Freedom of Information Team – Dudley CCG

2nd Floor, Brierley Hill Health and Social Care Centre

Venture Way

Brierley Hill


Response by email

17 May2016

Dear Khalil Rehman

FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 – Dudley CCG - ERP Systems Information- Ref: RFI0412

Thank you for your request received 21 April 2016. You asked for information regardingtheabove.

Your request for information has now been considered. I will answer your queries below:

1.Who is you current provider of Financial Systems support and implementation services? Shared Business Services (SBS)

2.When does the contract expire?We do not hold this information, this is on the SBS contract, you may wish to contact NHS England who hold this contract, you can call their helpdesk on 0303 123 1177.

3.Who should I contact if I wish to supply training on your financials systems?SBS,0113 3071 500

4.Who is you current provider of Procurement Systems support and implementation services?SBS

5.When does the contract expire?On SBS Contract, we do not hold this information, as stated above.

6.Who should I contact if I wish to supply training on your procurement systems? SBS,0113 3071 500

7.Who is you current provider of Human Resources Systems support and implementation services?SBS

8.When does the contract expire?On SBS Contract, we do not hold this information, as stated above.

9.Who should I contact if I wish to supply training on your HRMS systems?SBS

10.What Applications are you running for:

o Finance?Integrated Single Financial Environment (ISFE)

oHR? Electronic Shared Records (ESR)


o Project?N/A


o Manufacturing?N/A

o Sourcing?N/A

o Invoice Scanning Tool? N/A

o Are you using Config Snapshot?N/A

o What BI Tool are you using?ISFE

11.What versions of the above Applications are you running?ISFE

12.When was your last Application upgrade?On SBS Contract, we do not hold this information, as stated above.

13.Are you planning another upgrade in the next 12-18 months?On SBS Contract, we do not hold this information, as stated above.

14.Do you have an Oracle support partner for applications? If so who?On SBS Contract, we do not hold this information, as stated above.

15.What kind of support is included in the contract (functional/technical/etc.?)On SBS Contract, we do not hold this information, as stated above.

16.What is the value of the application support contract?On SBS Contract, we do not hold this information, as stated above.

17.When does it expire?On SBS Contract, we do not hold this information, as stated above.

18.Where do you advertise any Oracle procurement opportunities?On SBS Contract, we do not hold this information, as stated above.

19.Who is responsible for looking after the contract for the Oracle estate? On SBS Contract, we do not hold this information, as stated above.

20.Who is responsible for looking after the licenses for the Oracle estate?On SBS Contract, we do not hold this information, as stated above.

21.How much do you pay annually for Oracle Support & Maintenance?On SBS Contract, we do not hold this information, as stated above.

22.When does this contract renew?On SBS Contract, we do not hold this information, as stated above.

23.Do you work with off-shore partners?On SBS Contract, we do not hold this information, as stated above.

24.Who are your off –shore partners for ERP Systems Implementation and support?On SBS Contract, we do not hold this information, as stated above.

If you have any queries or concerns, or are dissatisfied with the handling of your request please contact the Head of Communications & Public Insight at Dudley CCG, Brierley Hill Health & Social Care Centre, Venture Way, Brierley Hill DY5 1RU. The contact telephone number is 01384 321676 or alternatively .

You can also refer to the Information Commissioner at:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Telephone: 01625 545700

Yours sincerely

Matthew Hartland

Chief Operating & Finance Officer

Chair:Dr David HegartyChief ExecutiveOfficer:Mr Paul Maubach