Version 3.34Upd_334_A.doc

Bug – Tag / Prog-Ref. / Service Ref. / Date of Correction / Type of Change / Severity / Affected Modules / Build / Description
------/ 12.04.17 / ------/ 1 / Version 3.34.A
Fiscal Invoice, handling EAN scan codes / E 8723 / 20.04.17 / Fix / Medium / SVNAVIGx, SVPOS / The fiscal invoice could not handle stored EAN scan codes. If stored and visible in receipt reprint, the resulting fiscal invoice referenced illegal refnos (99999999).
Sending mails via SMTP / E 8722 / 26.04.17 / Change / Medium / SVNAVIGx / 9 / It is now possible to send SMTP mails using encryption (STARTTLS or SSL/TLS). The encryption method is selected via port number.
New statistics elements / E 8731 / 26.04.17 / Fix / High / CONVERT.EXE, SVNAVIGZ / 9 / Some corrections for the additional statistics elements. Main point: Ensuring a proper date within the item
Stock take lists, preliminary difference totals by reason / E 8677 / 03.05.17 / Change / Low / SVNAVIGx, SVENUPD.DAT, PRTMASK.DAT / 13 / Stock differences pre-recorded can now be shown by reason
Inventory sets, display total count / E 8730 / 03.05.17 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx / Manual entry of quantities did not update the total count any more
Overview delta data, field helps / E 8667 / 03.05.17 / Fix / Low / SVENUPD.DAT / Field helps have been added
Goods Request, correction / E 7551 / 05.05.17 / Fix / Medium / SVNAVIGx / 15 / Corrected handling, especially return data from the grid
Named Pipes / E 8742 / 05.05.17 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx, SVPOS, SVTOUCH / 15 / Within the named pipe processing, a race condition could occur where a properly handled message was reported as ‘Error in thread wait’ with error code 10.
The result when using SVSIMSCN: The affected line was transferred twice.
Stock correction list, crash / E 8743, E 8588 / 23.05.17 / Fix / Medium / SVNAVIGZ / 18 / The stock correction list did crash in some environments after implementation of E_8588
Export definitions, field sizes / E 8748 / 29.05.17 / Fix / Low / SVENUPD.DAT / The field sizes within the export definitions had not been adjusted to the new size of 40 characters in several address fields
Product Statistics, edit of analysis groups / E 8750 / 30.05.17 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGZ / 24 / Item analysis groups could not be defined any more within the edit module of product statistics. The field was cleared too often and editable only when not usable.
IBT confirmation, edit SupItemNo / E 8709 / 30.05.17 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx / 24 / Switching the edit screen to display/edit the supplier item number did crash if the scroll area was empty
Receipt reprint, user function / E 8751 / 30.05.17 / Fix / Medium / SVNAVIGx, SVPOS, SVTOUCH / 24 / The user function/service function in receipt reprint was sometimes called for each receipt line instead of once per receipt. This behaviour was environment dependent.
The function is now called only once per receipt.
Item attributes in LB_DATEN, setting ASH reference / E 8749 / 01.06.17 / Change / High / STATBUCH / 26 / Three technical changes have been implemented in order to
  • Set the proper date in table ART_SHST, field ASH_DATUM, protecting against incorrect handling of item updates
  • Using ART_SHST records for the previous day for most transactions with time=00:00:00, thereby avoiding a wrong ‘statistical index’ for snapshots.
  • Forcing a time=00:00:00 for all snapshots and stat index changes

POS manual discounts with zero value / E 8699 / 01.06.17 / Change / Low / SVPOS, SVTOUCH, SVNAVIGx / 26 / If configured via config setting, it is now possible to enter a manual price changes at the POS where all change values, percentage or value, are zero. In this case, the discount reason must be set, along with the config setting [KASSE] RABATT_MANUELL_NULLWERT.
Transfer POS reports, warning on unreported POSes / E 8752 / 02.06.17 / Fix / Low / FILWRITE.EXE / 27 / The information about ‘not reported POSes’ was wrong if the POS report did include a text or information about document counters.
Address prio, 3 digits / E 8641 / 06.06.17 / Change / Low / MASKEN.DAT / 29 / The priority setting for addresses (branch, customer) was changed from 1 to 3 digits. This change of screen masks shows the new field size on screen.
Allocation planning, manual quantity to zero / E 8736 / FI 1780 / 06.06.17 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGZ / 29 / Changing the allocation quantity within the allocation grid in planned allocations did cause a double reduction of the quantity in some cases, effectively ending up with negative allocation quantities sometimes.
Cleanup batch log (DB) / E 8355 / 08.06.17 / Fix / Low / SVCLEAR.EXE / 30 / Due to locking limits, the database protocol for batch executions had problems to clear in Paradox and Absolute databases. These logic has been changed in these cases to clear data in small steps.
Scanner data to delivery notes, especially supplier returns / E 8296 / 08.06.17 / Fix / Medium / SVSCN2DB.EXE, SVNAVIGx / 30 / Corrections within the scan data edit routine, activating/deactivating the execute button.
Correction within SVSCN2DB.EXE to fill the date fields with all available data.
Goods In, using supplier order data with order prices of value zero. / E 8753 / FI 1779 / 08.06.17 / Fix / Medium / SVNAVIGx / 30 / Supplier order prices (buying prices) with a value of zero where treated as ‘not specified’, resulting in a fallback to the item buy price.
This handling has been changed. If the supplier order is created with a zero buying price, a goods in created on this base has also a buy price of zero.
Booking if delivery notes, order and log info / E 8728 / 08.06.17 / Change / Low / LAGBUCH.EXE / 30 / The processing order of delivery notes and confirmations has been changed. Each ‘segment’ is now sorted by ‘book date’ followed by the primary key of the document.
The book date is also included in the log file protocol.
STPS, turn over speed on summary pages / E 8720 / 09.06.17 / Fix / Medium / SLKER.EXE, SLKERENT.EXE / 30 / The turn over speed within STPS and alike lists was sometimes wrong on summary pages, not on the pages showing the highest detail.
4POS, export of ‘Qty & Price’ discounts using supplier, import of scan codes / E 8754 / 09.06.17 / Fix / Medium / F4POSLNK.EXE, F4PIMSRV.EXE / 30 / The export of the supplier number as part of promotions Qty & Price did used a misspelled supplier identifier, so that suppliers where not checked with the 4POS system. In order for this function to work properly, a separate update of 4POS is also necessary, due to a related issue there.
When importing POS data, the import service did not support the scan codes sent by 4POS.
POS, IBT with branch filter / E 6554 / 09.06.17 / Change / Low / SVNAVIGx, SVPOS, SVTOUCH, SVENUPD.DAT / 30 / The POS sales screen supports a config filter now to limit the number of branches for which the POS can create an IBT.
[KASSE] FIL_UML_ERLAUBT=<branch parser info>
4POS, currency and payment type rounding / E 8757 / FI 1789 / 21.06.17 / Fix / Low / F4POSLNK.EXE, F4PIMSRV.EXE / 35 / The rounding method transferred from FuturERS to 4POS is now ‘HALF_UP’ where applicable, not ‘HALF_DOWN’ as before. ‘HALF_UP’ is the rounding method used by FuturERS itself in most cases.
Program start, information displayed on the splash screen / E 8724 / 21.06.17 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx, SVPOS, SVTOUCH / 35 / When changing the splash screen data after loading the license information, the configurations settings and SVEN.INI which contain the first display info are also updated. As a result, the programs will now show the proper license information as quick as possible
DBUPDATE, error message after proper function end / E 8756 / 21.06.17 / Fix / Low / DBUPDATE.EXE / 35 / DBUPDATE.EXE tried to update SVEN.INI and the configuration about the last log file used. When the program tried to change the matching tables after these tables had been modified, the result was an error messages.
In order to avoid that problem, DBUPDATE.EXE does not update the ‘LAST_LOGFILE’ entry in SVEN.INI or configuration any more.
Goods in scanner data, wrong total / E 8693 / 21.06.17 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx / 35 / The total displayed for ‘target’ qty was calculated using wrong values.
POS, searched item to sales screen / E 8760 / 30.06.17 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx, SVPOS, SVTOUCH, SVENUPD.DAT / 38 / If the special transfer setting [KASSE] ITEM_SEARCH_RESULT_AS_EAN is activated, the transfer places a 0-padded EAN-13 code into the entry field.
With proper EAN codes in the system, this was not a problem.
But all scan ‘redirect’ / ‘cut out’ logic was disabled, making it impossible to remove the zero padding and effectively disabling the item transfer to the sales screen.
Print open orders / E 8711 / 30.06.17 / Fix / Low / PRTMASK.DAT / 38 / The header page was sometimes missing from the second page onward if sort by supplier and/or supplier item number was selected
SQL Server connect with program name and workstation name / E 8493 / 17.07.17 / Change / Low / (All), SVENBASE.BPL / 50, - / The connect call to Microsoft’s SQL Server now uses a different function that allow to set a program description an a workstation name. Both are visible in the processes list of the SSMS Activity Monitor.
F4POS, stock deltas for imported IBTs / E 8759 / 18.07.17 / Fix / Medium / F4PIMSRV.EXE / 50 / Import of (POS) IBT’s now creates proper stock delta information immediately.
F4R_HYBR – cleanup of data while running -rex / E 8769 / 18.07.17 / Fix / Low / F4R_HYBR.EXE / 50 / If UUIDs within LB_DATEN had not been created at time of booking, data could end up being exported twice into the staging tables in case of program aborts or server shutdowns. The program can now recover from this situation by doing a -rex run for the affected time range.
STPS, problems calculating and displaying SupItemGroups / E 8734 / 18.07.17 / Fix / High / SVNAVIGZ, SLKER, SLKERENT, SLKERDSP / 50 / Two separate problems did exist due to the change of the stats storage structure:
For one, loading data for STPS usage from STATF* tables did allow for requesting SupItemGroups, even though the data field was removed from the index table.
And secondly, the STPS Display routines did not store the information about SupItemGroups properly into their work files (.KER). The format of the keys was changed to solve the problem, but all data has to be recalculated.
Budget, displaying SupItemGroups / E 8735 / 18.07.17 / Fix / High / SVNAVIGZ, SLBUDGET / 50 / The same load logic problem as with ERS 8734 did apply here.
Additionally, a value of ‘0’ is treated as ‘no value’ within the budget and not displayed. Using ‘0’ as SupItemGroup should be avoided as it may cause problems with proper display within the budget.
Fiscal registration, Austria / E 8770 / 19.07.17 / Fix / High / FISAT.DLL / 52 / The library did one load without proper parameter, causing all available ‘fiscal’ data to load. With an ever increasing amount of data, this did cause increasing processing times per receipt
Budget, SupItemGroups in Secondary Budget / E 8735 / 27.07.17 / No Fix / The data structure for storing the key elements of the secondary budgets was not changed properly with the supplier item group changes of version 3.34. As result, the supplier item group as element in a secondary budget will not work properly and should not be used in version 3.34.
A fix in version 3.34.A is not possible, because this would force a change of the database structure.
From version 3.36 onwards, the supplier item group as secondary budget will work again
POS: (fake) original prices, display of discounts. / E 8635 / 07.08.17 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx, SVPOS, SVTOUCH / 56 / The logic implemented via ‘SPECIAL_ORIG_..’ settings in combination with ‘BPR_RABATT_DRUCK_VERTEUERUNGEN’ die not work anymore
POS: Split of total discounts creates too many discount lines / E 8763 / 07.08.17 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx, SVPOS, SVTOUCH / 56 / Discount on receipt total are split up into values by sales line in the POS. This iteration logic used to achieve a proper distribution across the sales lines even in case of discount restrictions did terminate too early in case of high values, causing additional discount lines with small (cent) values.
POS: Cascaded percentage calculation did not work for total discounts / E 8666 / 07.08.17 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx, SVPOS, SVTOUCH / 56 / The setting ‘PROZ_RABATT_CASCADED=1’ did work only for line discounts, but not for multiple discounts on total. In case of multiple percentage discounts on total, the base value was not reduced anymore.
It works now in all tested cases, including the different settings of ‘RABATT_MODE’.
The behavior for ‘PROZ_RABATT_CASCADED’ being 2 or 3 was also changed, but due to the fact that all percentage discount on total are recalculated into value discounts for these settings, some combinations with multiple total discounts by percentage cannot work.
Host Interface, IBT confirmations including details support / E 8714 / 07.08.17 / Change / Low / SVHOST / 56 / The host interface now supports the import of IBT confirmations including lines and line quantities. The new options is activated by using a new configuration setting, [HOSTINTERFACE] UMLBEST_IMP_FORMAT=0/1.
Address fields, 40 characters / E 8745 / 07.08.17 / Fix / Low / PRTMASK.DAT / 56 / A few print masks/layouts have been fixed to show all 40 possible characters now.
4POS interface, several updates and corrections / E 8700, E 8732, E 8761, E 8767 / 09.08.17 / Fix / High / F4PIMSRV.EXE / 58 / New option for ‘manual prices’ controlled via item attribute
‘Authlocation’ created together with branches
Update of gender from 4POS data
Avoiding negative values in type 16 records of ‘KASSE’
4POS interface, signs on pickup/drop off / E 8789 / 09.08.17 / Fix / High / F4PIMSRV.EXE / 58 / Proper handling of mixed values (opposite signs) in ‘pick up’/’drop off’ transactions.
Speed up of configuration check during update / E 8773 / 09.08.17 / Change / Low / SVENUPD.EXE / 58 / Checking the configuration in case of a high number of branches did take a long time. The check logic was changed now to allow for block reads instead of single record reads.
Deleting serial numbers / E 8679 / 09.08.17 / Change / Medium / SVCLEAR.EXE, SVENUPD.DAT / 58 / Deleting serial number has been changed. The old delete subtask 44 has been removed. There are 3 new subtasks of SVCLEAR.EXE available now:
46 Deleting item serial numbers
47 Deleting serial number with a total of 0.00
48 Deleting serial number that are not yet zero
Implementation of 2 smartphone based payment methods: AliPay and ZipPay. / E 8694, E 8771, E 8792 / 18.07.17, 10.08.17 / New / Low / SVNAVIGx, SVPOS, SVTOUCH, SVCARD.EXE, LAGBUCH.EXE, SVENUPD.DAT, LIBEAY02.DLL, SSLEAY02.DLL / 50,59 / The two payment methods have been implemented. The actual authorisation work via SVCARD but is handled purely in software and does not require a payment terminal. But the normal limits for credit card handling apply: Normally just one cc payment type allowed due to the problems involved when the second or third cc payment fails.
4POS interface, payment type translations / E 8795, (E8767) / 14.08.17 / Change / Medium / F4PIMSRV.EXE, SVENUPD.DAT / 61 / Add on to ERS 8767: It is now configurable whether the service tries to avoid negative payment values or not. The default setting is to avoid negative values as FuturERS does.
4POS interface, handling discounts / E 8793 / 14.08.17 / Fix / High / F4PIMSRV.EXE / 61 / 4POS receipts imported with other line quantities than 1 did have a wrong discount.
The effective sales price was always correct, and all normal bookings within FuturERS as well. The only problem was the direct analysis of specific discounts and discounts by reason.
Inventory list, correction of split up / E 8787 / 16.08.17 / Fix / Medium / SVNAVIGx / 63 / The implementation of ERS 8677 did produce the proper figures for quantities, but the values for the 3 prices where often wrong.
Transfer of pictures, speed up / E 8791 / 16.08.17 / Change / Low / FILWRITE.EXE / 63 / The locking logic has been changed to avoid unnecessary access to the database.
All picture files are now only automatically assigned if they are new and not yet assigned to either addresses or items.
F4R_Hybrid, inverted values for POS sales in some cases / E 8797 / 16.08.17 / Fix / High / F4R_HYBR.EXE / 63 / In cases where the sales have been recorded wrong, using a negative price, this did cause all following records to be exported with inverted signs, being returns instead of sales and vice versa.
This data situation cannot be easily created except by importing.
Host interface, export delivery note / E 8800, E 8556 / 19.08.17 / Fix / Medium / SVHOST.EXE, SVWSHOST.EXE / 66 / Exporting addresses (sub type 3) for delivery notes did not work.
The references for details on exports 26 and 27 was incomplete, possibly causing too many lines to be exported.
Data change logging, Firebird and Microsoft SQL Server / E 8603, E 8794, E 8799, E 8805 / 19.08.17, 22.08.17 / New / Medium / SVENUPD.EXE, DBUPDATE.EXE, SVENUPD.DAT, SVENTOOL.EXE / 66,67 / Logging of record inserts and deletes, as well as changing of specific data fields, has been implemented for selectable tables and field, with a few tables and fields predefined.
This is just a logging at DB level without any visibility with the FuturERS programs.
The only Program that currently shows this information is SVENTOOL/SVENEDIT.
4POS interface, pickup/drop off for ‘refund’ payment types / E 8804 / 22.08.17 / Fix / High / F4PIMSRV.EXE / 67 / Pickup/Drop off messages from Futura 4POS where handled incorrectly for refund payment types – effectively importing the reverse action.
Croatia, branch registration for FINA / E 8713 / 30.08.17 / Fix / Low / FISHR.DLL / 73 / The registration of branch data has to be done via browser/internet since July 2017.
Consequently the web service for registration was switched off and the call has now been removed from the program code.
Using the old DLL is still possible, the only effect is an error message in the log files whenever branch data changes
Document counter, display data without locking / E 8701 / 30.08.17 / Change / Medium / SVNAVIGx, MASKEN.DAT / 73 / The edit logic of document counts has been changed, now displaying data first without locking. If a change of data is required, the lock has to be done manually as in the base system modules.
Branch evaluation, calculation changed to match POS stats as close as possible / E 6293 / 30.08.17 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx / 73 / The calculation for branch evaluation/branch development was changed to match the POS statistics.
U.S. Tax, Avalara interface / E 8806 / 01.09.17 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx, SVPOS, SVTOUCH / 75 / Adaption of the existing interface to the latest COM object DLLs available from Avalara. These DLLs, Version 14.2, do not process anything local anymore but forward the request always to the cloud service.
Future version of the interface will work without the DLLs, accessing the cloud service directly.
Hybrid, IBTs with different price lines / E 8807 / 04.09.17 / Fix / Medium / F4R_HYBR.EXE / 75 / IBTs between branches with different sales price lines did use the same sales price value for both branches, resulting in wrong sales price values on the receivers side.