?
–A few minutes:
–Less than an hour:
–Several hours:
A blood hematocrit is
Blood Plasma
Plasma is
Plasma is mostly water, with a mixture of…
Buffy Coat?
ABO Blood Group
Antigens are on …
Adverse transfusion reactions are avoided by …
–Adverse reactions are due to …
Blood Groups and TransfusionsAntigens and Antibodies
Agglutination is
Rh Blood Group
The Rh factor
If the Rh factor surface protein is present,
There are no corresponding antibodies in the plasma unless a person with Rh-negative blood is transfused with
Blood Groups
Type / Anitgen / Antigen / Can receive from / Can donate toA / A / B / A, O / A, AB
B / B / A / B, O / B, AB
AB / A and B / NONE / A, B, O / AB
O / NONE / A and B / O / A, B, O
Population Distribution of Blood Types in the U.S. :
Genetic Blood Typing (Genotypes)
MotherFather / A / B / O
Transmission of our traits
Allele Combinations / Blood Type(phenotype)
Paternity Testing
If a man and child share the HLA markers, …
The Haptoglobin marker +
Since foreign substances in blood are identified and then isolated by the immune system, it should be able to detect the presence of drugs and other chemicals.
This hypothesis is ______. The immune system only...
We can fool the immune system
The drug can be
This drug-protein combo can be
The animal’s immune system will
We can isolate
And use these antibodies to
Now how does a criminalist use these antibodies?
To detect drug presence in blood, urine, etc.
EMIT stands for
EMIT is most often used
One of the primary THC metabolites is
Questions for a Criminalist:
Is it blood?Is it human blood?If it is human, can it be linked to a suspect / victim and how closely?
The Kastle-Meyer Test to ID Blood (tests for hemoglobin)
Phenolphthalein = colorless
Blood+ phenolphthalein +
Certain vegetable matter can
Death By Potato?
Although the Kastle-Meyer test can give a false positive in the presence of certain plant matter, it is unlikely that this plant matter would be present at a crime scene and be mistaken for blood.
Other blood detection tests
Doctors use
Moisten them with distilled water and
(Bayer Hemastix©)
Luminol is a chemical that exhibits ______when mixed with an appropriate oxidizing agent. It is a ______most polar organic solvents.
Usually, a solution of hydrogen peroxide (_____) and …
In the presence of a catalyst such as an iron compound,
What do you see with luminol?
Advantages of using Luminol
Allows one to
Extremely sensitive -
It does not interfere with
Luminol glows even in the presence of
Luminol glows in the presence of
So we know its blood – but is it human?
The Precipitin Test
- They make antibodies
- They are
- The serum is called
- It will cause
Gel Diffusion Test
Antigen (blood) and antibodies…
They are forced to move towards each other. If they bind to each other,
This is a positive for human blood
DNA testing is the
It has made many other tests obsolete.