Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy British Association for Music Therapy

British Association of Art Therapists British Association of Dramatherapists

presents the 31stArts Therapies Forensic Conference

Friday6th June 2014- 9.30am to 4.30pm

Charity Centre, Directory of Social Change, 24 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2DP Conference Room - Tel: 020 72091015 / 07407 732386

Morning presentation: Arts Therapists WLMHT

What’s Evidence got to do with it?

Collecting an evidence base for our work is crucial to the survival of psychotherapy. We will discuss whether research and psychodynamic approaches can coexist and discuss some of the emerging evidence base that supports the “art” of psychotherapy.

Nadia Somers is a Trainee Clinical Psychologist with a background in Developmental Psychopathology. She works clinically and in research. Her research roles include working on a Randomised Controlled Trial of Mentalization Based Therapy for use with Eating Disorders and Borderline Personality Disorder and the National Service Evaluation of Women’s Secure Care Pathways.

Afternoon presentation:

Say What You Say (Eminem):

Managing Verbal Boundaries When Using Rap in Music Therapy,a Qualitative Study

Rap possesses properties enabling its use as a therapeutic intervention however owing to the potentially offensive and volatile material present in certain sub-genres, it remains a musical style that can be challenging to work with. Given its origins as a narrative of social inequalities in urban communities it is frequently the genre of preference of many of the contemporary working-class clients encountered in the forensic field of psychiatry and arguably a genre therapists working in the area should be familiar with in order to facilitate a culturally-appropriate way of working. This study identifies and describes considerations for managing verbal boundaries and the potential contraindication when using Rap in music therapy.

The literature review covers the small number of case studies documenting the use of Rap in music therapy. The method used was an in-depth qualitative interview of 8 music therapy experts from a range of countries and approaches, experienced in the use of Rap as an intervention. A combination of grounded theory and thematic analysis was used to analyse data. The results are placed in context of the literature review and draw upon a number of psychodynamic concepts in order to determine a set of themes that could further inform those music therapists using Rap as a clinical intervention.

The results display the flexibility with which Rap can be used to meet different levels of client need and how therapists' boundary management allows this. The data contributes towards clarifying what informs music therapists when considering how to manage the potentially offensive material that may be introduced into the therapy space when using Rap and when it may contraindicate. The research could serve as a preparatory tool for those therapists new to the genre and its use within therapy.

Helen Short practices at the John Howard Centre (East London NHS Foundation Trust) and Ealing Hospital (West London Mental Health Trust) working with male mentally-disordered offenders and Rampton Hospital (Nottinghamshire HealthcareTrust) working with female and male mentally-disordered offenders. She recently presented her clinical work and research on the use of Rap in music therapy at the European music therapy congress and will present her clinical work at the World Music Therapy Congress in July 2014.

Cost of Conference £50 including lunch and refreshments.

Current Arts Therapies Students: £35.00 (please provide evidence of student status)

Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy British Association for Music Therapy

British Association of Art Therapists British Association of Dramatherapists

Registrationto attend the 31st

Arts Therapies Forensic Conference

To attend the conference, please complete this form and return it to the address below.

The fee is £50.00 and includes lunch and refreshments

Current Arts Therapist Trainees £35.00 (please provide evidence of student status).

If you have any issues to raise on the day, please write to the address below or email:


I would like to attend the 31stArts Therapies Forensic Conference at Charity Centre, Directory of Social

Change, 24 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2DP Conference Room Tel: 020 7209 1015 / 07407 732386 on

Friday 6th June 2014 from 9.30am to 4.30pm and I confirm that I am:

 an Arts Therapist currently working with forensic clients or in a secure setting.

 an Arts Therapist trainee currently on clinical placement in a forensic setting.

 other – please give details.______

Future Conferences:

I am interested in presenting at a future conference: Full presentation Workshop


Please send payment by cheque for £50.00 (£35.00 for current Arts Therapies students (please provide evidence of

student status)) made payable to the ‘Forensic Arts Therapies Advisory Group’ to the address below or by online banking, ensuring you use your name as a reference to: FATAG, Sort code: 30-99-21. Account number: 03701749, sending your booking form by email to .

Special Requirements

Please inform us with your registration of any special requirements, and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Name: ______Date: ______

Email address:______Tel: ______

Job title/Modality:______Organisation: ______

Dietary or other special requirements: ______

 Your email address will be included on the list of delegates which is given to all delegates attending the conference. Please tick this box if you do not wish your email address to be listed.

Please note that we are unable to refund your fee or to transfer your place to another person or another date. A receipt, map, directions and further information will be sent to you when we have processed your booking.

Payment must be made with booking. Receipts will be provided.

F.A.T.A.G. Waverley, Battledown Approach, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL52 6RE

FATAG is a voluntary body of Arts Therapists aiming to provide continuous professional development and support for Arts Therapists who work with forensic clients or in secure settings.