Foreign Policy Unit Assessment Study Guide / Seemueller

Sanford Dole

Minor Keith

William McKinley

Theodore Roosevelt

William Howard Taft

Woodrow Wilson

Franklin Roosevelt

Harry Truman

Lyndon Johnson

Richard Nixon

Ho Chi Minh

Ngo Dinh Diem

Douglas MacArthur

Dwight Eisenhower

Monroe Doctrine

Banana Republics

Yellow Journalism

Debate over the Philippines

Roosevelt Corollary – what was it, reasons for it?

Great White Fleet

Open Door Policy

Big Stick Diplomacy

US intervention in Dominican Republic

US intervention in Columbia/Panama

Dollar Diplomacy

Wilson’s 14 Points

Role of U.S. in WWI

WWI’s effects on Americans and the home front

Sabotage and Sedition Acts of 1918

Cycle of debt that led to crisis in the 1930s

Neutrality Acts, including “Cash and Carry”

Lend-Lease Program

Good Neighbor Policy

Atlantic Charter – stated aims

Events leading up to Pearl Harbor, date (Day, Month and Year)

WWII’s effects on the home front, including internment (numbers, treatment, justification, etc.)

Coral Sea and Midway

Battle of the Bulge

Potsdam Conference

Yalta Conference

Dropping the atomic bombs – Arguments for and against, effects, etc.

VE Day (Month and Year)

VJ Day (Month and Year)

D Day (Day, Month and Year)

United Nations – Initial member nations and structure, U.S. role

Red Scare – reasons for?

German “zones of occupation”

Berlin Airlift

Ethel and Julius Rosenberg

Truman Doctrine (Year) Reasons for, what was the emergency?


Marshall Plan (Year and plan)

Domino Theory


U2 Crisis

Bay of Pigs Invasion

Cuban Missile Crisis

Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)

Know what MacArthur wanted to do in Korea

History of Vietnamese colonization, independence movement


Geneva Conference

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Viet Minh and Viet Cong

Tet Offensive

Ho Chi Minh Trail


For each of the following, know the years, causes, events, and ways in which each event/conflict affected America/Americans and others (including women and minority groups in the U.S.):


Spanish American War

Philippine American War



Cold War

Korean War

Vietnam War, including evolution of U.S. policy

Foreign Policies – Know what they are, when they were employed, and which presidents employed them:



