venerdì 01 febbraio 2013 08 Ore 14.30 – 16.3
13 e 14 novembre 2013
alle 14,30
aula tesi U5 2° piano
13 Novembre ore 14,30 Prof. Graham Erickson (Pacific University, College of Optometry)
Visual Performance Evaluation for Athletes
Abstract: A detailed description is presented of the visual performance skills commonly assessed in athletes. Rationale for the testing and performance results of athletes is presented. Considerations for refractive prescribing in athletes is highlighted with emphasis on eyewear and contact lens recommendations. Strategies for incorporating visual performance evaluation into optometric practice is discussed.
13 Novembre ore 16,30 Prof. Scott Cooper (Pacific University, College of Optometry)
An Optometric View of Stereoscopic 3D Vision: Symptoms to Solutions
Abstract: An overview of basic concepts behind stereoscopic 3D imagery and perception as well as common variables for image quality, perception, enjoyment or symptoms with S3D viewing is presented. The clinician’s role and S3D vision care considerations are discussed, including a range of potential treatments available to optimize S3D viewing experiences, and variables to consider when troubleshooting S3D viewing difficulties
14 Novembre ore 14,30 Prof. Scott Cooper (Pacific University, College of Optometry)
Motivations and Methods for Nearpoint Prescriptions in Non-Strabismic Pre-Presbyopic Patients
Abstract: A wide range of visual conditions in pre-presbyopic patients may be addressed with near additions or specialized nearpoint prescriptions. This course reviews several motivations for pre-presbyopic nearpoint prescriptions, and presents rationale to prescribe low power adds in certain situations. Following discussion of selected methods to assist near lens power determination, case examples are presented to demonstrate their application.
14 Novembre ore 16,30 Prof. Graham Erickson (Pacific University, College of Optometry)
Current Concepts in the Management of Amblypia
Abstract: An overview of diagnostic variables in amblyopia is presented with factors that assist in determining prognosis. Management options for amblyopia are presented, including lenses, prism, occlusion, vision therapy, and pharmaceuticals. Clinical decision making skills are emphasized with an update on current research results and their implications for clinical practice.
Il seminario è consigliato per gli studenti del III anno. Tutti i docenti interessati sono invitati ad intervenire.
Agli studenti del Corso di Laurea in Ottica e Optometria presenti saranno riconosciute le ore di frequenza per l’acquisizione dei cfu previsti dal Regolamento Didattico nell’ambito delle conoscenze utili all’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro.